America is in the heart analysis - Literature
In my lectures on Carlos Bulosan’s America is in the Heart, I discussed the idea of America and the way in which writers have argued that America’s promise of freedom and equality needs to be more fully achieved for everyone living in America. Using Bulosan’s text and either James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” or Philip Roth’s “The Conversion of the Jews,” please discuss how the two writers present their ideas of America.
Part 3, Chapter 30 Summary
Carlos is deeply affected by Marians death. He begins drinking and roaming around the West
Coast aimlessly. He meets two girls on a bus, Lily and Rosaline, and gets off in Medford where
they live. They had run off to San Diego to marry sailors. Carlos stays at a hotel but joins their
family for dinner and goes swimming with them and their friends. The next morning he is on a
bus headed for Seattle.
When he arrives in Seattle he meets Conrado Torres and learns what is happening. The
contractors have hired armed thugs. The local cannery union head, Dagohoy, and two other
Filipinos enter the restaurant as Conrado and Carlos are leaving. They hear shooting in the
restaurant and find that the three union officials had been shot and killed.
Carlos goes to San Francisco after the funeral for a meeting of the Filipino unions. He finds
Jose who is still mending from the San Jose beatings. Ganzo attends the meeting and Carlos
goes to Salinas to find Mariano. There he receives word that a union has been formed called
the United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing and Allied Workers of America (UCAPAWA). He tells
Jose he will go to Los Angeles to pick up his belongings and then returns to help. They will meet
in Lompoc.
Carlos goes to Macarios in Los Angeles. He meets a girl named Dora Travers who is waiting for
Macario one day. She supports him in his poetry writing. Carlos begins coughing up blood.
Macario calls a doctor for him and they learn he is in the advanced stages of tuberculosis.
Macario says he will stay by Carlos and help him until he is well.
Part 3, Chapter 30 Analysis
Carlos, who has only known Marian a short time, is deeply affected by her death. Instead of
staying in Los Angeles for school, he starts roaming around the West Coast again and drinking.
In Seattle, he and Conrado walk out of a restaurant right before three cannery union officials are
shot and killed. Carlos plans to help Jose in Lompoc but in Los Angeles he becomes ill. He is
diagnosed with tuberculosis. His brother Macario vows to remain with him and help him until he
is well. Macario remembers their brother Luciano who wasted away from the same disease.
Literary Realism: life presented with no filter, through a clear glass window, one tool used is
Verismilitude= the appearance of truth (done by writing transparently) Bulosan, has not only this
but also American Naturalism which is an intensification of realism that includes figurtive
language and imagry. Naturalism tends to focus on fringe characters from the depths while
realism focuses on middle class. Naturalistic determiniation: having your fate determiend for you
by outside forces.
The (3) Forces of Determinism
1. Biology
a. Darwinism evolution, survival of the fittest)
b. Then you would expect the BEtrayal of the body: sexual drives, hunger,
etc. The body has a deterministic role, ie. people get cold, people get
hungry, and that determines things.
c. Degenerate heredity fits in here
d. Osciliating pattern of looking at the sex stuff to move on to Bulosan
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2. Enviornment : Nature
a. Nature is not hostile, only indifferent and flat its not malvalent, its vast and
doesnt care about the puny individual or the individuals needs
i. Ex: pg 13 Buloson - “We tried to save every ear of corn but the
rain came” “rain” pg 13, “soil “ on pg 30 are also examples
3. Material Forces: aka Material Institutions
a. Social, (geo)political, economic forces and occurances
i. Examples Bulosan names?
1. Pg 24 “Large corporations, banks, and the church”
2. Pg 27 “its is not our plantation anymore” once belonged to
the church now to a rich man
3. Pg 5 “ the philippnies was undergoing a radical social
changes plunging the nation into a great economic
castrperoe that tore the islands from their roots
a. The power weiled by these material institutions and
forces are as powerful as hurricanes is what is
being said here
Research Question 1: Why is Bulosan forever announcing beginnings and endings of things?
What is the arc of this story?
● Consider Genres, Firstly
○ Ex: epic poems, sonnect, musical, documentary
■ vs . Literary traditions (realist naturliast)
■ If you try to do a literary tradition in a different genre it might even be
considered a parody.
● Genres:
○ BildungsRoman and its Conventions: (often called novels of
■ A core building genre where the individual is a core unit of a society
● Usually stories about how an indifivual comes into being and
reflects a growth/model of growth/refliection within in the individual
■ Individual
● youth→ maturity
● Novel of formation/education
■ Leaves home
● Individuation vs conformity
○ The literature has someone leaving a small town or
somehwere which proompts a struggle between the the
individuation and the conformaty demaded by society
● But after leaving the individual experinecs “rises in station”
○ “Finds place” in society
○ American “Immigrant” Narrative
■ Similar to bildungsRoman - similar conventions
■ Rural village
■ Long jounrey
■ Empty-handed
■ Arduous struggle
■ “Finds place” in new land
■ Accepted into social order
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Following the Conventional Narrative Arc:
● Exposition → Conflict → Rising action → climax → falling action → Resolution →
+ Character Growth
Which Literary traditions fit well with Bildungsroman or immigrant forms-
Romantics - Godlike
Realist - Person
Naturalist - Helpless Object
So, Does Bulosan’s story arc look like this? Like a conventional narrative arc?
● Well consider:
○ “We arrived in Seattle…” (99)
○ “It was the beginning of my life in America, the beginning of a long flgiht.” (101)
○ “This isthe beginning of your life in America” (111)
Bulosan uses: Competing Narrative Imperatives:
● Bildungsroman
● Immigrant narratve (content and form)
● Naturalist narrative (content)
○ Bulosan wants this kind of life: rural vialge → empty handed → long
arduous journey/struggle → finds place in land/accepted in order, but
his subject matter, his life is a spiral.(Natralist content, helpless object)
■ So the story itself, the subject matter wreaks havoc on the narrative arc.
● So when Bulosan has multiple beginnings and endings it is
although he is trying to reset that immigrant narrative cuz he want
it to end up fitting the standard. Thus Bulosan’s form and content
is an Oscilating Pattern (ups and downs)
○ Consider pg 99 when he glinches the shore of seatle, we
atrrived by first sight of the land was and exilerating
experience. Everythng seemed familar and kind, the white
faces of the buildings melting into the afternoon sun.
Bulosan is striving to tell an American Dream story
● American Dream
○ Mythic story: land of opportunity (but consider the formal category of filipinos at
the time as wards which was a way of excluding them
○ Material barriers to inclusion
■ Look for this in pg 268 where the barring of filipinos from jobs and other
forms of exlcusion and written about.
○ Yet there is invincible idealism (104)
Idealism/Dispair Manifests struggle between:
● Bildungsroman, Immigrant Narrative
○ “Triumpth of the individual”
■ Realism, check, Romanticism check
● Naturalism
○ Flickers of humanity and agency (112) - here he grabs hold of his humanity and
agency but...
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○ Toward humanity’s demise (135) “i found man indistinguishable from beast” -
here we see how his humanity has been estinguished
Consider This While reading part 3: Part 2 ending suggests part 3 will shape out differently,
does it? Pay attention to that.
