Domestic Violence and Financial Literacy - Philosophy
Please review attached document and be sure all expectations are meet. Scholarly sources are a must, and all edits must take place. Please follow the directives outlined on attachment. Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) SCHOOL OF COUNSELING AND HUMAN SERVICES DOCTORAL PROJECT PLAN STATEMENT OF ORIGINAL WORK I understand that Capella University’s Academic Honesty Policy (3.01.01) holds learners accountable for the integrity of work they submit, which includes, but is not limited to, discussion postings, assignments, comprehensive exams, and the Capstone. Learners are expected to understand the policy and know that it is their responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations concerning the proper citation of sources in written work as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. Serious sanctions can result from violations of any type of the Academic Honesty Policy, including dismissal from the university. I attest that this document represents my work. Where I have used the ideas of others, I have paraphrased and given credit according to the guidelines of the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. Where I have used the words of others (i.e., direct quotes), I have followed the guidelines for using direct quotes prescribed by the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. I have read, understood, and abided by Capella University’s Academic Honesty Policy (3.01.01). I further understand that Capella University takes plagiarism seriously; regardless of intention, the result is the same. Signature for Statement of Original Work (MUST COMPLETE) Learner Name Ashley Cook Mentor Name Learner Email [email protected] Mentor Email Learner ID 1367748 Date Capstone Project Plan Process You will use this form to complete your keystone class, obtaining Milestone 1, and obtaining Milestone 2 approval. The goals of this process are: (1) facilitate the planning of the details of your doctoral research project, (2) allow for scientific merit review, and (3) facilitate your progress through the Capstone. You must obtain approval of your Doctoral Project Plan before seeking IRB approval, collecting data, and writing your Capstone manuscript. Approval of your Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) will satisfy the Capstone Milestone 2, indicating that the Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) has passed the scientific merit review part of the IRB process. The scientific merit process is designed to ensure that a proposed research study contains an appropriate level of scientific rigor and merit before ethical review. Rigor is achieved if the study is well-designed and has adequate resources so that participants are not exposed to unnecessary harm. Merit is achieved if the rights and welfare of the human research participants are protected **Obtaining Scientific Merit approval for the Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) does not guarantee you will obtain IRB approval. A detailed ethical review will be conducted during the process of IRB approval. How to Use This Form This Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) form is intended to help you plan the details of your Capstone Project. It provides a space for you to work out all the details of your design. Once you have obtained Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) approval, you should be able to easily expand on the information you have submitted here to complete the deliverable of your proposed Capstone Project and write the Capstone Final Report because these sections follow the outline of the Doctoral Capstone Report. It is recommended that you use this form in a step-by-step way to help you design your study. Expect that you will go through several revisions before obtaining approval of this form. Research planning is an iterative process; each revision often sparking the need for further revisions until everything is aligned. These iterations and revisions are a necessary and customary part of the research process. Do’s and Don’ts · Do use the correct form! · Don’t lock the form. That will stop you from editing and revising the form. · To complete the “Learner Information” and Section 1 first. · Don’t skip items or sections. If an item does not apply to your study, type “NA” in its field. · Don’t delete the descriptions and instructions in each section! · Do read the item descriptions carefully. Items request very specific information. Be sure you understand what is asked. · Do use primary sources to the greatest extent possible as references. Textbooks are NOT acceptable as the only references supporting methodological and design choices. Use textbooks to track down the primary sources. · If you change any design elements after your DPP is approved, you must submit a revised Doctoral Project Plan. A current DPP must be on file before your IRB application is submitted. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Complete the following steps to prepare and submit your DPP for Scientific Merit Review (SMR) approval for your doctoral Capstone Project. · Keystone Learners: Your Keystone Instructor will facilitate the initial process. · Capstone Learners: Your Mentor will facilitate this process. CITI Research Training Mentees must complete the CITI Research training and submit their CITI completion certificate to your Keystone Instructor. CITI Training Module Milestone 1: Topic Approval Complete Section 1 (1.1 and 1.2) of the DPP form for topic approval. There are two ways to achieve Milestone 1: 1. If Section 1 of your DPP meets the rigor for a viable topic, your keystone instructor will submit it for school review. Receiving 80% on the DPP does not mean that it is ready for the topic plan review. a. You will work on all sections of the DPP during the Keystone Course, even if you do not achieve topic approval. This will allow the Keystone Instructor to introduce you to the necessary components of the Doctoral Project Plan. 2. If Section 1 is not submitted for topic approval during the Keystone Course (HMSV8700), your Mentor will submit the topic plan in the Capstone Course – HMSV9971. Milestones 2: Doctoral Project Plan 1. Work with your Capstone Mentor to complete and make any necessary refinements to the DPP form. a. If you did not receive topic approval in the Keystone Course, you will refine sections 1 (1.1 and 1.2) and submit it to your Capstone Mentor. Your Capstone Mentor will submit section 1 for topic approval. After topic approval, you will proceed to step 2. 2. Once you have topic approval (whether in the Keystone or Capstone Course), you will refine and complete sections 2 – 7 in the DPP form. Make sure all sections are aligned with the DHS Programs of Professional Practice and the DHS Doctoral Capstone Handbook. —changes in one section could necessitate changes in another section. 3. After you have a polished version, you should review the DPP criteria with the rubric to ensure you have provided the required information to demonstrate you have met each of the scientific merit criteria. 4. Submit the completed form to your Capstone Mentor. Scientific Merit Review(SMR) The scientific merit reviewer will review each item against a rubric to determine whether you have met each of the criteria. You must meet all the criteria at a level of “Proficient” or greater to obtain reviewer approval. The reviewer will designate your Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) as one of the following: · Approved · Deferred · Not Ready for Review If the Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) is Deferred or Not Ready for Review: · The SMR reviewer will provide feedback on any criteria that you have not met. · You are required to make the necessary revisions and obtain approval for the revisions from your Mentor. · Once you have Mentor approval for your revisions, your Mentor will submit your Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) for a second review. · You will be notified if your Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) has been approved or deferred for revisions. · Up to three attempts to obtain Scientific Merit Review (SMR) approval are allowed. Researchers, Mentors, and Reviewers should make every possible attempt to resolve issues before the Doctoral Project Plan (DPP) is deferred for the third time. If a learner does not pass the scientific merit review on the third attempt, then the case will be referred to the Research Chair and/or Program Chair in your School for review, evaluation, and intervention. · While you await approval of your Doctoral Project Plan (DPP), you should begin working on your Ethics Paper. Your Mentor has a template for you to follow. · Once you have gained approval on your DPP (Milestone 2), you are ready to submit your Ethics Paper and IRB application and supporting documents for review by the IRB Committee. Milestone 3: IRB Approval 1. Once you obtain SMR approval, you will begin and complete an eight to 10-page ethics paper. This paper is a conceptual analysis of ethical principles typically related to all professional Capstone Projects. Your Mentor has a template for you to follow. 2. Once your Mentor has approved your Ethics Paper, you will complete your IRB application through IRBManager and submit any accompanying materials. 3. Consult the Research and Scholarship area within iGuide for IRB forms and detailed process directions. **You are required to obtain scientific merit approval (SMR) before you may receive IRB approval. Obtaining SMR approval does not guarantee that IRB approval will follow. Milestone 4: Pre-Data Collection Call 1. Once you have gained approval from the IRB, you are ready to schedule your Pre-Data Collection Conference Call. You may not proceed to data collection until you have completed this call. 2. Work with your Mentor and Doctoral Committee to set a date for the conference call. 3. Upon successful completion of the Pre-Data Collection Conference Call, your Mentor will mark Milestone 4 complete, and you may proceed with data collection. Learner and Specialization Information (MUST BE COMPLETED) Learners, please insert your answers directly into the expandable boxes that have been provided. Learner Name Ashley Cook Learner Email [email protected] Learner ID Number 1367748 Mentor Name Mentor Email Specialization (check one) |_| Leadership and Organizational Management |X| Program Evaluation and Data Analytics Specialization Chair Name Specialization Chair Email Committee Member #1 Name Committee Member #1 Email Committee Member #2 Name Committee Member #2 Email Capstone Type (check one) |_| Research Paper |X| Professional Product Deliverable (check one) Research Paper |_| Action Research Monograph |_| Program Evaluation Professional Product |X| Service Project |_| Change Management Plan Section 1. Topic Endorsement Comment by Elissa Dawkins: Hi Ashley, Thank you for submitting your topic. Currently, it is DEFERRED. Please see my comments throughout 1.1 and 1.2. Please do not delete my comments and turn on track changes so that I can see the changes that you have made when you resubmit. Thanks! Dr. Dawkins 3/11/2021 Please, use single-spaced, Times Roman 11 pt. throughout the form – the boxes will expand as you input text. 1.1 Capstone Topic (2 paragraphs) Clearly describe the topic of the Capstone Project. This section should include: · FIRST PARAGRAPH: State the topic of the capstone project. The topic statement should include the problem or opportunity for improvement in the project. The concepts of the topic must be clear and focused and well supported in the literature. · Begin this paragraph with, “The topic is…” · SECOND PARAGRAPH: Describe the significance of this topic to Human Services AND the specialization within your program. Include a statement about the practical implications of the project by describing the impact of this Capstone Project on the organization or community of interest. Comment by Elissa Dawkins: The second paragraph of 1.1 does not discuss what is needed as described here. Example - The topic of this capstone project is the effectiveness of a transitional summer program, Helping Others, Inc., on middle school students' chance of success (graduation) in high school. The topic should be correctly formed: · The topic should be appropriate for the specialization. · The topic should use appropriate language for key concepts/phenomena. · The type of action proposed should be specified. · The community of interest/organization/program or community and target population should be named. · The concepts should be appropriately focus · The topic should be supported by at least ten (10) citations. · The topic should be in alignment with current literature and the DHS Programs of Professional Practice. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. The topic of this capstone project is improving The Haven’s ability to assist victims in establishing their independent financial ability. The Haven looks at making the current housing more reasonably priced, building improved, and low moderate-income houses using the existing building materials to help create a community where every person can live in (The Haven ( The Haven is a local non-profit agency that provides emergency temporary shelter and services to victims of family violence and sexual assault. The Haven is dual-programmed and has two emergency facilities: The Battered Women’s Shelter, which serves victims of family violence, and the Rape Crisis Center, which serves victims of sexual assault. Both programs have a 24-hour toll-free crisis line, staffed by trained personnel, that is available to anyone wishing to utilize the emergency facilities or the Outreach Programs (The Haven ( This capstone will explore gender roles domestic violence and economic or financial abuse to serve as the background of the training protocol on financial literacy for domestic violence victims by The Haven. Financial impediments play a major role in restricting the freedoms enjoyed by women who are abused by their intimate partners (Juing et al., 2021). A batterer is empowered by his partner’s financial dependence, and a woman’s autonomy is diminished by her abuser’s financial control. Moreover, financial instability is one of the greatest reasons why, after gaining freedom, a woman who experiences battering has limited choices and may ultimately acquiesce to her partner’s attempts to reconcile (Ortiz-Ospina, & Roser, 2017). Economic instability is a link that binds a woman to her abuser (Carla Moretti 2017). Regardless of the interventions, law enforcement, family, friends, or The Haven, as long as she remains financially dependent upon her abuser, it is exceedingly difficult for a woman who experiences intimate partner violence to stop the batterer’s control. Economic independence can provide freedom from abuse (Bramley, & Fitzpatrick,2018). Most victims experience some type of financial abuse, which reduces their financial literacy. Thus, they will need assistance with maintaining the long-term shelter. Without having many organizations that are willing to take care of the plight the people are facing, the goals of the human services field would not be easily fulfilled (Juing et al., 2021). Human service programs can help victims through the programs that have been put in place along with hotlines that are focused directly on these issues. Housing is among the three most essential life requirements. Haven helps victims who have been financially abused by building a healthy, empowering, and strengthening them by looking into what is the cause of the situation and how they can come up with an idea that can change it (Soibatian, 2017). The Haven has many programs like housing, children support, women support groups, income, and employment service groups. The supporting services try to assist the individuals with materials and supplies that will help the individuals with low income to have daily needs. The victims sometimes are helped by social workers or churches that focus on stabilizing them and creating a budget that will finance the living (Jennifer O & Patrick M, 2011). However, it is projected that over one billion people are today living in insufficient housing conditions in urban areas. “In most cities, there are more than half of the population who lives in informal settlements in what can be described as life and health-threatening” (Ortiz-Ospina & Roser, 2017, p 3). More than 100 million people are homeless globally, and data shows that there are increasing propositions of women and children. The statistics given give a clear picture of the dire need for having quality housing globally. Comment by Amy Lyndon: These need to be last names, not first names. It is indisputable that homelessness continues to be a grand challenge in our country and globally. In addressing the problem of homelessness, our organization has been putting up measures to ensure that we prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place. This includes outreach efforts targeting at-risk people in short-term case management (Moretti, 2017).  References Bramley, G., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2018). Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk? Housing Studies, 33(1), 96-116. Carla Moretti (2017) Social housing mediation: Education path for social workers, European Journal of Social Work, 20(3), 429-440. DOI:  10.1080/13691457.2017.1314934 Dunn, M., Rawson, M., & Rogers, A. (2021). Rural housing: Competition and choice (3rd ed.). Routledge. Gan, X., Zuo, J., Wu, P., Wang, J., Chang, R., & Wen, T. (2017). How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 427-437. Juing, H., Jaime, J., & Lee, S. (2021). Mental health in subsidized housing: Readiness to assist residents with mental health issues In Subsidized Housing From The Perspectives Of Housing Employees. Qualitative Social Work. Kottke, T., Abariotes, A., & Spoonheim, J. B. (2018). Access to affordable housing promotes health and well-being and reduces hospital visits. The Permanente Journal, 22. Muir, K., Moran, M., Michaux, F., Findlay, S., Meltzer, A., Mason, C., & Heaney, R. A. (2017). The opportunities, risks, and possibilities of social impact investment for housing and homelessness. Ng, K., & Neo, Y. (2019). Housing Problems and Social Work Advocacy in a Home-Owning Society. Journal of Social service Research, 46(5), 671-684. Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2017). Homelessness. Our World in Data. Homelessness - Our World in Data Polvere, L., Barness, C., & Lee, E. (2018). Housing needs of grandparent caregivers: grandparent, youth, and professional perspectives. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(5). Jennifer, Patrick. (2011). The Role of Financial Education in Improved Housing. 1.2 Research Problem (2 Paragraphs) Write a brief statement of the problem or need for improvement at the capstone site or program. Clearly describe the gap in current practice, service, process, policy, and/or the identified outcome. Identify the performance gap you wish to close and the potential root causes of the problem. This section should include: · FIRST PARAGRAPH: Write a brief statement that fully describes the problem being addressed. This paragraph introduces the problem that is informing the research and warrants the need for this study. · Begin this paragraph with the statement, “The problem is…” Example: The problem is that Helping Others, Inc’s transitional summer program has not consistently improved high school graduation rates. · SECOND PARAGRAPH: Identify the need for the study. The need should be directly related to the problem presented in the first paragraph. It must identify a gap in current practice, service, process, policy, or programs. It must identify the need for the research and the desired outcome. Example: This study is needed because high school graduation rates are decreasing in the service community where Helping Others Inc. provides its transitional summer program. Decreased graduation rates have negatively affected the unemployment rate in the area. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. The problem is that the victims of domestic violence lack financial literacy and knowledge to retain long-term housing. The human services field increasingly recognizes economic and financial abuse within intimate partner relationships(Shinn, & Khadduri, 2020); for this reason, the human services field has worked continuously to develop financial empowerment programs to empower survivors for their financial future (Sikorska, 2021). The problem is domestic violence and intimate partner violence (IPV) victims struggle with financial independence. In recent years, researchers have come to recognize economic and financial abuse as a unique form of abuse commonly used by IPV perpetrators to gain and maintain control over their victims (Polvere, Barness, & Lee, 2018). Broadly defined, financial abuse includes behavior’s that control a victim’s “ability to acquire, use, and maintain resources thus threatening her economic security and potential for self-sufficiency” (Adams et al., 2008, p. 564) and is frequently a precursor to physical abuse. For example, Adams (2011) reported that 99% of IPV victims experience financial abuse. Similarly, Postmus et al. (2012) reported that 94% of the IPV survivors they surveyed experienced some form of financial abuse. The Haven can provide short-term housing needs to victims for up to three months, but once the short-term shelter ends, victims struggle with maintaining the housing independently (The Haven ( Many victims suffer because their credit scores have been destroyed by their partners or simply because of a lack of knowledge. Partners often destroy victim’s credit by harassing them to use their social security numbers. Victims are not able to retrieve this information of their resources because many of the abusers closely monitor the websites that they will visit. The lack of financial security is brought by a lack of access to safety, so the housing takes the initiative of educating the victims on how to secure their homes. (Robin & Osub,2020). The Haven explores a variety of options through local resources and the needs of the victims (MacKenzie et al., 2020). This helps The Haven address the most affected people and use the available local resources, making access to affordable houses easier (Polvere et al., 2018). The major goal is to ensure that everybody can live in a house that is decent and affordable (Benerjee & Bhattacharya, 2020) In response, this capstone is needed because financial literacy training is needed to help survivors of domestic violence to gain financial independence. Yet a major deficiency in the debate is empirical evidence that the proposed interventions, which seek to empower women, so that they may be less likely to return to an abuser if they are to stay financially independent. This capstone fills the gap by developing training to improve the financial literacy of domestic violence victims. Given the sample domestic violence rate is 185 incidents per 100,000 population annually (Shinn, & Khadduri, 2020), these estimates suggest improving financial literacy can prevent between 6 to 20 domestic violence incidents per 100,000 population from occurring each year. This capstone will show how improving women’s financial literacy can significantly reduce domestic violence. First, financial literacy in the female population is significantly lower compared to the male population – i.e., the gender gap in financial literacy (Fonseca et al., 2012; Hasler & Lusardi, 2017; Lusardi & Mitchell, 2008, 2014). This inequality makes women susceptible to financial abuse by their partners. Therefore, improving financial literacy can help women be aware of and identify financial abuse when it first happens, and stop the cycle of violence. That is conditional on women’s income level, by closing the gap in financial knowledge and preventing financial abuse, financial literacy re-establishes women’s economic independence and bargaining position in the partnership, which in turn reduces domestic violence. References Bramley, G., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2018). Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk?. Housing Studies, 33(1), 96-116. Benerjee, D., & Bhattacharya, P. (2020). The hidden vulnerability of homelessness in the Covid-19 pandemic: Perspectives from India. International Journal Of Social Psychiatry. Bullock, H., Reppond, H., Truong, S., Singh, M. (2020). An intersectional analysis of the feminization of homelessness and mothers’ housing precarity. Journal of Social Issues, 76(4), 835-858. Fowler, P., Hovmand, P., Marcal, K., & Das, S. (2019). Solving homelessness from a complex systems perspective: Insights for prevention responses. Annual Review of Public Health, 40, 465-486. Fonseca, R., Mullen, K. J., Zamarro, G., and Zissimopoulos, J. (2012). What explains the gender gap in financial literacy? the role of household decision-making. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(1), 90–106. Gan, X., Zuo, J., Wu, P., Wang, J., Chang, R., & Wen, T. (2017). How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 427-437. Kottke, T., Abariotes, A., & Spoonheim, J. B. (2018). Access to affordable housing promotes health and well-being and reduces hospital visits. The Permanente Journal, 22. retrieved from: Access to Affordable Housing Promotes Health and Well-Being and Reduces Hospital Visits ( Lima, N., Souza, R., Feitos, P., Moreira, J., Silva, C., & Neto, M. (2020). People experiencing homelessness: Their potential exposure to Covid-19. Psychiatry Research, 288. Mackenzie, O., Trimbur, C., & Vanjani, R. (2020). An isolation hotel for people experiencing homelessness. The New England Journal of Medicine, 383(41). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2022860 Morton, M., Dworsky, A., Matjasko, J., & Curry, S. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of youth homelessness in the United States. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 62(1) Muir, K., Moran, M., Michaux, F., Findlay, S., Meltzer, A., Mason, C., ... & Heaney, R. A. (2017). The opportunities, risks, and possibilities of social impact investment for housing and homelessness. retrieved from: The Opportunities, Risks, and Possibilities of Social Impact Investment for Housing and Homelessness by Kristy Muir, Michael Moran, Fabienne Michaux, Suzanne Findlay, Ariella Meltzer, Chris Mason, Ioana Ramia, Richard A. Heaney:: SSRN Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2017). Homelessness. Our World in Data. Polvere, L., Barness, C., & Lee, E. (2018). Housing needs of grandparent caregivers: grandparent, youth, and professional perspectives. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(5). Sikorska, A. (2021). Housing Law in Poland-From the Cooperative Model to Flat Ownership. Sustainable Housing. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.986444 Shinn, M., & Khadduri, J. (2020). Amid Plenty: Homelessness and What to do About it. Wiley Quests, G., Duggan, A., & Cooper, G. (2016). A Gender Lens on Affordable Housing. Re: gender. Robin, B. & Osub, A. (2020). Ensuring Domestic Violence Survivors’ Safety. domestic-violence-survivors-safety/ Learners Specialization Chair Topic Approval · After completing Section 1, Keystone or Capstone Learners should submit the DPP form to your Keystone Instructor or Capstone Mentor for approval. · Collaborate with your Keystone Instructor or Capstone Mentor until you have approval for Section 1, “Topic Approval.” · After you have received your Mentor’s approval for Section 1, your form will be submitted for SMR review. |X| Approved |_| Deferred |_| Not Ready For Review Reviewer Name: Dr. Elissa Dawkins Reviewer signature: Elissa Dawkins Date: 3/13/2021 Comments: Thank you for submitting your topic plan for review. Your topic is approved. Please review my comments above. In addition, you will need to obtain newer, primary references to support your topic. You will need to include scholarly literature to back up the need for the program evaluation. Schedule some time with a librarian and the writing center to tweak this. Section 2. Rationale for Study 2.1 Capstone Project Problem Background This section should further expound on the research problem and will include a SUMMARY of the review and synthesis of the research literature on the topic. This should include citations from at least 15 Articles but should indicate that you have performed a full review of the literature on the topic. Comment by Amy Lyndon: There are just eight sources cited in this section; it calls for 15. They will check this. Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please add 10 additional sources and make sure they align with financial literarcy and domestic violence. The sources must be scholary. This section should include: · A statement about the body of existing literature on the topic. · A summary of recent research findings on the topic highlights the most relevant findings of the proposed study. · A demonstration of how the proposed research could add to the existing literature on the topic. Be sure to provide appropriate in-text citations and include references in the reference section. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. *This will not be your Capstone Project literature review but an initial foundation. You will continue to add to your literature review throughout your Capstone. Financial literacy means the victims having the ability to understand and use various financial skills effectively (Kottke et al., 2018). Financial literacy will lead to overall financial well-being, it is a lifelong journey of learning and is the foundation of the relationship that the victims will have with their money. One way victims can learn to help themselves obtain a normal life is by using the money given as the funding to help individuals start businesses and show them how to manage (Soibatian, 2017). Financial education provides victims with budgeting skills, the know-how to balance checkbooks, understanding how to prevent identity theft, and understanding the lending activity, and know how to manage their debts. Women are not given enough opportunities and properties that would help them live a comfortable life and support their children (Bramley & Fitzpatrick, 2018). Such programs also help them to get a stable job and can get insurance through them (Kottke et al., 2018). Strong leadership is very important in helping in effectively engaging the public and surmounting barriers that are met while enhancing affordable housing. Strong leadership can motivate and inspire people to reach financial independence. Financial literacy gives people the ability to understand the financial skills that would help them fix their problems. Financial literacy can help people to manage their money and finances effectively and afford their housing. Many people have limited knowledge of investing that leads them to make poor financial decisions. Many people struggle with investing and save due to a lack of financial literacy (Bullock et al., 2020). It requires addressing two very great challenges: defining the problem and creating a very strong and long-lasting solution (Fowler et al., 2019). Leaders are required to articulate and create a compelling vision for the solution to the housing problem. If this is not ensured, the affordable housing efforts may get lost among the competing needs of the community (Mackenzie et al., 2020). Therefore, the leaders have a great role in assuring that their cause receives the attention that it deceives as well as the necessary funding for the program. If a program is sufficiently funded, it would mean that the chances of more people benefiting from the program increase. Women are more affected by gender violence than are men (Bullock et al., 2020). Many female IPV victims are left stranded after domestic violence with nowhere to go, some with limited or no financial literacy to manage their finances. ( Bramley & Fitzpatrick, 2018). Women are more affected by IPV, The female victims of IPV, especially domestic violence. This is the group that needs significant help regarding financial literacy. ( Benerjee, & Bhattacharya, 2020). References Bramley, G., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2018). Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk? Housing Studies, 33(1), 96-116. Benerjee, D., & Bhattacharya, P. (2020). The Hidden Vulnerability Of Homelessness In The Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives From India. International Journal Of Social Psychiatry. Bullock, H., Reppond, H., Truong, S., & Singh, M. (2020). An intersectional analysis of the feminization of homelessness and mothers’ housing precarity. Journal of Social Issues, 76(4), 835-858. Fowler, P., Hovmand, P., Marcal, K., & Das, S. (2019). Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective: Insights for Prevention Responses. Annual Review of Public Health, 40, 465-486. Gan, X., Zuo, J., Wu, P., Wang, J., Chang, R., & Wen, T. (2017). How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 427-437. Kottke, T., Abariotes, A., & Spoonheim, J. B. (2018). Access to affordable housing promotes health and well-being and reduces hospital visits. The Permanente Journal, 22. retrieved from: Access to Affordable Housing Promotes Health and Well-Being and Reduces Hospital Visits ( Lima, N., Souza, R., Feitos, P., Moreira, J., Silva, C., & Neto, M. (2020). People Experiencing Homelessness: Their Potential Exposure To Covid-19. Psychiatry Research, 288. Mackenzie, O., Trimbur, C., & Vanjani, R. (2020). An Isolation Hotel For People Experiencing Homelessness. The New England Journal Of Medicine, 383(41). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2022860 Morton, M., Dworsky, A., Matjasko, J., & Curry, S. (2018). Prevalence And Correlates Of Youth Homelessness In The United States. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 62(1) Muir, K., Moran, M., Michaux, F., Findlay, S., Meltzer, A., Mason, C., ... & Heaney, R. A. (2017). The opportunities, risks, and possibilities of social impact investment for housing and homelessness. retrieved from: The Opportunities, Risks, and Possibilities of Social Impact Investment for Housing and Homelessness by Kristy Muir, Michael Moran, Fabienne Michaux, Suzanne Findlay, Ariella Meltzer, Chris Mason, Ioana Ramia, Richard A. Heaney:: SSRN Oliver, R., Alexander, B., Roe, S., & Wlasny, M. (2019). The economic and social costs of domestic abuse. . Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2017). Homelessness. Our World in Data. Polvere, L., Barness, C., & Lee, E. (2018). Housing needs of grandparent caregivers: grandparent, youth, and professional perspectives. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(5). Shinn, M., & Khadduri, J. (2020). Amid Plenty: Homelessness and What to do About it. Wiley Soibatian, V. (2017). Exploring Ecological Factors Influencing Economic Advocacy for Domestic Violence Survivors. College of Science and Health Theses and Dissertations. 240. . Comment by Amy Lyndon: Dissertations aren’t valid sources, as they’re not peer-reviewed. Can you find another source for this information? Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: This source cannot be used please replace the citation in the paragraph, as well as here. Quests, G., Duggan, A., & Cooper, G. (2016). A Gender Lens on Affordable Housing. Re:gender. 2.2 Need for the Project and Evidence to Make Change Provide a rationale supported by current information regarding the need for this Capstone Project. This section should include: · The results of a needs assessment or an analysis for the project. · A description of issues identified in the workplace, project, or community. · Any relevant population and organizational demographics and statistics related to the proposed Capstone Project. Comment by Amy Lyndon: What are the demographics of the people The Haven serves –and would serve—with this new training protocol? You will need this information for your final report anyway. You will need to get the statistics from The Haven. Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please refere to the website for additional information. The Haven is a battered women’s shelter so they only service women. They have helped women as young as 16 years of age. The haven services women from all ethnic backgrounds. · A description of why the study is important. · A description of whom the study will benefit. Comment by Amy Lyndon: Stay focused on your training and your population. You’re not helping provide housing. You’re helping victims learn how to budget, etc. so they can afford the long-term housing once The Haven meets its 3-month assistance limit. This needs to be spelled out more clearly. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. For financial planning for their clients, The Haven gathers financial information of their clients. They conduct a financial survey to analyze the collected data, the data is summarized based on the goals of the clients. The plan also involves meeting in person to discuss and review the plans to make a recommendation for short and long-term goals achievements. The Haven's financial plans to their clients give the clients options to consider their way forward based on their goals and objectives. The client is helped to stay organized and help them complete the tasks that are in alignment with their goals. This may include helping the victims to escape the abuse and create safer lives for themselves. Comment by Amy Lyndon: You need to cite where you got ths information from, even if it’s personal communication. Most of the women The Haven helps struggle after divorce because they may have been used to stay-at-home mothers and also limited financial literacy After divorce, most women have no savings and are left on their own. Even after divorce, women struggle with legal and financial issues. (Polvere et al., 2018). The research will help The Haven get more information and data to work with improving victims’ ability to maintain their housing, along with other financial benefits. The Haven looks at various options through local resources and the needs of the victims (Mackenzie et al, 2020). This helps Haven address the most affected people and use the available local resources, making the construction of affordable houses easier (Muir et al., 2017). The major goal is to ensure that everybody can live in a house that is decent and affordable (Sikorska, 2021). “The problem requires to be addressed urgently so that communities can have an effective, caring system for providing to the needs of the homeless people” (Gan et al., 2017, p.23). Through proper leadership and the training protocol I look to incorporate, The Haven will be able to help victims obtain affordable houses and ensuring that the problem of homelessness is addressed (Quests, et al., 2016). Housing can be considered to be affordable if it is below 30% of the total income. According to the Housing department and urban development, if a family pays for a how for more than 30%, this becomes a burden to the family. This gives a clear picture of the dire need for having quality housing globally (Ortiz-Ospina, & Roser, 2017). Most importantly, the rapid urbanization necessitates more access to housing as more than half of humanity is now living in the cities (Morton, et al., 2018). It is important examining the ways of enhancing the quality of housing, which means ensuring that everybody is capable of finding a safe, decent, and affordable house within the areas where they work, shop, study, and play (Kottke, et al., 2018) Comment by Amy Lyndon: They’re building housing? 2. Your training doesn’t help them build houses; it will help victims learn how to budget and pay for housing and other expenses by improving their financial literacy. References Bramley, G., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2018). Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk?. Housing Studies, 33(1), 96-116. retrieved from: Full article: Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk? ( Benerjee, D., & Bhattacharya, P. (2020). The Hidden Vulnerability Of Homelessness In The Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives From India. International Journal Of Social Psychiatry. Bullock, H., Reppond, H., Truong, S., Singh, M. (2020). An intersectional analysis of the feminization of homelessness and mothers’ housing precarity. Journal of Social Issues, 76(4), 835-858. Fowler, P., Hovmand, P., Marcal, K., & Das, S. (2019). Solving Homelessness from a Complex Systems Perspective: Insights for Prevention Responses. Annual Review of Public Health, 40, 465-486. Gan, X., Zuo, J., Wu, P., Wang, J., Chang, R., & Wen, T. (2017). How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 427-437. retrieved from: How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study - ScienceDirect Kottke, T., Abariotes, A., & Spoonheim, J. B. (2018). Access to affordable housing promotes health and well-being and reduces hospital visits. The Permanente Journal, 22. retrieved from: Access to Affordable Housing Promotes Health and Well-Being and Reduces Hospital Visits ( Lima, N., Souza, R., Feitos, P., Moreira, J., Silva, C., & Neto, M. (2020). People Experiencing Homelessness: Their Potential Exposure To Covid-19. Psychiatry Research, 288. Mackenzie, O., Trimbur, C., & Vanjani, R. (2020). An Isolation Hotel For People Experiencing Homelessness. The New England Journal Of Medicine, 383(41). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2022860 Morton, M., Dworsky, A., Matjasko, J., & Curry, S. (2018). Prevalence And Correlates Of Youth Homelessness In The United States. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 62(1) Muir, K., Moran, M., Michaux, F., Findlay, S., Meltzer, A., Mason, C., ... & Heaney, R. A. (2017). The opportunities, risks, and possibilities of social impact investment for housing and homelessness. The Opportunities, Risks, and Possibilities of Social Impact Investment for Housing and Homelessness by Kristy Muir, Michael Moran, Fabienne Michaux, Suzanne Findlay, Ariella Meltzer, Chris Mason, Ioana Ramia, Richard A. Heaney:: SSRN Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2017). Homelessness. Our World in Data. retrieved from: Homelessness - Our World in Data Polvere, L., Barness, C., & Lee, E. (2018). Housing needs of grandparent caregivers: grandparent, youth, and professional perspectives. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(5). Sikorska, A. (2021). Housing Law in Poland-From the Cooperative Model to Flat Ownership. Sustainable Housing. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.986444 Shinn, M., & Khadduri, J. (2020). Amid Plenty: Homelessness and What to do About it. Wiley Quests, G., Duggan, A., & Cooper, G. (2016). A Gender Lens on Affordable Housing. Re: gender. 2.3 Theoretical Foundations Briefly describe the primary theoretical framework or model to be used for the study that will serve as the lens through which you will view the research problem and research questions. NOTE: The theoretical foundation should be a theory from your discipline that supports the topic and should reflect on how you understand the topic and constructs in the study. To select the theory of model for the study, review the DHS Programs of Professional Practice. This section should include: · A review or discussion of the theory that will guide the project. · An explanation of how the theory or model defines the variables or constructs of the study. · An explanation of how the theory or model will guide the study. · A list and explanation of any study assumptions. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. Economic empowerment theory will be used in the study and will also serve as a lens through which the research problems and research questions will be viewed. ( Baumol, 1977). This theory will work to achieve the goal of empowering women and especially the victims and the survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault by empowering them with financial literacy and also with affordable housing. the survivors and the victims will be empowered to heal and engage in the community. Financial literacy will enable women to have better lives and to an extent prevent sexual assault. Economic empowerment theory involves promoting women in their social and economic development. This means simply giving power to women (Karaa, 2019), giving financial literacy to women by helping them to manage their finances. Domestic violence victims will have the ability to decide for their own lives and make decisions based on their objectives and their goals. Most domestic violence is because of the traditional marriages where the man has all the power over the woman and men control all the finances in homes (Lee, 2017). In addition, traditional gender roles where women were expected to be just stay-at-home moms and were not mostly involved in the financial decisions. ( Hejase, 2018). Women have been for a long time been denied personal control over their finances. This is one of the main reasons that women struggle after divorce to get affordable houses and manage their finances since they have no experience with finance as compared to men. Economic empowerment to women removes the constraints to lack of opportunities for their development and their confinement to household environments. (Hejase, 2018). Comment by Amy Lyndon: Has this theory changed since 1977? Have other researchers polished it or adapted it? Or has it been unchanged since then? Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please update. The Haven gives financial education to women to help them overcome the homeless problem. Haven gives personal attention to ensure that they have paramount success in their finances. They give investment advice to their clients that are personalized based on their financial goals. The study assumptions of the study are that all women are not financially literate and that men have more financial literacy as compared to women. In society, most of the finances are handled by men. The other assumption is that all women struggle to get affordable houses and manage their finances after divorce. It is assumed that most women are confined to home duties in the household environments. (Lu, 2021). References Baumol, W. J. (1977). Economic theory and operations analysis. Prentice-Hall. Hejase, H. (2018). Review of "Economic empowerment of women in Lebanon". Hoge, G. L., Stylianou, A. M., Postmus, J. L., & Johnson, L. (2019). Domestic violence/intimate partner violence and issues of financial abuse and control: What does financial empowerment look like? The Routledge Handbook on Financial Social Work, 15-25. Huston, S., & Baines, R. (2019). Sustainable management of affordable housing. Greening Affordable Housing, 18-31. Huyugüzel Kişla, G. (2019). Women empowerment in the time of crisis. Women’s Economic Empowerment in Turkey, 28-42. Islahi, A. A. (2020). Economic empowerment of women in Islam. Economic Empowerment of Women in the Islamic World, 21-38. Karaa, İ. E. (2019). Does family democratization explain the financial literacy of women? Women’s Economic Empowerment in Turkey, 91-112. Lee, R. A. (2017). The affordable option: Charlotte Street manufactured housing. The Unsheltered Woman, 277-282. Lu, S. (2021). Financial literacy education program post-financial housing crisis. Research Anthology on Personal Finance and Improving Financial Literacy, 504-517. Sanders, C. K. (2013). Financial capability among survivors of domestic violence. Financial Capability and Asset Development, 84-107. Willison, C. E. (2021). America’s homelessness crisis. Ungoverned and Out of Sight, 1-15. Yamawaki, N., Riley, C., & Gardner, N. (2018). The effects of gender-role traditionality and gender of abuser on attitudes toward intimate partner violence and perceived body size of the victim and abuser. Partner Abuse, 9(3), 230-248. 2.4 Researchers Positionality In this section, you will define your role, position, and how positionality will impact your research study. This section should include: · The title of your role or position in the organization, program, or community in your site. · A description of your job duties at the site. · A description of how your position will impact the research project. · A statement that identifies if you are an insider (work or volunteer with the organization) or outsider, or a collaborator with insiders (no affiliation, but working with stakeholders within the organization). Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. Current position: Non-affiliated community researcher My current position with The Haven is as a non-affiliated community researcher, in hopes of becoming a volunteer for the organization. Volunteers with The Haven help the organization improve the quality of victim’s care and support in their day-to-day operations and assisting victims with immediate needs. Volunteer tasks may include assisting victims with housing needs, literature reviews, completing applications, filing papers, assisting staff with errands, and other miscellaneous things that can be assigned to help the Haven run smoothly. I have no affiliation with The Haven at this time but will be applying with the organization as a human service volunteer in hopes of being able to provide financial literacy training to victims. The training will be another resource that The Haven will be able to provide to all victims that are serviced through the Haven. 2.5 Practical Implications Please describe the specific practical implications of your findings that can be used by the stakeholders. This section should include: · Minimum of (2) paragraphs. Every statement must be supported by the literature · A description of the specific practical implications (who may benefit) from the research that can be used by any or all of the following stakeholders: · the population being studied, · practitioners, clinicians, or medical practitioners, Comment by Amy Lyndon: Expand on these groups, citing appropriately. Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please include. Thhis section should talk about who may benefit from the implications. The practiconers are considered the employees of The Haven; Caseworks, social workers, intake coordinators etc. Victims and Family will benefit because they will be able to manage finances. Talk about financial litereacy here. The wider ommunity would be landlords and and other people within the community who help with housing needs. If victims better understand financial literarcy and how to mangage and budget this is an over win for all of the above. Please make sure this section has at least 7 sources. · community-based service providers or health organizations, · educators, colleges/universities or · the wider community itself. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. REMEMBER NOTE: Be cognizant of the limitations and scope of the proposed research. Do not promise practical implications that are beyond the scope of the research. Victims of domestic violence often make several attempts to leave an abusive partner and are forced to return for economic reasons. ( Shackelford, 2020). Economic self-sufficiency is frequently the difference between violence and safety for many victims. Domestic violence advocates must be prepared to address many of the economic issues that victims face and facilitate opportunities for victims to learn how they can improve their economic situation. Issues such as budgeting, identity theft, banking, predatory lending, violence in the workplace, housing, and credit, all play a role in ending domestic violence (Financial Education, 2021). Recognizing that a lack of financial stability is one of the biggest deterrents for women who are considering leaving an abusive relationship, KDVA formed its Economic Justice Project in the early 2000s. Through a network of member organizations, the Economic Justice Project offers Individual Development Accounts, free tax preparation, financial education, and other asset-building services to survivors of domestic violence (Economic Justice Project, 2021). Comment by Amy Lyndon: What is this? Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please add more information here so the abbreviation can be identified. References: Shackelford, T. K. (2020). The SAGE handbook of domestic violence. SAGE. Economic Justice Project. (2021, August 25). Retrieved from KDVA: Financial Education. (2021, Aug 25). Retrieved from NCADV: Section 3. Research Theory 3.1 Purpose of the Study State the purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to answer the research question or provide practical answers to a problem or weaknesses of the current practice, service, or process, policy. This section should include: · A summary of the intended outcomes of the study. · An identification of who can benefit from this research and how they might benefit. · A statement of the purpose of the study and the need that it addresses. · A statement about the outcomes or findings of the Capstone Project and how they will be sustained. Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Research the purpose of financial literarcy and how it could help prevent victims of domestic violence from returning back to the abuser. Please look at the resource questions and pull it all together. Please include at least 7 sources. 3.2 Research Question(s) List the primary research question and any sub-questions that the proposed study will address. The research question(s) should be correctly formed. This section should include a research question(s) or sub-questions that: · Align with the research problem, the research topic, and the Capstone title. · Identify the intended analysis. · Is phrased in a way that will be answered by the intended methodology and analyses. · Identify the specific variables to be explored, use language consistent with the research design or approach, and identify the population being studied. Qualitative Example: How can DHS caseworkers help the homeless population become self-sufficient? Quantitative Example: How does employee morale in millennial research analysts affect creativity? Use current (within 5-7 years), scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements. Textbooks are not primary resources. Theses and dissertations are not considered peer-reviewed published articles. Use APA style in citing all resources. What parts of financial lieterarcy do domestic violence victims need help with? Can victims benefit from having a better understanding on how to manage finances better? 3.3 Capstone Project Title The Capstone Project Title should be correctly formed: · The title should be aligned with the Research Problem (1.2) and Research Question (2.2), (use the same terminology for all). · The title should reflect the key variables or constructs to be studied. · The title should reflect the method to be employed in the research. · The title should be concise (12 words or less). Financial Literacy: Rebuilding Financially After Domestic Violence Section 4. Research Methodology 4.1 Summary of methodology Briefly describe the Capstone Project research design. This section should include: · A description of the methodology (qualitative or quantitative). · A description of the design (case study, generic qualitative, correlation, etc.). · A description of the type of action research (participatory action, critical action research, action science research, or appreciative inquiry). · A description of what data will be collected (validated instruments, interviews, archival data, organization policies, and procedures, etc.). · A description of data analysis that will be used (thematic analysis, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics). For this research, the information was collected from The Haven staff and the volunteer. A volunteer survey was conducted to gather information from the victims. The research design was a case study of the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The research works at understanding the problem that the victims are facing and finding a better solution that would change for the better. Domestic violence leaves the victims struggling financially and homeless. Havens group gives the victims financial literacy for them to avoid having financial problems that mostly end them ep being homeless due to lack of affordable housing. the data that will be collected will be from The Haven staff and the tools that users will be questionnaires. Thematic analysis method will be used to analyze the collected data. this will involve reading through the data and identifying the pattern across the collected data. Comment by Amy Lyndon: I don’t believe you’ll use surveys, but interviews (and maybe a focus group?) It will be interviews with The Haven staff only. Please update. References Birkhofer, H. (2011). Summary - Specific approaches to further develop design methodology. The Future of Design Methodology, 105-110. 4.2a Quantitative Measures and Instruments List and describe each variable and the data collection instrument or measurement tool you will use to collect these data. These should include standardized questionnaires, demographic data, and surveys, etc. See Appendix A for an example of a completed chart. Only standardized instruments can be used in quantitative studies. Attach a copy of each instrument you plan to use as an appendix to the Capstone research form. Variable Type Variable Name Survey/Questions/ Calculations Variable Level of Measurement Instrument Name Reliability Estimates *Insert more rows as needed 4.2b Qualitative Constructs and Interview Guide List and describe each qualitative construct and the data collection method you will use to collect these data. Include the alignment of the data collection source with the concept. See Appendix B for an example of a completed chart. Attach a copy of the interview guide you plan to use as an appendix to the Research Plan. Data Source Specific Data Source Constructs of Interest Specific Interview Question Interview Interviews with Staff Memebers Financial Literarcy *Insert more rows as needed The interview questions will be open-ended where the participants will be asked to answer the questions in their own words. they will be also asked to raise points that believe to be important. The interviews are semi-structured. References King, N., & Horrocks, C. (2010). Interviews in qualitative research. SAGE. *4.3 Field Tests Only complete if the research study is greater than minimal risk. Field tests must be completed for qualitative interview questions if the study is greater than minimal risk. According to 45 CFR 46.102(i), minimal risk means, "The probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests." If you are unclear about the nature of the study, please consult with the Research Chair or Capella’s IRB. IRB approval is not required before a field test is conducted. The results of the field test should be submitted as part of the IRB application once the DPP is approved. Field test experts should be practitioners in the field that are knowledgeable about the topic. You may use a Capella faculty who has a relevant background. This section should include: · A list of the original interview questions (before the field test). · A rationale for each original interview question that explains how the question will provide answers to the specific research question. · The identification of field test experts (name and credentials). · A description of the suggestions, comments, or recommendations from the field test experts. · A list of the final, updated interview questions. There is no minimal risk. 4.4 Data Analysis Detail the actual data analyses to be conducted to address each research question. For each research question and sub-question provide the following: · A description of the data source. · A description of how raw data will be analyzed (transcription, calculation of scaled variables, etc.). · A description of how data will be managed, processed, and prepared. · The method of qualitative analysis or statistical analysis. · A description of how data will be stored and protected. For this research, the data source will be from the Haven staff which will be conducted through the interviews. the tools used will be the questionnaires. Data from the victims will be collected from the volunteer surveys. The raw data will be analyzed by finding the pattern in the qualitative data. Data will be managed to ensure that data is sharable and accessible. The method of qualitative and statistical analysis used will be hypothesis testing and sample size determination. Comment by Amy Lyndon: This is all too general and focuses too much on metehodology and not analyses. Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: I will be going with inductive analysis here. Please provide more information on this and the process. I will be interviewing staff and will be keeping field notes and a journal that will be transcribed once interviews are completed. References Inductive data analysis. (2005). Geometric Data Analysis, 297-332. 4.5 Sample Size For each data source, describe the sample size, and provide references to support sample size decisions. The sample size of the research will be 10 Haven staff and volunteer surveys to gather victims' information. The 10 participants will represent all staff of The Haven. The sample size is not too small or too big. When the sample zie is too small it may not produce varied results, on the other hand, a large sample size would increase the cost and time taken to conduct the research. Comment by Amy Lyndon: What is it? How do you know? Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please reomove this. References Krejcie, R. V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining sample size for research activities. 4.6 Assumptions Comment by Amy Lyndon: Review this source for more information in Sage Research Methods Database: You can cite this source, even though it’s a book, because it’s a methodology book, not a content textbook. Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Please include 3 paragraphs for each A.B. and C. Theoretical: Theory Topical: topic Methodological Assumptions: please look up episteomological and ontological and refere to the above database for clear guidance. Identify the key (A) theoretical, (B) topical, and (C) methodological assumptions of the Capstone Project. This section should include: A. A description of the theoretical assumptions will include the fundamental constructs of the theoretical foundation that you selected in Section 2.3. B. A description of the topical assumptions will include the assumptions revealed from previous research, the literature on the topic, and assumptions made by researchers in the field. C. A description of the methodological assumptions will include an explanation of the epistemological, ontological, and axiological philosophical assumptions that support the research methodology. 4.7 Limitations Evaluate the weaknesses of the Capstone Project at this time. This section should include: · The areas that need to be improved before starting the Capstone Project. · The areas that cannot be improved. · The reasons for not redesigning to address any of the limitations identified. Section 5 Sample and Design (Approach) 5.1 Sampling and Recruitment For each data source, describe the sampling plan. Describe how you plan to select the sample. Include the steps you will take to recruit participants. This section should include: · A brief description of the data source, the sampling plan, and inclusion and exclusion criteria. · The recruitment strategies (where applicable). Comment by Cook, Ashley - ADCT: Data source: interview sampling plan; Have someone at The Haven send an email to staff Inclusion:must work at the Haven. (Is a criteria) Must interview a minimum of 10 employees A minimum of 1 year in the role. Exclusion: can not be employees in janitorial department, HR office, and business office etc. 5.2 Expected Site Describe the organization or site(s) from which you expect to draw the sample. This section should include: · The name of the agency. Comment by Amy Lyndon: Polish this so it’s several cohesive paragraphs in *your voice* and not their mission statement from their website · The type of agency (profit, non-profit)government). · (The population served.)The agency’s mission and/or human services they provide. The Haven's mission is to empower the survivors of domestic violence and help the individuals heal by addressing sexual assault and domestic violence by intimate partners heal by addressing and preventing sexual assaults and domestic violence. Non-profit organization The Haven is a temporary shelter that assistance to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Mission Statement: It is our goal at The Haven to provide victims with the necessary information, resources, protected head start, and supportive follow-up to transition out of a violent lifestyle and into successful independent living. The Haven aims to provide for the immediate primary needs of family violence and sexual assault clients, including food, clothing, legal advocacy, mental health assistance, and referral for medical care. The Haven interfaces with local, state, and national resources, provides transitional assistance along with the re-education of the victim and family to promote a non-violent lifestyle and educates all aspects of the local community regarding family violence and sexual assault (The Haven, 2021). References The Haven. (2021, August 25). Retrieved from Valdosta Haven: 5.3 Site Permission This section should include: · The name of the authorized individual allowing the use of the organization or site. · A statement of whether the site has an IRB. · The process to obtain permission to access the stakeholders, population, or data source. Lola Rivera Voluntee Coordinator 5.4 Participant Contact How will potential participants first be contacted? How will participants be contacted following the study? Potential program participants will be contracted through the administrative office of HR to complete the survey which may include person-to-person, telephone, email distribution, and/or zoom conferences.  The survey will consist of different scenarios that clients believe will make housing needs more readily accessible to them through the Haven. The survey will also help convey what they believe would be viable services for the Haven to render to victims of Domestic Violence. The Social Workers, Counselors, and board of trustee members will be interviewed face-to-face as stakeholders to help with integration and process collaboration. Potential participants of the study may consist of two categories, professional workers, and program participants. 5.5 Action Plan and Time Frame Describe the steps and time it will take to complete the Capstone Project. Provide a quarter-by-quarter listing of activities from start to finish. Describe the exact procedures that will be needed to carry out this study. This should read like a recipe for conducting the study. Be sure to include all the necessary details so that someone else would be able to follow this to replicate the study. (See Appendix C for an example of a completed chart.) This section should include: · A step-by-step description of exactly how the research will be conducted. Quarter Activity Estimated time frame *Insert more rows as needed 5.6 Action Research Feedback Loop and Dissemination Plan Describe the plan for providing feedback to stakeholders and the dissemination of the Capstone Project findings. This section should include: · The specific type of meeting (focus group, board meeting, community meeting, presentation meeting, etc.). · The specific audience (executive administrators, directors, board members, stakeholders, etc.). · The type of information that will be disseminated (written executive summary, verbal presentation of results, etc.). · The key messages are based on stakeholder feedback. · The timeline for the feedback. 5.7 Action That Will Result from This Project Describe the action sought by the project and how the action plan will be implemented. For example, the development of a task force that will be implemented by the organization with community members. Section 6. Ethics 6.1 Ethical Considerations Describe any ethical considerations given the sample and/or topic. This section should include: · An explanation of how you plan to protect participants during recruitment, data collection, and data analysis. · A description of any ethical concerns related to researcher positionality and how the concerns will be addressed. · A description of any possible coercion and how it will be avoided. The safety of interviewees must be paramount. Participants will be identified with pseudonyms, such as Participant 1, etc. Participation in research should be strictly voluntary. All identities must be confidential, both in the interview process and in the subsequent report. International human rights must be the foundation of the study. Monitors should be impartial, objective, accurate, and patient. If survivors are interviewed, special considerations should be addressed. Privacy and safety must be paramount. Post-interview support services must be available upon request. 6.2 Risk Assessment Describe any risk to the participants and/or the organization. Reference the CITIT course for more information about minimal risk studies. This section should include: · A statement of whether the study is more than minimal risk. · A statement of whether the study collects data from a vulnerable population. · A description of any special steps will be taken to protect participants. This study is no more than minimal risk This study does not collect data from employees that are victims. Other steps taken to protect participants will be to make sure there are no identifiers left on any documents. Section 7. References Comment by Amy Lyndon: Put all your references here. List all references used in proper APA Style. You should include a minimum of 30 for the research plan but will need at least 50 for the Final Capstone Project. First DPP Review |_| Approved |_| Deferred |_| Not Ready For Review Reviewer Name: Reviewer signature: Date: Second DPP Review |_| Approved |_| Deferred |_| Not Ready For Review Reviewer Name: Reviewer signature: Date: Third DPP Review |_| Approved |_| Deferred Reviewer Name: Reviewer signature: Date: APPENDIX A SAMPLE QUANTITATIVE MEASURES CHART Variable Type Variable Name Survey/Questions/ Calculations (see attached survey) Variable Level of Measure-ment Instrument Name Reliability Estimates Demo- graphics Gender Q#1 Nominal N/A Age Q#2 Interval N/A Ethnicity Q#3 Nominal N/A Type of neighborhood Q#4 Nominal N/A Independent Variables Cultural competence Q# 5 through Q# 19 All items on the scale will be summed together 1= Totally unprepared 2= Somewhat unprepared 3= Prepared but need practice 4= Ready to practice 5= Competent *The total number of questions in the cultural competency scale is 14. The range for the scale equals 14 to 70. The higher the number, the higher the level of cultural competency. Ordinal Attitude, Skills, Knowledge (ASK) Cronbach’s alpha in other studies ranged between .91-.95 for social work practitioners APPENDIX B SAMPLE QUALITATIVE DATA CHART Data Source Specific Data Source Constructs of Interest Specific Interview Question Archival Documents Agency Background Information Service statistics including numbers served, types of services provided, client demographics; diagnostic profiles (frequency and distribution); agency budgets, funding sources, the board of directors composition; staff data including licenses represented, years of service, length of employment, attrition rates, gender, racial and ethnic composition. Attitude toward gay men and women and gay affirmative practice. N/A Researcher Observation For the purposes of this case study, research observation will include participant as an observer (researcher spends an extended amount of time in the setting but does not play an actual role) and observer as a participant (researcher interacts, interviews, and questions people within the setting) as the observational approaches. Field notes will document the content of these observations and experiences within the setting and will provide a primary source of reflective data for the case study. Field notes must be detailed and descriptive, containing both the observed data and the researcher’s responses, feelings, and impressions of the setting (Patton, 2002). Attitude toward gay men and women and gay affirmative practice. N/A Individual Interviews Agency personnel Attitude toward gay men and women and gay affirmative practice. Can you describe the overall attitude of the agency toward discussing gay and lesbian issues? (see attached interview) Program Statements/Website Review/Media Review Agency mission statements, agency values/vision statements, diversity statements, client handbooks, brochures, web sites, Facebook, and other social media sites, newspaper clippings, video representations, electronic communications. Attitude toward gay men and women and gay affirmative practice. APPENDIX C SAMPLE TIMELINE CHART Quarter Activity Estimated time frame Q1 2017 Recruit agency supervisors Weeks 1-4 Q1 2017 Conduct face to face interviews with agency supervisors Weeks 1-10 19 Version 6.0 effective April 2020
Economics Nursing Applied Sciences Psychology Science Management Computer Science Human Resource Management Accounting Information Systems English Anatomy Operations Management Sociology Literature Education Business & Finance Marketing Engineering Statistics Biology Political Science Reading History Financial markets Philosophy Mathematics Law Criminal Architecture and Design Government Social Science World history Chemistry Humanities Business Finance Writing Programming Telecommunications Engineering Geography Physics Spanish ach e. Embedded Entrepreneurship f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models g. Social-Founder Identity h. Micros-enterprise Development Outcomes Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada) a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami Calculus (people influence of  others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities  of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these ( American history Pharmacology Ancient history . Also Numerical analysis Environmental science Electrical Engineering Precalculus Physiology Civil Engineering Electronic Engineering ness Horizons Algebra Geology Physical chemistry nt When considering both O lassrooms Civil Probability ions Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years) or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime Chemical Engineering Ecology aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less. INSTRUCTIONS:  To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here: In order to n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.  Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear Mechanical Engineering Organic chemistry Geometry nment Topic You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts) Literature search You will need to perform a literature search for your topic Geophysics you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages). Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in in body of the report Conclusions References (8 References Minimum) *** Words count = 2000 words. *** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style. *** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)" Electromagnetism w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care.  The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management.  Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management. visual representations of information. They can include numbers SSAY ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3 pages): Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner. Topic: Purchasing and Technology You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion. Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will   finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program Vignette Understanding Gender Fluidity Providing Inclusive Quality Care Affirming Clinical Encounters Conclusion References Nurse Practitioner Knowledge Mechanics and word limit is unit as a guide only. The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su Trigonometry Article writing Other 5. June 29 After the components sending to the manufacturing house 1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard.  While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business No matter which type of health care organization With a direct sale During the pandemic Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record 3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015).  Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev 4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate Ethics We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities *DDB is used for the first three years For example The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case 4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972) With covid coming into place In my opinion with Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be · By Day 1 of this week While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013) 5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda Urien The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle From a similar but larger point of view 4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition After viewing the you tube videos on prayer Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages) The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough Data collection Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option.  I would want to find out what she is afraid of.  I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych Identify the type of research used in a chosen study Compose a 1 Optics effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources Be 4 pages in length soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test g One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti 3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family A Health in All Policies approach Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum Chen Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change Read Reflections on Cultural Humility Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident