UC Irvine Week 8 Max Weber Views About Capitalism Discussion - Humanities
Answer 2 questions based on given materials.Please read the given material and emphasize your answer closely following up with the given reading. (dont talk too much about outside source).Instruction see the file: Anthropology week8 diss
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Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at
least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the
1) adequate length (approximately 200 words)
2) clarity and good writing
3) including a specific example
4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use
a proper citation format) - The citation should come from course readings,
films, or outside sources (Prof Douglass lessons dont count).
Example (author, page number)
5) including a question that you are left with.
To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer
the question directly.
You can review a list of the questions posted below.
According to Weber, why did capitalism grow in Europe? What are the
characteristics of modern capitalism? What does Weber mean by “the
spirit of capitalism”? What are the differences between Weber and
Blaut’s main arguments about the rise of capitalism in Europe. Does
Weber’s argument reflect the “European Miracle Myth” discussed in
Blaut? Why or why not?
To answer this question :
1.You should read both the book from Max Weber and James Blaut.(I
uploaded in the file)
2. Answer each question, don’t miss one!
3.Paraphase the idea from Weber and Blaut’s books, then explain.
4. Be sure to leave a question at the end of your answer.
(For example, you can put “ what make the danger and benefit of
Capitalism?”) Everything should based on the reading.
Weber observes that Protestants had greater participation in capitalism.
How does he explain that tendency? (Outline his arguments about
differences between Protestants and Catholics). Write about how time,
money, and ethics are all connected through Protestant beliefs
according to Weber. What is the purpose of an individual’s life
according to Protestantism and capitalism? What do you think
about that viewpoint?
MAX WEBER The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
abbreviations: MWC = modern, western capitalism
Though knowledge and observation of great refinement have existed elsewhere, only in
the West has rationalization in science, law and culture developed to such a great degree.
The modern West absolutely and completely depends for its whole existence, for the
political technical, and economic conditions of its life, on a specially trained organization
of individuals, so that the most important functions of everyday life have come to be in
the hands of technically, commercially and above all legally trained government officials.
Nowhere else does this exist to such a degree as it does in the West.
The most fateful force in modern life is capitalism. The impulse to acquisition has existed
always and everywhere and has in itself nothing to do with capitalism. Capitalism is the
pursuit of profit, and forever renewed profit, by means of continuous, rational, capitalistic
enterprise. This enterprise must be continuous, because in a capitalistic society, anyone
who did not take advantage of opportunities for profit-making would be doomed to
A capitalistic economic action rests on the expectation of profit by the utilization of
opportunities for exchange, on (formally) peaceful chances for profit. Where this is
rationally pursued, calculations in terms of money are made, whether by modern
bookkeeping or more primitive means. Everything is done in terms of balances of money
income and money expenses. Whether the calculations are accurate, or whether the
calculation method is traditional or by guess-work affects only the degree of the
rationality of capitalistic acquisition.
Characteristics of modern Western capitalism: rational industrial organization (that is,
attuned to a regular profit and not to political nor irrational speculative opportunities for
profit); separation of business from the household; rational bookkeeping. Capitalistic
adventurers (in search of booty, whether by war or exploitation) have existed everywhere,
but only in the modern West has developed... the rational capitalistic organization of
(formally) free labor.
The rationality of MWC is dependent on the calculation of technical factors, and so is
dependent on the development in science of the exact and rational experiment. Cism did
not cause this development: but, the continuing development of this type science is
supported by capitalistic interests in practical economic applications.
The peculiar rationalism of Western culture extends to many fields -- science, mystical
contemplation, military training, law and administration. Each of theses fields may be
rationalized in terms of very different ultimate values and ends, and what is rational from
one point of view may well be irrational from another. The development of economic
rationalism is partly dependent on rational technique and law, but it also requires people
to have a favorable disposition toward adopting certain types of practical rational
In this book, we will treat ONLY ONE SIDE OF THE CAUSAL CHAIN, the connection
of the spirit of modern economic life with the rational ethics of ascetic Protestantism.
Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification
Catholics show a stronger propensity to remain in their crafts, and become master
craftsmen, while Protestants are attracted to a larger extent to the upper ranks of skilled
labor and administrative positions in factories. Protestants own a disproportionate share
of capital. All other things equal, Protestants have been more likely to develop economic
rationalism than Catholics. Weber seeks the explanation in the permanent intrinsic
character of their religion, and not only in their temporary external historico-political
The Reformation meant not the elimination of the churchs control over everyday life, but
a substitution of a new form of control for the previous one. While the Catholic church
was fairly lax, Calvinism would be for us the most absolutely unbearable form of
ecclesiastical control of the individual which could possibly exist.
Protestantism must not be understood as joy of living or in any other sense connected
with the Enlightenment. Early Protestantism (e.g., Luther, Calvin) had nothing to do with
progress in an Enlightenment sense. Not all Protestant denominations had an equally
strong influence on the development of members business acumen and spirit of hard
The Spirit of Capitalism
The spirit of capitalism is an historical individual: a complex of elements associated in
historical reality which we united into a conceptual whole from the standpoint of their
cultural significance (47).
Ben Franklin is an example of someone who espouses a philosophy of avarice which is:
the ideal of an honest man of recognized credit. It includes a duty on the part of an
individual toward the increase of his capital, which is assumed as an end in itself. It is not
mere business astuteness, it is an ethos; infraction of its rules is not foolishness or bad
business, but forgetfulness of duty.
In this ethic, economic acquisition is no longer considered a means of subsistence: it is
the ultimate purpose of a mans life. This is combined with the strict avoidance of all
spontaneous enjoyment of life. (NOTE: From the standpoint of the happiness of, or
utility to, a single individual, this ethic appears entirely transcendental and absolutely
irrational (53)).
People now are born into a capitalistic economy which presents itself to them as the
unalterable order of things in which they must live. In so far as a person born now is
involved in the system of market relationships, he must conform to capitalistic rules of
action. Todays capitalism selects the subjects it needs through economic survival of the
fittest. The interesting question, according to Max, is WHERE DID THIS SITUATION
It did NOT arise as the superstructure or reflection of economic situations. For example,
the spirit of capitalism such as espoused by our buddy Ben Franklin was present before
capitalistic order.
In order to arise, the spirit of capitalism had to struggle with its most important
opponent, traditionalism. For instance, workers will respond to an increase in piece rates
by doing less work, collecting the usual amount of money, and going home early. Men do
not by nature wish to earn more and more money, they simply wish to live as they are
accustomed to and to earn as much as is necessary for that purpose.
Another way of attempting to increase productivity is to lower wages or piece rates, so
that workers must work harder and longer to earn the same amount as before. This
method has its limits. It (and capitalism) requires a surplus population which can be hired
cheaply in the market. Also, too large a surplus population can encourage the
development of labor intensive methods, rather than more efficient methods: low wages
do not equal cheap labor. And, if you pay people too little, their efficiency and
attentiveness decreases.
Thus, it would be better if labor were performed as if it were an absolute end in itself.
This can only be the process of a long and arduous education (for example, being raised
Pietist). Capitalism now in the saddle can fairly easily recruit the required workers, but
this was not always the case.
Capitalism can exist with a traditionalistic character. The animating spirit of the
entrepreneur may be the traditional rate of profit, the traditional amount of work, the
traditional manner of labor-management relations, and the essentially traditional circle of
customers and manner of attracting new ones. Take the example of the putting out
In such a system, this leisureliness can be destroyed, without any essential change in the
form of work organization (such as vertically integrated factories). The spirit of
capitalism is the cause of this change. Where the spirit of capitalism appears and is able
to work itself out, it produces its own capital and monetary supplies as the means to its
ends, but the reverse is not true (69).
Protestantism was not merely a stage prior to the development of a purely rationalistic
philosophy, however. Rationalism shows a development which by no means follows
parallel lines in the various departments of life. Since life may be rationalized from
fundamentally different basic points of view and in very different directions, we must ask
the origin of the irrational element which lies at the basis of this particular concrete form
of rational thought: the conception of a calling.
Luthers Conception of The Calling
The idea of a calling -- a life-task, a definite field in which to work -- is peculiar to
Protestants. Protestantism had a further new development, which was the valuation of the
fulfillment of duty in worldly affairs as the highest form which the moral activity of an
individual could assume. The only way of living acceptably to God was solely through
the fulfillment of the obligations imposed upon the individual by his position in the world
(his calling), NOT by trying to surpass worldly morality by monastic asceticism (80).
Remember important part of Reformation: By faith, not works, shall ye be saved. You are
justified by faith, etc. So all those indulgences earned by crawling on your knees up
stairways, etc. dont get you anything.
For the time being (before Calvin et al. got hold of it), the idea of the calling remained
traditionalistic and its only ethical result negative: worldly duties were no longer
subordinated to ascetic ones; obedience to authority and acceptance of things as they
were, were preached.
The Religious Foundations of Worldly Asceticism
However, this idea of the calling was not sufficient for the development of the spirit of
capitalism. We needed the effects of forms of ascetic Protestantism: Calvinism, Pietism,
Methodism and the Baptist sects.
An important thing to keep in mind is that these folks were not motivated by acquisitive
lusts, but rather by salvation of the soul.
Calvinists believed in predestination. God designated before the creation of the world
who would be saved and who would get to rot in hell. All creation exists for the sake of
God, and has meaning only as means to the glory and majesty of God. Human merit or
guilt plays no part in the possession of grace, since that would make Gods decrees
subject to human influence. This doctrine must above all have one consequence... a
feeling of unprecedented inner loneliness of the single individual (104). The individual
was forced to follow the path of his own destiny decreed for him from eternity without
help from others or from the Church -- complete elimination of salvation through the
Church and the sacraments (which Lutheranism retained). This meant the elimination of
magic from the world. [It also meant the doing away with a periodical discharge of the
emotional sense of sin (confession).]
Now, the elected Christian should glorify God in life by fulfilling Gods commandments
to the best of his ability. This requires social achievements of the Christian because God
decrees that social life shall be organized according to his commandments.
Fear and lack of knowledge of whether or not one is going to rot in hell led to a need for
ordinary men to find certitudo salutis (certainty of salvation). Pastoral advice to these
poor, tortured dudes contained two themes: 1) an absolute duty to consider oneself
chosen and to combat all doubts as temptations of the devil, since lack of self-confidence
is the result of insufficient faith, hence of imperfect grace. 2) Intense worldly activity as
the most suitable means to attain that self-confidence [thus we eliminate the free rider
problem]. The Calvinist sought to identify true faith by its fruits: a type of Christian
conduct which served to increase the glory of God. Good works do not affect salvation,
but they are indispensable as a sign of election. In practice, this means God helps those
who help themselves. The Calvinist creates a conviction of his own salvation.
For Catholics, good works were not a part of a rationalized system of life -- they could be
performed sporadically, to atone -- whereas for Calvinists they are. The God of
Calvinism demanded not single good works, but a life of good works combined into a
unified system. The moral conduct of the average man was subjected to a consistent
method for conduct as a whole. The end of this asceticism was to be able to lead an alert,
intelligent life: the most urgent task the destruction of spontaneous, impulsive enjoyment.
The most important means was to bring order into the conduct of its adherents. Hence we
have methodically rationalized ethical conduct.
The Calvinistic doctrine of predestination was only one of several possible motives which
could have supported the methodical rationalization of life. However, it had not only a
unique consistency (by virtue of being based on logical deduction, rather than religious
experience) and was psychologically extraordinarily powerful.
This sect sought to make the invisible Church of the elect visible on this earth. By means
of intensified asceticism these folks hoped to enjoy the blissfulness of community with
God in this life. Sometimes this latter tendency led to displays of emotion, which were
antithetical to Calvinist restraint. Other than that, however, the practical effect of Pietistic
principles was an even stricter ascetic control of conduct in the calling:
1) Methodical development of ones own state of grace to a higher and higher degree of
certainty and perfection in terms of the law was a sign of grace.
2) a belief that Gods Providence works through those in such a state of perfection.
Since some of these folks believed grace subject to repentance, by the creation of
methods to induce repentance even the attainment of divine grace became in effect an
object of rational human activity.
Though rebirth, an emotional certainty of salvation as the immediate result of faith was
an important factor, the emotional act of conversion was methodically induced. Emotion,
once awakened, was directed into a rational struggle for perfection. This provided a
religious basis for ascetic conduct after the doctrine of predestination had been given up
by these folks.
Nothing new was added to the idea of the calling.
The Baptist Sects
The church was viewed as a community of personal believers of the reborn. Salvation
was achieved by personal, individual revelation; it was offered to everyone, though not
everyone took it.
The injunction was to be in the world but not of it, so worldly enjoyments and
unnecessary social intercourse with non-reborn folks was avoided. The Holy Spirit
worked in daily life, and spoke directly to any individual who was willing to hear. This
leads to an eventual elimination of all that remained of the doctrine of salvation through
the Church and sacraments. This accomplished the religious rationalization of the world
in its most extreme form.
Conscience is the revelation of God to the individual.
The rationalization of conduct within the world, but for the sake of the world beyond,
was the consequence of the concept of calling of ascetic Protestantism.
Asceticism and The Spirit of Capitalism
In Puritan thinking, the real moral objection to possession of wealth is to relaxation in the
security of possession, the enjoyment of wealth with the consequence of idleness and the
temptations of the flesh, above all distraction from the pursuit of a righteous life. It is
only because possession involves this danger that it is suspect at all. Not leisure and
enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God. Waste of time is thus the
first and in principle the deadliest of sins. Thus, inactive contemplation at the expense of
work is right out.
Labor is an approved ascetic technique, but is also considered in itself an end of life as
ordained by God. Unwillingness to work is symptomatic of the lack of grace. Wealth
does not exempt anyone from this.
The division of labor, which has a providential purpose in the thought of the Puritans,
leads to qualitative and quantitative improvements in production, and thus serves the
common good. But, in addition, specialization is encouraged by the calling, to which it
provides an ethical justification; for, outside of a calling the accomplishments of a man
are only casual and irregular and he spends more time in idleness than in work. If God
presents to His elect a change for profit, he must pursue it: the Christian must follow the
call by taking advantage of the opportunity. The acquisition of wealth in the performance
of a calling is morally permissible and enjoined.
-- Asceticism turned against the spontaneous enjoyment of life. So, sport, for instance, is
acceptable only if it serves a rational purpose, say, increasing physical efficiency.
-- The powerful tendency toward uniformity of life, which today so immensely aids the
capitalistic interest in the standardization of production, had its ideal foundation in the
repudiation of all idolatry of the flesh (eg, non-ascetic, flashy or attractive clothing).
The Puritan outlook on life stood at the cradle of modern economic man (174). This
religious epoch bequeathed to its utilitarian successors an amazingly good... conscience
in the acquisition of money, so long as it took place legally (176). In addition, the power
of religious asceticism provided owners with sober, conscientious and industrious
workmen. And, it provided comforting assurance that the unequal distribution of goods in
the world was ordained by God.
The religious basis had died away by Ben Franklins time. Limitation to specialized work
is now a condition of any valuable work in the modern world. The Puritan wanted to
work in a calling; we are forced to do so. For when asceticism was carried out of
monastic cells into everyday life, and began to dominate worldly ...
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e. Embedded Entrepreneurship
f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models
g. Social-Founder Identity
h. Micros-enterprise Development
Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada)
a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami
(people influence of
others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities
of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these (
American history
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. Also
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or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime
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aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less.
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n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading
ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.
Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
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od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
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in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
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e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
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making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
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low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
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Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
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Be 4 pages in length
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A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
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