America is in the Heart:
● American literary realism: realists believe art should be presented as life seen
through a clear glass window: story is natural and transparent. No falsifying of
messing with story
● Versimilitude: truth-like, perceives the individuals simply as a person
● American naturalism: intensification of realism. Focuses on characters from lower
depths of contemporary society, perceives the individual as a helpless object
○ Naturalistic determinism: human beings as tiny figures at the mercy of
great forces
● Bildungsroman=about the growth and development of an individual-leaves home
at the beginning of the story. Youth to maturity. Finds place in society.
● Conventional Narrative Arc: (beginning), Complication, Climax, Resolution
● Immigrant Narrative: individual starts in a rural village embarks on a long journey.
Long, arduous struggle. “finds place in a new land”, accepted into social order
● Naturalist Narrative:
● Forces of determinism
○ 1. Biology: darwinian evolution, survival of the fittest
○ 2. Environment: nature is not hostile but is indifferent
○ 3. Material Forces: social, (geo) political, economic
■ first encounter material forces-sense that different institutions are
conspiring, rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer
■ page 24: state of the Phillipines after revolt
● Fight/Flight-fighting powers or fleeing from them
○ “fighting to the end on the land”
○ “Fleeing to manhood”
● Oscillating patter (up and down attitude)-bipolar narrative
○ Pattern repeates: hitting restart
● Glorious Promise/Vicious Trap
○ Page 77-78: at first is dancing with woman views her as amazing, then
views her as “mud-smelling peasant”
○ Page 102: sexual affairs between Indian woman and fellow phillipino
○ Page 103: indian woman gets pregnant; become vicious trap
○ Marriage
○ Page 89: brother had a lot of kids (Luciano)-in ten years “would be burden
with so many responsibilities that he would want to lay down and die”
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○ Trap: (105)-cheatswoman at dancehall cheating phillipinos of their money
● Women (traps) as agents of deterministic forces
○ Helen
■ Sexual predator
■ Powerful, Helen=godlike agency
■ Vicious trap
■ 1 woman having so much power over group of men-was able to
control/stop the strike
■ beaten to death-deserving of violence
● Maternal Figure
○ Idealized
○ Preserving force of his humanity
○ nurturing and sacrificial figure (page 280)-
● White Maternal Proxies
○ As glorious American promise
■ Maternal=food +books
■ Alice Odell (writer, first woman he encountered)
■ Took care of him in hospital/warmth
■ Eileen Odell
■ Brought books and delicacies
■ Exact oppositive of her sister
○ Good (white) woman-no sexual contact
■ Eileen: related her to America
■ Mary: symbol of goodness, “angel”, healthly/clean platonic
■ Marian
● Women as Symbols of Paradoxical America
○ Negative agents of destruction
■ Nature/capitalism/imperialism
○ Positive angel figures
■ Chance/god/communist party
● Women as more than man/women as less than man
○ Tied to a tree
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The American Paradox
Discovering America in Carlos Bulosan’s America is in the Heart
Dulce-Marie Flecha, McNair Scholar
The Pennsylvania State University
McNair Faculty Research Advisor
Jeanne Britton, Ph.D
Post-Doctoral Fellow in 19
Century British Literature and Culture
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
The Pennsylvania State University
This essay examines the definition and various roles of the United States and its
inhabitants in Carlos Bulosan’s semi-autobiographical America is in the Heart, a classic work of
Asian American literature. The myriad of American characters in the novel reveal a vast
diversity in the American population. America is in the Heart charts the paradox of the United
States in the first half of the 20
century; while there are Americans who do not succumb to the
common racism of the day—there are, in fact, those who rebel against it—the grand majority of
the protagonist’s experiences with Americans, particularly those of the upper classes and those in
law enforcement, project the darker aspects of their own desires and society on the ‘Other’; some
label minorities as sex-crazed deviants while simultaneously displaying a subconscious
obsession with sexuality, others accuse minorities of infesting the nation with crime while
consciously and unabashedly stealing from them. But despite the protagonist’s seemingly
constant contact with prejudice, he is also met with kindness from Americans throughout his
travels and has reason to believe that this is a nation where equality is possible, even if it was not
practiced. The conflicting nature of Americans throughout the novel reveals a degree of
uncertainty, from both Americans and foreigners, as to what the word “American” actually
Carlos Bulosan’s America is in the Heart is deservedly well remembered for its insight
on the immigrant experience within the United States. But if Bulosan’s audience focuses purely
on this facet of Bulosan’s work, though it is certainly extremely significant, they risk doing
themselves a great disservice. Bulosan’s America is in the Heart, in addition to shining light on
the Filipino-American lifestyle in the first half of the 20
century, also shines light on the United
States itself. America is in the Heart, which leans heavily on Bulosan’s own personal
experiences within the United States, provides readers with a snapshot of the United States from
a perspective not usually explored when attempting to define the word “America”: the
perspective of an American immigrant.
America is in the Heart, Bulosan’s best remembered work, is a semiautobiographical
novel with especially strong ties to Bulosan’s own experiences—these ties are so strong that the
novel is occasionally referred to as an autobiography. Bulosan himself was born sometime
between 1911 and 1913 in Binalonan, a Filipino city on the island of Luzon, to a working class
farming family. He spent his childhood doing manual labor in the Philippines until his late
teenaged years, when he decided to leave the Philippines for the United States. He arrived in
Seattle, Washington in 1930 and would never return to his homeland. Upon arriving in the
United States Bulosan resumed the life of a poor laborer; he worked several odd jobs under the
stress of poverty and discrimination until the fatigue and stress of a migrant and difficult life
wore him down physically and he found himself in the hospital with tuberculosis. During his
three year tenure in the Los Angeles County Sanitarium Bulosan had the opportunity to delve
into the world of American literature; he claimed to have read a book a day for at least the grand
majority of his stay, and he certainly took advantage of his newfound time to evolve
intellectually. After being released from the hospital Bulosan went on to become a social
presence on behalf of working class immigrants on the West Coast; he spoke out on behalf of
unions and was blacklisted by the FBI for socialist leanings. He also discovered a penchant for
creative writing and would become an accomplished poet, novelist, and essayist. He died in
Seattle in 1956 due to advanced lung disease and is now celebrated for giving a post-colonial
outlook on Asian-American involvement in the labor movement of the early 20
The plot of America is in the Heart parallels its author’s personal experiences. The
protagonist, who is also named Carlos (though he goes by the nickname ‘Allos’ when in the
Philippines and tells others to call him ‘Carl’ while in the United States) is a young boy working
with his father on their farm in the Philippines at the book’s opening. After a period of working
throughout the island of Luzon Carlos immigrates to the United States, where he continues to
work as a migrant laborer until he realizes he is capable of writing in English and pledges to
bring his family members back to life through the written word. He also often uses literature to
connect with the United States itself; Carlos reads classic American authors like Whitman and
Melville in an attempt to discover and understand a side of the United States far removed from
the prejudice and pain of the American society he found himself in.
On one occasion Carlos and some acquaintances were attacked by a group of white men
for no reason other than their race, only to be greatly aided by the white men and women
working in a hospital.
Walking down the marble stairway of the hospital, I began to wonder at the paradox of
America. Josés tragedy was brought about by railroad detectives, yet he had done no
harm of any consequence to the company. On the highway, again, motorists had refused
to take a dying man. And yet in this hospital, among white people-- Americans like those
who had denied us-- we had found refuge and tolerance. Why was America so kind and
yet so cruel? Was there no way to simplifying things in this continent so that suffering
would be minimized? Was there no common denominator on which we could all meet? I
was angry and confused, and wondered if I would ever understand this paradox. (Bulosan
The word “paradox” perfectly summarizes Carlos’ experiences in the United States. Like
Carlos searched for America through the works of great American authors, the reader can look
through Bulosan’s work and glimpse at an early 20
century America in conflict with itself. The
United States, which had just entered the long years of the Great Depression when Carlos arrives
in Seattle, is revealed in the novel as consisting of two very different halves, and Carlos is
constantly vexed by the inconsistent nature of the United States. In America Carlos experiences
both great kindnesses and great cruelties, often within the same moment, and this strange
combination often drives Carlos to tears. He experiences no shortage of prejudice in the United
States, and the results of these prejudices range from verbal slights to severe physical and sexual
abuse. Yet despite the many hardships and prejudices Carlos faces, he comes to think of America
in a very positive light—the kindnesses he benefits from in the United States combine with a
more intangible sense of hope in the potential of America. Within Bulosan’s work the reader
finds tropes that should sound familiar to anyone who has taken elementary school American
history classes; there is assurance and a faint tint of pride in the possibilities of America; by the
end of the novel Carlos has faith that this is a nation where great things can and do happen, and
he ends the novel by stating that nothing will ever take this faith from him again.
By recognizing the two halves of this paradox and forgiving the United States for its
ruthlessly conflicting nature, Bulosan shows a growth in the understandings he comes to with his
various inconsistent childhood and adult perceptions of America. His ability to not only make
these understandings but allow them to evolve throughout his time in the United States makes
Bulosan a credible and fascinating source of information on the America that he lived within and
further complicates the already tangled and wide-ranging opinions of what the word “American”
should mean at all. By allowing his audience to peek into his experiences through his protagonist
and namesake, Carlos Bulosan shows how America both defines and is defined by the masses
who venture onto its shore in an attempt to find the lives they were meant to live.
The First Half of the Paradox: American Brutality and Patriotic Brutes
The United States that Carlos Bulosan describes in his novel is unquestionably a
brutal world for immigrants to inhabit, and almost every facet of an immigrant’s lived is tinted
with a shade of violence. The vast majority of this violence is rooted in racism. Throughout the
novel Carlos has a myriad of racist experiences in the United States, the first of which occurs
before he so much as steps in the country—he is called a savage by a white American for the
first time on the boat that first brings him to Seattle—and the novel ends with no hope of these
occurrences ever coming to an end. The worst of these racist encounters were those that
escalated into violence—and this, unfortunately, was not at all uncommon. Carlos finds himself
physically abused by both civilians and law enforcement officers throughout his life in the
United States, and one of these attacks left Carlos with a hurt knee that never recovers. The racist
incidents in the novel tend to be brief and are not described with much detail. The racists in the
novel often only appear in one quick scene and usually go nameless, only serving as an example
of the frequency and popularity of this racist mindset.
The racism of the novel is often shown in conjunction with hypocrisy; many of the
justifications for prejudice on the part of these racist white Americans are rooted in perceived
flaws within the minorities that are palpable within American society. The most obvious of these
is the complicated relationship between American racism and sexuality. In the novel Filipinos
are often derided for being blatantly sexual beings—in Carlos’ first encounter with racism on his
voyage to the United States a teenage girl tells her companion to “look at those half-naked
savages from the Philippines…! Haven’t they any idea of decency?” (Bulosan 99). And yet the
Americans that Carlos encounters display a certain fascination with sexuality of their own. The
teenage girl who derided Carlos was wearing a bathing suit that he describes as “brief” (Bulosan
99), and as a working child in Binalonan notes that the American tourists were only interesting in
taking pictures of “young Igorot girls with large breasts and robust mountain men whose genitals
were nearly exposed, their G-strings bulging large and alive (Bulosan 67). Racism is used as a
justification for attacking minorities, exploiting minorities, and allowing minorities to continue
to live in squalid and unfair conditions, and when these presumptions are challenged the
American racists react strongly; one affluent white man tells Carlos that “you,” which is here
used to collectively refer to all minorities suffering from the effects of gambling and opium
rings, “brought this on yourself” and is infuriated when Carlos attempts to argue that many of
these gambling rings are actually run by aristocratic white Americans in the area (Bulosan 163).
The hypocrisy of many of the racist statements in the novel reflects a projection of subjects and
habits that white Americans consider indecent or uncomfortable within society onto a vulnerable
population of immigrants that cannot effectively defend themselves.
The America of America is in the Heart is not only brutal, it effectively brutalizes the
majority of its inhabitants; it twists the initial outrage and disappointment of the downtrodden
into something significantly nastier and more violent. Bulosan’s works are so saturated with
distinctive phrases and concepts that it seems curious to refer to a cliché. But when Alfredo
justifies his new career as a pimp with the well-worn “Open your eyes, Carlos. This is a country
of survival of the fittest” (Bulosan 170) he accurately summarizes the evolution of a mindset
within many of the immigrant class. The tragedy of the immigrant in America is in the Heart is
not merely embedded in the brutality of the United States; it is in the unquestionable ability of
the United States to expose and nurture brutality in its inhabitants. It is a phenomenon perfectly
personified in Max Smith, the small Filipino who Carlos encounters at the height of his own stint
with brutality. Max Smith is particularly interesting for two reasons: first, he went by a purely
American name, which Carlos acknowledges as strange, and second, he purposefully and purely
maintains this brutality for his own safety: “Max pretended to be bold and fearless, but his
bravado was a shield to protect himself, to keep the secret of his own cowardice” (Bulosan 164).
Max’s illusion of cruelty is a specific kind of reaction to his surroundings; he is not pushed to the
point where he wishes to resort to violent means, but he perceives that these violent means are
necessary for survival in the United States and has no moral concerns about maintaining a
negative and stereotypical image.
But the reader is introduced to the concept of brutalization in the United States long
before they are introduced to Max Smith; in fact, the novel introduces its reader to this
brutalization before Carlos so much as sees the boat that would bring him to the United States
and the rest of his life. Bulosan describes two Filipinos “bitter and confused” (Bulosan 83) by
their experiences in the United States: his English teacher in the Philippines, an unabashed man
who never quite managed to forgive fate for the death of his father during his fifteen year stint as
a houseboy in the United States, and a peasant who had attended college in the United States and
returned to lead the violent Colorum Party in several revolts throughout the Philippines. These
two characters are noteworthy because they brought this bitterness back to the Philippines and
their anger taints the actions they take towards fellow Filipinos—people who are in no way
responsible for the treatment they received or the hardships they faced in the United States. This
suggests that these two men are not merely driven by some need for revenge—if it was, one
would imagine their anger (and, more importantly, the actions rooted in their anger) would be
directed at the American and European tourists that descend upon the Philippines throughout the
first half of the book. Their personalities were very genuinely and very negatively affected by
their times in America and their anger wound up channeled in their returns to the Philippines.
Though it is only fair to note that, while both react to negative experiences in the United States
after their return to the Philippines, the nature of these reactions are different. Regardless of how
one feels about his methods, it is safe to assume that the leader of the Colorum party intends to
channel his American experience into some good; the revolts are started with the intent to help
the peasants of Luzon. The English teacher, on the other hand, does not take much action as a
result of his experiences; while he, like the Colorum Party’s leader, does tend to direct his
bitterness towards the upper classes-- specifically the hacienderos, or land-owning classes, of the
Philippines—his most rebellious act recorded in the novel is giving Carlos the answers to a
nation-wide test.
America’s tendency to brutalize its inhabitants is not restricted to those who managed to
return to their native country; Carlos documents the ‘brutalization’ of several of those close to
him. Among the best documented of these brutalizations takes place within Carlos’ brothers
Macario and Amado, in whom Carlos notes several changes after they reunite in the United
States. Carlos first notices Amado’s “Americanization” in Amado’s speaking patterns. After
Amado’s years in the United States, Carlos notices Amado’s swifter, cleaner English and he also
takes note of—and is often bothered by—his brother’s calling him by his Christian name
(Carlos) rather than the common nickname with which he is introduced to the reader (Allos).
But Amado’s changes run deeper than his improved grammar and diminishing Filipino accent.
When they first reunite Amado does not recognize his younger brother and nearly stabs Carlos as
a result. “I wanted to cry because my brother was no longer the person I had known in Binolan,”
Carlos reflects as he leaves Amado for Los Angeles shortly after their first American reunion.
“He was no longer the gentle, hard-working janitor in the presidencia. I remembered the time
when he had gone to Lingayen to cook for my brother Macario. Now he had changed, and I
could not understand him anymore” (Bulosan 125-6). Carlos immediately recognizes a newfound
aggression in Amado’s personality, an aggression that unnerves Carlos so greatly that he nearly
cries and asks God not to allow the same to happen to him.
Despite this prayer, Carlos too succumbs to this instinctive brutality when his frustration
at the unfair circumstances that he can never seem to escape from in America is compounded by
a personal tragedy (like his former English teacher, the news of the loss of a parent signifies the
moment Carlos surrenders, however temporarily, his belief that one can live decently in the
United States).
I had tried to keep my faith in America, but now I could no longer. It was broken,
trampled upon, driving me out into the dark nights with a gun in my hand. In the
senseless days, in the tragic hours, I held tightly to the gun and stared at the world, hating
it with all my power. And hating made me lonely, lonely for beauty and love, love that
could resuscitate beauty and goodness… But I found only violence and hate, living in a
corrupt corner of America. (Bulosan 164)
After the death of his father Carlos essentially agrees to live by the standards set for poor
minorities in a racially prejudiced society. He does exactly what the racist characters of the novel
would expect a Filipino immigrant to do: during this period Carlos repeatedly commits petty
theft from whoever has the misfortune of being conveniently close by, he makes his living
almost exclusively through gambling and spends a significant fraction of his winnings on
alcohol, and seriously plans with Max Smith to murder both a security guard and a bank owner
en route to robbing the bank itself. The disturbing part of this period in Carlos’ life is how he
channeled his energy into this vicious and degraded mentality with such ease. The bank robbery
was Carlos’ brainchild, and he admits that the idea drove him “like a marijuana addict when it
seized my imagination” (Bulosan 165), he tells Max Smith his idea with neither hesitation nor
guilt, and his excitement over the idea inspires him so greatly that he “stopped to catch [his]
breath, so great was the idea, so breathtaking and courageous!” (Bulosan 165). But while Max
Smith turns to the illusion of brutality to protect himself, Carlos’ brutalization is a shade deeper.
Carlos considers the bank robbery to be more than a method of survival; he takes genuine pride
in it, a far cry and disturbing opposite from earlier in the novel when Carlos considered
defending a French-American employer and his family the only courageous thing to do and was
deeply upset with Julio for pulling him away.
If America fosters a brutality in men, it grows a tendency for manipulation in women.
There are several females in the novel who attempt to coerce a male into marriage, but Carlos
never witnesses one of these ventures succeed until he reaches the United States, when LaBelle
attempts to use her pregnancy to legally ensnare Conrado and instead is awarded the good-
looking Paulo for her efforts. There are a few factors that could explain why LaBelle succeeded
where a number of others had failed. In the Philippines every young man accosted by a female
manages to escape by escaping to a different city, a feat that Conrado neither has the time nor the
presence of mind to attempt. But some credit should go LaBelle herself, who planned her attack
with much more foresight than any of her contemporaries in the Philippines, and certainly goes
about it with a touch more bluntness and a cruelty of her own. When a girl in the Philippines tries
to find a husband in Carlos, she approaches his mother and plays with his baby sister. LaBelle
greets the man she hopes to marry by throwing water on his face and asking “Are you going to
marry me or not?” (102). Rather than merely trying to talk her way into a marriage, LaBelle uses
her newborn—a child that Carlos and all of his coworkers were positive was not fathered by any
in the group-- and a company official to attempt to force her will on Conrado. LaBelle takes a
law intended to protect her and twists it in her favor. The only female in the Philippines who
comes close to this level of manipulation is Veronica, and her level of destruction in Carlos’ life
could very well have been accidental—the reader can assume that the landlady told Carlos to flee
because Veronica had fingered Carlos as the father of her child, but is no proof in the novel
strong enough to indict her. But LaBelle is not the only one who uses a cruel manipulation to her
advantage. Helen makes a career of it by sabotaging worker’s unions throughout the West Coast,
justifying her actions with racism. There are more examples of racism in this account than one
can count, but the vast majority of those examples are initiated by men. Of the women who
actively expose themselves as racists, Helen is the only female in the novel to direct her racism
into some ongoing and palpable action—her work with the company owners is based in her
ability to lie her way into the inner circles of Unions and manipulate a targeted member to suit
her means.
Helen and LaBelle both thrived by the manipulation of relationships, but they would not
have been successful if relationships between the poorest of the United States not been so
strained and desperate in nature. Many of the poorest in the novel react to the constant brutalities
of life in the United States by banding together, but these bonds are clearly influenced and
strained by their difficult life. While in the Philippines, Allos copes with his family’s poverty in
part by relishing in the strong bonds he has with his family; he says of one night he spent
speaking with his family and fellow villagers that it was inspiring to sit with them, to listen to
them talk of other times and other lands; and I knew that if there was one redeeming quality in
our poverty, it was this boundless affinity for each other, this humanity that grew in each of us,
as boundless as the green earth (Bulosan 10). While life was difficult in the Philippines, there
was also a sense of genuine goodwill and community, and Carlos often recalls moments of
bonding with all but one of his brothers (the sole exemption being his eldest brother, who briefly
reappeared in Carlos’ life when he was young and who Carlos did not speak to again after that
reencounter). Relationships in the United States, in contrast, tend to be rooted in something much
more fraught. Carlos notices that his brother Amado’s group of friends were bonded by a shared
desperation; what mattered to [Amado] was the pleasure he had with his friends. There was
something urgent in their friendship, probably a defense against their environment. They created
a wall around themselves in their little world, and what they did behind it was theirs alone. Their
secrecy bordered on insanity (Bulosan 170). Even the relationships Carlos had with his brothers
suffered after their move to the United States. Carlos repeatedly regrets their refusal to
acknowledge him by the nickname he was known by in the Philippines. In the Philippines, Allos’
older brothers took on a nurturing role, often caring for him through various injuries and
illnesses. In the United States this does not end completely—Macario does care for Carlos after
Carlos is released from the hospital—but the stresses of difficult lives take a toll on their
relationships. While all three brothers separate on a friendly note, they get into several conflicts
of their own, the worst of which turning for the dangerously physical.
The Second Half of the Paradox: A Place Worth Hoping For
As easy as it is to wrap oneself entirely in the cruelties of the United States in
America is in the Heart, Bulosan’s America is much more than a collection of sorry and pitiless
people committing sorry and pitiless crimes against one another. Bulosan reveals a side of
America that inspired the phrase “land of the free”. Arguably the most important facet of the
positive side of the United States of Bulosan’s novel is the people who make up the nation itself.
While the novel certainly features more than a fair share of violent, brutal, and racist characters
in America, it also portrays characters that, for whatever reason, avoid the brutalizing effect and
racially based hierarchy of the United States. There are an array of minor characters who ignore
the tradition of racial prejudice and treat Carlos with the same kindness they would treat any
other American.
A significant portion of these minor characters are female. If we can divide the brutality
of American women into two categories (those who restrict their brutality to dialogue and those
who go a step further and those who channel that brutality into action) we can effectively do the
same for the America women defined by kindness (those whose kindnesses are short-term and
those whose kindnesses are long-term). The women of the former category only represent the
most fleeting experiences in Carlos’ life—most are not given a name, let alone a description
longer than a few words. The longest of these spontaneous and transitory interactions is the two
or so days Carlos spends with Lily and Rosaline in Oregon. The women who grant Carlos some
short-term act of kindness are not contained into some easily defined group; they can be of any
race or socio-economic background—Lily and Rosaline are both Caucasian-Americans who
come from fairly comfortable backgrounds, but Carlos also recalls with gratitude a working class
Korean immigrant who fed him on multiple occasions while he is trying to reunite with his
brothers and is stunned by the stark contrast of the cruelty of his multiple physical attackers with
the warmth of the nurses who were charged with cleaning his wounds. This diversity is one of
this group’s great strengths; Carlos may be confronted with prejudice everywhere he turns, but
he also trusts that he can find some grains of genuine goodwill, and he can occasionally rely on
these fleeting kindnesses to provide great needs (for example, the Korean immigrant fed him
during a period where Carlos could not afford food) in times of greater instability.
The women who provide long-term kindnesses to Carlos are both less numerous and less
diverse. There are three women who assume the role of caretaker in Carlos’ life—two, Marian
and Eileen Odell, do so in the United States and the last, Miss Mary Strandon, in the Philippines.
Marian, who Carlos stumbles upon just after he is physically assaulted and sexually abused by a
group of white men, only lives to spend a short time with Carlos but makes her intentions clear
almost immediately.
I’ll help you. I’ll work for you. You will have no obligations. What I would like is to
have someone to care for, and it should be you who are young. What matters is the
affection, the relationship, between you and the object. Even a radio becomes almost
human, and the voice that comes from it is something close to you, and then there grows
a bond between you. For a long time now I’ve wanted to care for someone. And you are
the one. Please don’t make me unhappy. (Bulosan 212).
Here Marian reveals that native-born Americans are not exempt from the loneliness that
haunts Carlos during his darkest days in the United States, she admits to needing an object for
her care so badly that even an inanimate object can be …
Typewritten Text
Found online at:
Baldwin - Sonnys Blues.pdf
The Conversion of the Jews
Philip Roth (1959)
“You’re a real one for opening your mouth in the first place,”
Itzie said. “What do you open your mouth all the time for?”
“I didn’t bring it up, Itz, I didn’t,” Ozzie said.
“What do you care about Jesus Christ for anyway?”
“I didn’t bring up Jesus Christ. He did. I didn’t even know
what he was talking about. Jesus is historical, he kept
saying. Jesus is historical.” Ozzie mimicked the
monumental voice of Rabbi Binder.
“Jesus was a person that lived like you and me,” Ozzie
continued. “That’s what Binder said—“
“Yeah? ... So what! What do I give-two cents whether he
lived or not. And what do you gotta open your mouth!” Itzie
Lieberman favored closed-mouthedness, especially when it
came to Ozzie Freedman’s questions. Mrs. Freedman had
to see Rabbi Binder twice before about Ozzie’s questions
and this Wednesday at four-thirty would be the third time.
Itzie preferred to keep his mother in the kitchen; he settled
for behind-the-back subtleties such as gestures, faces,
snarls and other less delicate barnyard noises.
“He was a real person, Jesus, but he wasn’t like God, and
we don’t believe he is God.” Slowly, Ozzie was explaining
Rabbi Binder’s position to Itzie, who had been absent from
Hebrew School the previous afternoon.
“The Catholics,” Itzie said helpfully, “they believe in Jesus
Christ, that he’s God.” Itzie Lieberman used “the Catholics”
in its broadest sense—to include the Protestants.
Ozzie received Itzie’s remark with a tiny head bob, as
though it were a footnote, and went on. “His mother was
Mary, and his father probably was Joseph,” Ozzie said. “But
the New Testament says his real father was God.”
“His real father?”
“Yeah,” Ozzie said, “that’s the big thing, his father’s
supposed to be God.”
“That’s what Rabbi Binder says, that it’s impossible—“
“Sure it’s impossible. That stuff’s all bull. To have a baby
you gotta get laid,” Itzie theologized. “Mary hadda get laid.”
“That’s what Binder says: ‘The only way a woman can have
a baby is to have intercourse with a man.’”
“He said that, Ozz?” For a moment it appeared that Itzie
had put the theological question aside. “He said that,
intercourse?” A little curled smile shaped itself in the lower
half of Itzie’s face like a pink mustache. “What you guys do,
Ozz, you laugh or something?”
“I raised my hand.”
“Yeah? Whatja say?”
“That’s when I asked the question.”
Itzie’s face lit up. “Whatja ask about—intercourse?”
“No, I asked the question about God, how if He could create
the heaven and earth in six days, and make all the animals
and the fish and the light in six days—the light especially,
that’s what always gets me, that He could make the light.
Making fish and animals, that’s pretty good—“
“That’s damn good.” Itzie’s appreciation was honest but
unimaginative: it was as though God had just pitched a
“But making light . . . I mean when you think about it, it’s
really something,” Ozzie said. “Anyway, I asked Binder if He
could make ail that in six days, and He could pick the six
days he wanted right out of nowhere, why couldn’t He let a
woman have a baby without having intercourse.”
“You said intercourse, Ozz, to Binder?”
“Right in class?”
Itzie smacked the side of his head.
“I mean, no kidding around,” Ozzie said, “that’d really be
nothing. After all that other stuff, that’d practically be
Itzie considered a moment. “What’d Binder say?”
“He started all over again explaining how Jesus was
historical and how he lived like you and me but he wasn’t
God. So I said I understood that. What I wanted to know
was different.”
What Ozzie wanted to know was always different. The first
time he had wanted to know how Rabbi Binder could call
the Jews “The Chosen People” if the Declaration of
Independence claimed all men to be created equal. Rabbi
Binder tried to distinguish for him between political equality
and spiritual legitimacy, but what Ozzie wanted to know, he
insisted vehemently, was different. That was the first time
his mother had to come.
Then there was the plane crash. Fifty-eight people had been
killed in a plane crash at La Guardia. In studying a casualty
list in the newspaper his mother had discovered among the
list of those dead eight Jewish names (his grandmother had
nine but she counted Miller as a Jewish name); because of
the eight she said the plane crash was “a tragedy,” During
free-discussion time on Wednesday Ozzie had brought to
Rabbi Binder’s attention this matter of “some of his
relations” always picking out the Jewish names. Rabbi
Binder had begun to explain cultural unity and some other
things when Ozzie stood up at his seat and said that what
he wanted to know was different. Rabbi Binder insisted that
he sit down and it was then that Ozzie shouted that he
wished all fifty-eight were Jews. That was the second time
his mother came.
“And he kept explaining about Jesus being historical, and so
I kept asking him. No kidding, Itz, he was trying to make me
look stupid.”
“So what he finally do?”
“Finally he starts screaming that I was deliberately
simple-minded and a wise guy, and that my mother had to
come, and this was the last time. And that I’d never get
bar-mitzvahed1 if he could help it. Then, Itz, then he starts
talking in that voice like a statue, real slow and deep, and
he says that I better think over what I said about the Lord.
He told me to go to his office and think it over.” Ozzie
leaned his body towards Itzie. “Itz, I thought it over for a
solid hour, and now I’m convinced God could do it.”
Ozzie had planned to confess his latest transgression to his
mother as soon as she came home from work. But it was a
Friday night in November and already dark, and when Mrs.
Freedman came through the door she tossed off her coat,
kissed Ozzie quickly on the face, and went to the kitchen
table to light the three yellow candles, two for the Sabbath
and one for Ozzie’s father.
When his mother lit the candles she would move her two
arms slowly towards her, dragging them through the air, as
though persuading people whose minds were half made up.
And her eyes would get glassy with tears. Even when his
father was alive Ozzie remembered that her eyes had
gotten glassy, so it didn’t have anything to do with his dying.
It had something to do with lighting the candles.
As she touched the flaming match to the unlit wick of a
Sabbath candle, the phone rang, and Ozzie, standing only a
foot from it, plucked it off the receiver and held it muffled to
his chest. When his mother lit candles Ozzie felt there
should be no noise; even breathing, if you could manage it,
should be softened. Ozzie pressed the phone to his breast
and watched his mother dragging whatever she was
dragging, and he felt his own eyes get glassy. His mother
was a round, tired, gray-haired penguin of a woman whose
gray skin had begun to feel the tug of gravity and the weight
of her own history. Even when she was dressed up she
looked like a chosen person. But when she lit candles she
looked like something better; like a woman who knew
momentarily that God could do anything.
After a few mysterious minutes she was finished. Ozzie
hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen table where
I.e., he would be denied the ceremony of bar mitzvah that initiates a Jewish boy of
thirteen to his religious duties.
she was beginning to lay the two places for the four-course
Sabbath meal. He told her that she would have to see
Rabbi Binder next Wednesday at four-thirty, and then he
told her why. For the first time in their life together she hit
Ozzie across the face with her hand.
All through the chopped liver and chicken soup parts of the
dinner Ozzie cried; he didn’t have any appetite for the rest.
On Wednesday, in the largest of the three basement
classrooms of the synagogue, Rabbi Marvin Binder, a tall,
handsome, broad-shouldered man of thirty with thick
strong-fibered black hair, removed his watch from his
pocket and saw that it was four o’clock. At the rear of the
room Yakov Blotnik, the seventy-one-year-old custodian,
slowly polished the large window, mumbling to himself,
unaware that it was four o’clock or six o’clock, Monday or
Wednesday. To most of the students Yakov Blotnik’s
mumbling, along with his brown curly beard, scythe nose,
and two heel-trailing black cats, made him an object of
wonder, a foreigner, a relic, towards whom they were
alternately fearful and disrespectful, To Ozzie the mumbling
had always seemed a monotonous, curious prayer; what
made it curious was that old Blotnik had been mumbling so
steadily for so many years, Ozzie suspected he had
memorized the prayers and forgotten all about God.
“It is now free-discussion time,” Rabbi Binder said. “Feel
free to talk about any Jewish matter at all—religion, family,
politics, sports—“
There was silence. It was a gusty, clouded November
afternoon and it did not seem as though there ever was or
could be a thing called baseball. So nobody this week said a
word about that hero from the past, Hank Greenberg2--
which limited free discussion considerably.
And the soul-battering Ozzie Freedman hadjust received
from Rabbi Binder had imposed its limitation. When it was
Ozzie’s turn to read aloud from the Hebrew book the rabbi
American baseball player (1911-1986).
had asked him petulantly why he didn’t read more rapidly.
He was showing no progress. Ozzie said he could read
faster but that if he did he was sure not to understand what
he was reading. Nevertheless, at the rabbi’s repeated
suggestion Ozzie tried, and showed a great talent, but in the
midst of a long passage he stopped short and said he didn’t
understand a word he was reading, and started in again at a
drag-footed pace. Then came the soul-battering.
Consequently when free-discussion time rolled around none
of the students felt too free. The rabbi’s invitation was
answered only by the mumbling of feeble old Blotnik.
“Isn’t there anything at all you would like to discuss?” Rabbi
Binder asked again, looking at his watch. “No questions or
There was a small grumble from the third row. The rabbi
requested that Ozzie rise and give the rest of the class the
advantage of his thought.
Ozzie rose. “I forget it now,” he said, and sat down in his
Rabbi Binder advanced a seat towards Ozzie and poised
himself on e edge of the desk. It was Itzie’s desk and the
rabbi’s frame only a dagger’s-length away from his face
snapped him to sitting attention.
“Stand up again, Oscar,” Rabbi Binder said calmly, “and try
to assemble your thoughts.”
Ozzie stood up. All his classmates turned in their seats and
watched as he gave an unconvincing scratch to his
“I can’t assemble any,” he announced, and plunked himself
“Stand up!” Rabbi Binder advanced from Itzie’s desk to the
one directly in front of Ozzie; when the rabbinical back was
turned Itzie gave it five-fingers off the tip of his nose,
causing a small titter in the room. Rabbi Binder was too
absorbed in squelching Ozzie’s nonsense once and for all to
bother with titters. “Stand up, Oscar. What’s your question
Ozzie pulled a word out of the air. It was the handiest word.
“Oh, now you remember?”
“What is it?”
Trapped, Ozzie blurted the first thing that came to him.
“Why can’t He make anything He wants to make!”
As Rabbi Binder prepared an answer, a final answer, Itzie,
ten feet behind him, raised one finger on his left hand,
gestured it meaningfully towards the rabbi’s back, and
brought the house down.
Binder twisted quickly to see what had happened and in the
midst of the commotion Ozzie shouted into the rabbi’s back
what he couldn’t have shouted to his face. It was a loud,
toneless sound that had the timbre of something stored
inside for about six days.
“You don’t know! You don’t know anything about God!”
The rabbi spun back towards Ozzie. “What?”
“You don’t know—you don’t—“
“Apologize, Oscar, apologize!” It was a threat.
“You don’t—“
Rabbi Binder’s hand flicked out at Ozzie’s cheek. Perhaps it
had only been meant to clamp the boy’s mouth shut, but
Ozzie ducked and the palm caught him squarely on the
The blood came in a short, red spurt on to Ozzie’s shirt
The next moment was all confusion. Ozzie screamed, “You
bastard, You bastard!” and broke for the classroom door.
Rabbi Binder lurched a step backwards, as though his own
blood had started flowing violently in the opposite direction,
then gave a clumsy lurch forward and bolted out the door
after Ozzie. The class followed after the rabbi’s huge blue-
suited back, and before old Blotnik could turn from his
window, the room was empty and everyone was headed full
speed up the three flights leading to the roof.
If one should compare the light of day to the life of man:
sunrise to birth; sunset—the dropping down over the edge—
to death; then as Ozzie Freedman wiggled through the
trapdoor of the synagogue roof, his feet kicking backwards
bronco-style at Rabbi Binder’s outstretched arms-at that
moment the day was fifty years old. As a rule, fifty or
fifty-five reflects accurately the age of late afternoons in
November, for it is in that month, during those hours, that
one’s awareness of light seems no longer a matter of
seeing, but of hearing: light begins clicking away. In fact, as
Ozzie locked shut the trapdoor in the rabbi’s face, the sharp
click of the bolt into the lock might momentarily have been
mistaken for the sound of the heavier gray that had just
throbbed through the sky.
With all his weight Ozzie kneeled on the locked door; any
instant he was certain that Rabbi Binder’s shoulder would
fling it open, splintering the wood into shrapnel and
catapulting his body into the sky. But the door did not move
and below him he heard only the rumble of feet, first loud
then dim, like thunder rolling away.
A question shot through his brain. “Can this be me?” For a
thirteen-year-old who had just labeled his religious leader a
bastard, twice, it was not an improper question. Louder and
louder the question came to him—“Is it me? Is it me?”—
until he discovered himself no longer kneeling, but racing
crazily towards the edge of the roof, his eyes crying, his
throat screaming, and his arms flying everywhichway as
though not his own.
“Is it me? Is it me Me ME ME ME! It has to be me—but is
It is the question a thief must ask himself the night he
jimmies open his first window, and it is said to be the
question with which bridegrooms quiz themselves before
the altar.
In the few wild seconds it took Ozzie’s body to propel him to
the edge of the roof, his self-examination began to grow
fuzzy. Gazing down at the street, he became confused as to
the problem beneath the question: was it,
is-it-me-who-called-Binder-a-bastard? or, is-it-me-prancing-
around-on-the-roof? However, the scene below settled all,
for there is an instant in any action when whether it is you or
somebody else is academic. The thief crams the money in
his pockets and scoots out the window. The bridegroom
signs the hotel register for two. And the boy on the roof
finds a streetful of people gaping at him, necks stretched
backwards, faces up, as though he were the ceiling of the
Hayden Planetarium.3 Suddenly you know it’s you.
“Oscar! Oscar Freedman!” A voice rose from the center of
the crowd, a voice that, could it have been seen, would
have looked like the writing on scroll. “Oscar Freedman, get
down from there. Immediately!” Rabbi Binder was pointing
one arm stiffly up at him; and at the end of that arm, one
finger aimed menacingly. It was the attitude of a dictator,
but one—the eyes confessed all—whose personal valet had
spit neatly in his face.
Ozzie didn’t answer. Only for a blink’s length did he look
towards Rabbi Binder. Instead his eyes began to fit together
the world beneath him, to sort out people from places,
friends from enemies, participants from spectators. In little
jagged starlike clusters his friends stood around Rabbi
Binder, who was still pointing. The topmost point on a star
compounded not of angels but of five adolescent boys was
Itzie. What a world it was, with those stars below, Rabbi
Binder below . . . Ozzie, who a moment earlier hadn’t been
able to control his own body, started to feel the meaning of
the word control: he felt Peace and he felt Power.
“Oscar Freedman, I’ll give you three to come down.”
Few dictators give their subjects three to do anything; but,
as always, Rabbi Binder only looked dictatorial.
“Are you ready, Oscar?”
Building in New York City that houses a device that projects a representation of the
heavens onto a domed ceiling for viewing by spectators.
Ozzie nodded his head yes, although he had no intention in
the world—the lower one or the celestial one he’d just
entered—of coming down even if Rabbi Binder should give
him a million.
“All right then,” said Rabbi Binder. He ran a hand through
his black Samson hair as though it were the gesture
prescribed for uttering the first digit. Then, with his other
hand cutting a circle out of the small piece of sky around
him, he spoke. “Onel”
There was no thunder. On the contrary, at that moment, as
though “one” was the cue for which he had been waiting, the
world’s least thunderous person appeared on the synagogue
steps. He did not so much come out the synagogue door as
lean out, onto the darkening air. He clutched at the
doorknob with one hand and looked up at the roof.
Yakov Blotnik’s old mind hobbled slowly, as if on crutches,
and though he couldn’t decide precisely what the boy was
doing on the roof, he knew it wasn’t good-that is, it
wasn’t-good-for-the-Jews. For Yakov Blotnik life had
fractionated itself simply: things were either
good-for-the-Jews or no-good-for-the-Jews.
He smacked his free hand to his in-sucked cheek, gently.
“Oy, Gut!” And then quickly as he was able, he jacked down
his head and surveyed the street. There was Rabbi Binder
(like a man at an auction with only three dollars in his
pocket, he had just delivered a shaky “Two!”); there were
the students, and that was all. So far
it-wasn’t-so-bad-for-the-Jews. But the boy had to come
down immediately, before anybody saw. The problem: how
to get the boy off the roof?
Anybody who has ever had a cat on the roof knows how to
get him down. You call the fire department. Or first you call
the operator and you ask her for the fire department. And
the next thing there is great jamming of brakes and clanging
of bells and shouting of instructions. And then the cat is off
the roof. You do the same thing to get a boy off the roof.
That is, you do the same thing if you are Yakov Blotnik and
you once had a cat on the roof.
When the engines, all four of them, arrived, Rabbi Binder
had four times given Ozzie the count of three. The big
hook-and-ladder swung around the corner and one of the
firemen leaped from it, plunging headlong towards the
yellow fire hydrant in front of the synagogue. With a huge
wrench he began to unscrew the top nozzle. Rabbi Binder
raced over to him and pulled at his shoulder.
“There’s no fire . . .”
The fireman mumbled back over his shoulder and,
heatedly, continued working at the nozzle.
“But there’s no fire, there’s no fire . . .” Binder shouted.
When the fireman mumbled again, the rabbi grasped his
face with both hands and pointed it up at the roof.
To Ozzie it looked as though Rabbi Binder was trying to tug
the .fireman’s head out of his body, like a cork from a bottle.
He had to giggle at the picture they made: it was a family
portrait-rabbi in black skullcap, fireman in red fire hat, and
the little yellow hydrant squatting beside like a kid brother,
bareheaded. From the edge of the roof Ozziewaved at the
portrait, a one-handed, flapping, mocking wave; in doing
ithis right foot slipped from under him. Rabbi Binder
covered his eyes with his hands.
Firemen work fast. Before Ozzie had even regained his
balance, a big,round, yellowed net was being held on the
synagogue lawn. The firemen who held it looked up at
Ozzie with stern, feelingless faces.
One of the firemen turned his head towards Rabbi Binder.
“What, is the kid nuts or something?”
Rabbi Binder unpeeled his hands from his eyes, slowly,
painfully, as if they were tape. Then he checked: nothing on
the sidewalk, no dents in the net.
“Is he gonna jump, or what?” the fireman shouted.
In a voice not at all like a statue, Rabbi Binder finally
answered. “Yes. Yes, I think so . . . He’s been threatening to
. . .”
Threatening to? Why, the reason he was on the roof, Ozzie
rernembered, was to get away; he hadn’t even thought
about jumping. He had just run to get away, and the truth
was that he hadn’t really headed for the roof as much as
he’d been chased there.
“What’s his name, the kid?”
“Freedman,” Rabbi Binder answered. “Oscar Freedman.”
The fireman looked up at Ozzie. “What is it with you,
Oscar? You gonna jump, or what?”
Ozzie did not answer. Frankly, the question had just arisen.
“Look, Oscar, if you’re gonna jump, jump—and if you’re not
gonna jump, don’t jump. But don’t waste our time, willya?”
Ozzie looked at the fireman and then at Rabbi Binder. He
wanted to see Rabbi Binder cover his eyes one more time.
“I’m going to jump.”
And then he scampered around the edge of the roof to the
corner, where there was no net below, and he flapped his
arms at his sides, swishing the air and smacking his palms
to his trousers on the downbeat. He began screaming like
some kind of engine, “Wheeeee . . .wheeeeee,” and leaning
way out over the edge with the upper half of his body. The
firemen whipped around to cover the ground with the net.
Rabbi Binder mumbled a few words to somebody and
covered his eyes. Everything happened quickly, jerkily, as
in a silent movie. The crowd, which had arrived with the fire
engines, gave out a long, Fourth-of-July fireworks
oooh-aahhh. In the excitement no one had paid the crowd
much heed, except, of course, Yakov Blotnik, who swung
from the doorknob counting heads. “ Fier und tsvansik. . .
Finf und tsvansik . . .finf und tsvansik4 . . .Oy, Gut!” It
wasn’t like this with the cat.
Rabbi Binder peeked through his fingers, checked the
sidewalk and net. Empty. But there was Ozzie racing to the
other corner. The firemen raced with him but were unable to
keep up. Whenever Ozzie wanted to he might jump and
Yiddish: “twenty-four . . .twenty-five”
splatter himself on the sidewalk, and by the time the
firemen scooted to the spot all they could do with their net
would be to cover the mess..
“Wheeeee . . . wheeeee . . .”
“Hey, Oscar,” the winded fireman yelled. “What the hell is
this, a game or something?”
“Wheeeee . . . wheeeee . . .”
“Hey, Oscar—“
But he was off now to the other corner, flapping his wings
fiercely. Rabbi Binder couldn’t take it any longer—the fire
engines from nowhere, the screaming suicidal boy, the net.
He fell to his knees, exhausted, and with his hands curled
together in front of his chest like a litle dome, he pleaded,
“Oscar, stop it, Oscar. Don’t jump, Oscar. Please come
down . . . Please don’t jump.”
And further back in the crowd a single voice, a single young
voice, shouted a lone word to the boy on the roof.
It was Itzie. Ozzie momentarily stopped flapping.
“Go ahead, Ozz—jump!” Itzie broke off his point of the star
and courageously, with the inspiration not of a wise-guy but
of a disciple, stood alone. “Jump, Ozz, jump!”
Still on his knees, his hands still curled, Rabbi Binder
twisted his body back. He looked at Itzie, then, agonizingly,
back to Ozzie.
“Oscar, Don’t Jump! Please, Don’t Jump . . . please please .
. .”
‘Jump!” This time it wasn’t Itzie but another point of the star.
By the time Mrs. Freedman arrived to keep her four-thirty
appointment with Rabbi Binder, the whole little upside down
heaven was shouting and pleading for Ozzie tojump, and
Rabbi Binder no longer was pleading with him not to jump,
but was crying into the dome of his hands.
Understandably Mrs. Freedman couldn’t figure out what her
son was doing on the roof. So she asked.
“Ozzie, my Ozzie, what are you doing? My Ozzie, what is
Ozzie stopped wheeeeeing and slowed his arms down to a
cruising flap, the kind birds use in soft winds, but he did not
answer. He stood against the low, clouded, darkening sky—
light clicked down swiftly now, as on a small gear—flapping
softly and gazing down at the small bundle of a woman who
was his mother.
“What are you doing, Ozzie?” She turned towards the
kneeling Rabbi Binder and rushed so close that only a
paper-thickness of dusk lay between her stomach and his
“What is my baby doing?”
Rabbi Binder gaped at her but he too was mute. All that
moved was the dome of his hands; it shook back and forth
like a weak pulse.
“Rabbi, get him down! He’ll kill himself. Get him down, my
only baby . . . “I can’t,” Rabbi Binder said, “I can’t. ..” and he
turned his handsome head towards the crowd of boys
behind him. “It’s them. Listen to them.”
And for the first time Mrs. Freedman saw the crowd of boys,
and she heard what they were yelling.
“He’s doing it for them. He won’t listen to me. It’s them.”
Rabbi Binder spoke like one in a trance.
“For them?”
“Why for them?”
“They want him to . . .”
Mrs. Freedman raised her two arms upward as though she
were conducting the sky. “For them he’s doing it!” And then
in a gesture older than pyramids, older than prophets and
floods, her arms came slapping down to her sides. “A
martyr I have. Look!” She tilted her head to the roof. Ozzie
was still flapping softly. “My martyr.”
“Oscar, come down, please,” Rabbi Binder groaned.
In a startling even voice Mrs. Freedman called to the boy
on the roof. “Ozzie, come down, Ozzie. Don’t be a martyr.”
“Gawhead, Ozz—be a Martin!” It was Itzie. “Be a Martin, be
a Martin,” and all the voices joined in singing for Martindom,
whatever it was. “Be a Martin, be a Martin. . .”
* * *
Somehow when you’re on a roof the darker it gets the less
you can ear. All Ozzie knew was that two groups wanted
two new things: his friends were spirited and musical about
what they wanted; his mother and the rabbi were
even-toned, chanting, about what they didn’t want. The
rabbi’s voice was without tears now and so was his
The big net stared up at Ozzie like a …
Applied Sciences
Computer Science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Business & Finance
Political Science
Financial markets
Architecture and Design
Social Science
World history
Business Finance
Telecommunications Engineering
e. Embedded Entrepreneurship
f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models
g. Social-Founder Identity
h. Micros-enterprise Development
Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada)
a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami
(people influence of
others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities
of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these (
American history
Ancient history
. Also
Numerical analysis
Environmental science
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
ness Horizons
Physical chemistry
When considering both O
Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years)
or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime
Chemical Engineering
aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less.
To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here:
In order to
n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading
ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.
Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
You will need to perform a literature search for your topic
you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes
Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience
od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in
in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care. The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases
e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada
making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
Topic: Purchasing and Technology
You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class
be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique
low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo
evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program
Understanding Gender Fluidity
Providing Inclusive Quality Care
Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
After the components sending to the manufacturing house
1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend
One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard. While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or
Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business
No matter which type of health care organization
With a direct sale
During the pandemic
Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record
3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i
One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015). Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev
4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal
Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate
We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities
*DDB is used for the first three years
For example
The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case
4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972)
With covid coming into place
In my opinion
Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA
The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be
· By Day 1 of this week
While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013)
5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda
The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle
From a similar but larger point of view
4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition
After viewing the you tube videos on prayer
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)
The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough
Data collection
Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an
I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option. I would want to find out what she is afraid of. I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych
Identify the type of research used in a chosen study
Compose a 1
effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte
I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources
Be 4 pages in length
soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test
One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research
Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti
3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family
A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott
Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident