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Reflection paper
What are some of the stable themes of your life? How do you think these themes will be expressed 20 years from now?
This paper is about you and your Journey into Adulthood, based on the reading from Chapter 1. Be sure to keep notes from your discussion your paper should be easy to write.
Be sure to reference the textbook on your reference page.
The Journey
of Adulthood
Eighth Edition
Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
Barbara R. Bjorklund
Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN 10: 0-205-97075-3
ISBN 13: 978-0-205-97075-9
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Erin Mitchell
Editorial Assistant: Sarah Henrich
Senior Managing Editor: Linda Behrens
Project Manager: Sherry Lewis
Program Manager: Annemarie Franklin
Procurement Specialist: Diane Peirano
Cover Designer: John Christiana
Cover Image: My Good Images/Shutterstock
Full-Service Project Management: Laserwords Maine
Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Malloy State St
Cover Printer: Edwards Brothers Malloy State St
Text Font: Adobe Garamond
Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the
appropriate page of appearance and on pages 419–421.
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited
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initial caps or all caps.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bjorklund, Barbara R.
The Journey of Adulthood / Barbara R. Bjorklund, Florida Atlantic University.—Eighth edition.
pages cm
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-97075-9
ISBN-10: 0-205-97075-3
1. Adulthood—Psychological aspects. 2. Aging—Psychological aspects. 3.
Adulthood. 4. Aging. I. Title.
BF724.5.B44 2015
For Lily Pearl Zeman, my ninth grandchild, whose
arrival was every bit as glorious as my first!
This page intentionally left blank
Preface ix
1 Introduction to Adult
Development 3
Basic Concepts in Adult
Development 4
Sources of Change 7
Normative Age-Graded
Influences 7 Normative History-Graded
Influences 8 Nonnormative Life
Events 10
Sources of Stability 10
Genetics 12 Environment 12
Interactionist View 13
A Word About “Age” 14
Setting the Course: Some Guiding
Perspectives 15
Life-Span Developmental Psychology
Approach 15 Bioecological Model
of Development 15
Developmental Research 17
Methods 18 Measures 23
Analyses 24 Designs 27
A Final Word 30
Summary 30
Key Terms 32
Suggested Reading 32
2 Physical Changes 35
Theories of Primary Aging 36
Oxidative Damage 36 Genetic
Limits 37 Caloric Restriction 38
A Word on Theories of Primary Aging 39
Physical Changes During
Adulthood 39
Outward Appearance 39
The Senses 44 Bones and
Muscles 48 Cardiovascular and
Respiratory Systems 51 Brain
and Nervous System 52 Immune
System 53 Hormonal System 54
Changes in Physical Behavior 56
Athletic Abilities 56 Stamina, Dexterity,
and Balance 57 Sleep 58
Sexual Activity 60
Individual Differences in Primary
Aging 63
Genetics 64 Lifestyle 64 Race,
Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Group 65
Can We “Turn Back the Clock” of
Primary Aging? 66
An Overview of the Physical Changes in
Adulthood 66
Summary 68
Key Terms 69
Suggested Reading 70
3 Health and Health
Disorders 73
Mortality Rates and Causes of
Death 74
Morbidity Rates, Disease, and
Disability 74
Common Health Conditions 74
Disability 75 Self-Ratings of
Health 76
Specifi c Diseases 77
Cardiovascular Disease 77
Cancer 78 Diabetes 79 Alzheimer’s
Disease 80 People Living with Age-
Related Diseases and Disabilities 82
Mental Disorders 83
Anxiety Disorders 85 Mood
Disorders 85 Impulse Control
Disorders 87 Substance Abuse
Disorders 87 Treatment of Mental
Health Disorders 87
Nonmedical Solutions 88
Assistive Technology 88 Assistance
Animals 89
Individual Differences in Health 89
Lifestyle 89 Gender 90
Socioeconomics, Race, and
Ethnicity 91 Personality and
Behavior Patterns 94 Genetics 95
Developmental Origins 96 The Road to
Good Health 97
Summary 98
Key Terms 100
Suggested Reading 101
4 Cognitive Abilities 103
Intelligence 104
Age Changes in Overall
Intelligence 104 Components of
Intelligence 106 Reversing Declines in
Intellectual Abilities 107
Memory 109
Short-Term and Working
Memory 109 Declarative and
Nondeclarative (Procedural)
Memory 111 Prospective Memory 114
Slowing Declines in Memory Abilities 114
Memory in Context 115
Decision Making and Problem
Solving 117
Individual Differences in Cognitive
Change 120
Health 121 Genetics 122 Demographics
and Sociobiographical History 123
Schooling 123 Intellectual Activity 124
Physical Exercise 125 Subjective
Evaluation of Decline 126
Cognitive Assistance 126
Medication Adherence 126
Social Networking 127 E-Readers and
Electronic Games 128 Safe Driving 129
Review of Cognitive Changes over the
Adult Years and a Search
for Balance 130
Summary 132
Key Terms 133
Suggested Reading 134
5 Social Roles 137
Social Roles and Transitions 138
Gender Roles and Gender
Stereotypes 139
Social Roles in Young Adulthood 140
Leaving (and Returning) Home 142
Becoming a Spouse or Partner 144
Becoming a Parent 148
Social Roles in Middle Adulthood 152
The Departure of the Children: The
Empty Nest 152 Gender Roles at
Midlife 153 Becoming a Grandparent 153
Caring for an Aging Parent 155
Social Roles in Late Adulthood 157
Living Alone 158 Becoming a Care
Receiver 159
Social Roles in Atypical Families 160
Lifelong Singles 160 The Childless 161
Divorced (and Remarried) Adults 162
The Effect of Variations in Timing 163
Summary 165
Key Terms 166
Suggested Reading 167
6 Social Relationships 169
Theories of Social Relationships 170
Attachment Theory 170 The Convoy
Model 172 Socioemotional
Selectivity Theory 172 Evolutionary
Psychology 173
Intimate Partnerships 174
Contents vii
Establishing an Intimate
Relationship 175 Successful
Marriages 179 Cohabitation
and Marriage 182 Same-Sex
Partnerships 183
Relationships With Other Family
Members 186
General Patterns of Family Interaction 186
Parent–Child Relationships in
Adulthood 187 Grandparent–
Grandchild Relationships 191
Relationships with Brothers and Sisters 195
Friendships in Adulthood 196
Friendship Networks 196 Pets as
Friends 197 Facebook Friends 197
Summary 200
Key Terms 201
Suggested Reading 202
7 Work and Retirement 205
The Importance of Work in
Adulthood 206
Super’s Theory of Career
Development 206 Gender Differences
in Career Patterns 207
Selecting a Career 209
Theories of Career Selection 209 The
Effects of Gender 210 Family
Influences 213 The Role of
Genetics 214
Age Trends in Work Experience 215
Job Performance 215 Job Training and
Retraining 216 Job Satisfaction 217
Work and Personal Life 218
Work and the Individual 218 Work and
Marriage 220 Work
and Parenthood 221 Work
and Caregiving for Adult Family
Members 223 Household Labor 224
Retirement 225
Preparation for Retirement 226 Timing
of Retirement 226 Reasons
for Retirement 227 Effects of
Retirement 229 Alternatives to Full
Retirement 233
A Concluding Note 235
Summary 236
Key Terms 238
Suggested Reading 238
8 Personality 241
Personality Structures 242
Personality Traits and Factors 242
Differential Continuity 244 Mean-Level
Change 244 Intra-Individual
Variability 245 Continuity, Change,
and Variability Coexist 247 What Do
Personality Traits Do? 247
Explanations of Continuity and
Change 250
Genetics 250 Environmental
Influences 251 Evolutionary
Psychology Explanations 252 Cultural
Differences 253 Summing Up
Personality Structure 253
Theories of Personality Development 254
Psychosocial Development 254 Ego
Development 259 Mature
Adaptation 261 Gender Crossover 263
Positive Well-Being 264
Summary 267
Key Terms 269
Suggested Reading 270
9 The Quest for Meaning 273
Why a Chapter on the Quest for
Meaning? 274
The Study of Age-Related Changes in
Meaning Systems 276
Changes in the Quest for Meaning 277
Religion, Spirituality,
and Health 279
Theories of Spiritual Development 281
Development of Moral
Reasoning 281 Development of
Faith 287
Integrating Meaning and Personality: A
Preliminary Theoretical
Synthesis 290
A Synthesizing Model 291 Stages of
Mystical Experience 292
The Process of Transition 293
Commentary and Conclusions 295
Summary 297
Key Terms 299
Suggested Reading 299
10 Stress, Coping, and
Resilience 301
Stress, Stressors, and Stress Reactions 302
Types of Stress 304
Effects of Stress 306
Physical Disease 306 Mental Health
Disorders 307 Individual Differences
in Stress-Related Disorders 309 Stress-
Related Growth 313
Coping with Stress 315
Types of Coping Behaviors 315 Social
Support 318 Personality Traits and
Coping 320
Resilience 321
Reactions to Trauma 321 Individual
Differences in Resilience 322
Resilience in Military Combat and
Deployment 323 A Final Word on Stress
and Resilience 324
Summary 324
Key Terms 326
Suggested Reading 326
11 Death and Bereavement 329
Achieving an Understanding of
Death 330
Meanings of Death 330 Death
Anxiety 331 Accepting the Reality of
One’s Eventual Death 333
The Process of Death 333
Stages of Reactions to Death 334 The
Importance of Farewells 335
Individual Adaptations to
Dying 335 Choosing Where to
Die 337 Choosing When to Die 340
After Death Occurs: Rituals and
Grieving 342
Ritual Mourning: Funerals and
Ceremonies 342 The Process of
Grieving 345
Living and Dying: A Final Word 348
Summary 348
Key Terms 350
Suggested Reading 351
12 The Successful Journey 353
Themes of Adult Development 354
Emerging Adulthood (Ages 18 to 24) 357
Young Adulthood (Ages 25 to 39) 358
Middle Adulthood (Ages 40 to 64) 360
Older Adulthood (Ages 65 to 74) 364
Late Adulthood (Age 75 and Older) 365
Variations in Successful Development 367
Individual Differences in Quality of
Life 368 Other Measures of Life
Success 370 A Model of Adult Growth
and Development: Trajectories and
Pathways 373
Summary 379
Key Terms 380
Suggested Reading 381
References 383
Glossary 411
Credits 419
Author Index 422
Subject Index 431
The Journey of Adulthood is now in its eighth edition, and it continues to capture the dynamic
process of adult development from early adulthood to the end of life. Its core is made up of
research findings from large-scale projects and major theories of adult development, but it also
reflects smaller studies of diverse groups, showing the influences of gender, culture, ethnicity,
race, and socioeconomic background on this journey. I have balanced new research with clas-
sic studies from pioneers in the field of adult development. And I have sweetened this some-
times medicinal taste with a spoonful of honey—a little personal warmth and humor. After
all, I am now officially an older adult who is on this journey along with my husband, looking
ahead at the examples our parents’ journeys gave us, and back toward our children, who are
blazing their own trails. As of this edition, we have nine grandchildren—six of whom are
beginning their own journeys of adulthood either as college students or starting their careers.
New in This Edition
• New information on electronics use: the proportion of people of different ages using
the Internet, cell phones, e-readers, and e-games; the sleep-related problems related
to using electronic “blue screen” devices before bedtime or during the night; the
popularity of online dating services and some words of caution about their claims;
and the relationship between early hearing loss and the use of MP3 players at top
volume with earbuds.
• Increased importance of animals in our lives: the use of dogs and monkeys as assistance
animals for people with disabilities; the use of comfort animals for people in stressful
situations or with mental health problems; and the social support people of all ages
report receiving from their pets.
• New research on veterans: the association between head injuries and PTSD; the asso-
ciation between head injuries and dementia; the collaboration between researchers
in positive psychology and the U.S. Army to boost resilience in combat troops.
• More studies of the effects of discrimination and inequality: older people reminded of
the “poor memory” stereotype score lower on memory tests; young girls of mothers
who believe the “girls are not good at math” stereotype score lower on math tests;
people in minority groups who perceive they are discriminated against have lower
levels of health; African-American adults experience middle age differently than
other groups; same-sex couples experience more violence and aggression, less fam-
ily support, less openness about their relationships; the increase in neighborhoods
designated “food deserts” because of scarcity of grocery stores and abundance of
fast-food restaurants.
• More research on a wider range of younger and older adults. More older people are
in the workforce in the United States and some European countries; longitudinal
studies of attachment between infancy and age 18; long-time married couples report
being “very intensely in love”; social convoys of people from emerging adulthood to
age 90; increase in sex without commitment, or “hookups” for young adults; survey
results of sexuality from age 70 to 94.
x Preface
• New information on top age-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabe-
tes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Updated risk factors for common age-related conditions,
including cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis.
All the tables of risk factors contain information about what younger adults can do
for prevention. New findings on genetic contributions to age-related diseases.
The first chapter of the book contains the basics for the course—definitions, methods,
and guiding perspectives for the study of adult development. The next seven chapters
cover traditional developmental topics, featuring recent research, classic studies, current
theories, new directions, and practical applications. The next three chapters cover top-
ics not traditionally found in adult development texts, but which I feel are important to
round out a student’s experience in this course—the quest for meaning; the inevitability
of stress, coping, and resilience in adult life; and the way we face our own deaths and that
of our loved ones. The final chapter takes a chronological look at adult development, in
contrast to the topical themes in the earlier chapters, and also suggests a model of adult
development that will pull the threads together and tie up loose ends.
Changes in the Field of Adult Development
The study of adult development is a fairly new field, and it expands exponentially from
year to year. It began as a field of psychology, but more and more disciplines have shown
interest in the changes that take place over the adult years. This book includes information
from researchers who identify themselves as psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists,
neuroscientists, epidemiologists, behavior geneticists, cellular biologists, biogerontolo-
gists, and many other types of scientists. The terminology and methods in these fields have
become more and more similar, and many researchers publish in the journals of a variety
of fields. This edition of The Journey of Adulthood reflects the wonderful collaboration
going on and the richness of a number of multidisciplinary projects. It is an exciting time
in developmental science, and this book reflects that energy.
Some of the projects that have been tapped for this textbook are the Midlife in the
United States Study (MIDUS), the Berlin Study of Aging, the Grant Study of Harvard
Men, the National Comorbidity Study, the Nun Study of the School Sisters of Notre
Dame, the Victoria Longitudinal Study, the Swedish Twin Study, the National Survey of
Sexual and Health Behavior, The Women’s Health Study, and the National Longitudinal
Mortality Study.
To emphasize these collaborations, I have identified each major researcher or theorist
with his or her field of study. Two editions ago I was struck with the diversity of scien-
tific fields contributing to the adult development literature. I want this book to reflect
that diversity. When I discuss some particular work in detail, I give the full names of the
researchers and how they identify their field of study. I hope that the students who are
interested in adult development will take note and consider these areas when they declare
their majors or make plans for graduate school. As professors, we need to remember that we
not only teach the content of the courses, but also guide our students in career decisions.
Another change in the field of adult development is that increasingly more research
projects reported in major journals are done by international groups of researchers in set-
tings all over the developed world. We no longer are limited to information on adults in
the United States; we also have research being done by Swedish, Japanese, and Egyptian
scientists using Swedish, Japanese, and Egyptian participants. When the findings are
similar to studies done in the United States, we can be more confident that the develop-
mental phenomenon being studied is an integral part of the human experience and not
something particular to people in the United States. When the findings are different from
studies done in the United States, we can investigate these differences and find their roots.
I have identified these international research teams and the nationalities of their partici-
pants. I hope this accentuates the global aspects of our academic community, and as a
seasoned traveler myself, I hope it inspires students to consider “study abroad” programs.
I include full names of major researchers and theorists when I discuss their work in
detail. Seeing the first and last names makes the researchers more real to the students than
conventional citations of “last names, comma, date.” Full names also reflect the diversity
of scientists–often their gender and their national or ethnic backgrounds. Our students
represent a wide range of races and ethnicities, and the time of science being the sole
domain of an elite group most of us cannot identify with is gone.
One of the most exciting changes in the field of adult development has been its expan-
sion to emphasize a wider and wider range of age groups. When I first began writing in this
area, the focus of interest was older adults. The last two editions of this book have featured
more and more studies of young adults, middle-aged adults, and emerging adults. This
edition has added more research on the opposite end of the age spectrum—those who are
75, 80, 90 years of age and older. Although having people in this age group is nothing new,
the growing numbers of them have made it important (and relatively easy) to include them
in studies of adult development. Clearly the study of adult development is no longer the
study of certain specific age groups; it is now truly a study of every aspect of adulthood. I
have tried to capture this inclusion by choosing topics, examples, opening stories, photos,
suggested reading, and critical thinking questions that represent the entire adult life span.
Changes in the World Around Us
Since the last edition of this book, there have been many changes in the world around us.
As I write this preface, we seem to be recovering from the financial setbacks that began in
2008. Unemployment and underemployment are a still a problem for many, and almost
every family has been touched by financial setbacks of one sort or another. Troops are
coming back from Iraq, but many have war-related disabilities that include posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Single-parent families and dual-
earner families in the United States (and in many other developed countries) are having
a rough time; they receive little cooperation from the government, the workplace, or
the community to assist them in caring for both job and family. Many older women,
especially those who live alone, are living below the poverty line. The United States has
the highest rates of mental disorders of any developed country, and most of the people
experiencing these symptoms do not get adequate treatment. Unhealthy lifestyles are
resulting in increased health problems for many adults in the developing world, and the
ages of those affected are extending to both the younger and older end of the spectrum.
Although I try to maintain a positive tone in this book, these aspects of adult life are
realities, and I have included them in the topics discussed in The Journey of Adulthood .
Other changes in the world around us are more positive. Health awareness is increasing
at all ages, advances are being made in many areas of disease prevention, detection, and
treatment, and a greater percentage of people in developed countries are living into old age.
The rate of cancer deaths continues to decline as advances are made in early detection and
treatment. Although there is still no treatment for aging and no sign of a way to increase
the existing maximum life span, people are increasing the number of healthy years in their
lives. Programs such as hospice are making it possible for an growing number of people
to choose to have “a good death” when that time comes. Women are making great strides
in professional careers and in their positive adjustment to children leaving home and wid-
owhood. Communication technology has made it easier for families to stay in touch and
for older adults to live independently. The average age of people using social media, cell
phones, and e-games is increasing. These are also among the topics selected for this book.
xii Preface
Changes in the Classroom
Courses in adult development are offered in all major colleges and universities in the
United States and are becoming popular around the world. It is safe to say that gradu-
ates in almost all majors will be working in fields that deal with the changes that occur
during adulthood. It is also safe to say that students in all majors will be dealing with the
topic on a personal level, both their own progress through adulthood and that of their
parents. My students at Florida Atlantic University this semester are majoring in psy-
chology, counseling, nursing, criminal justice, premedical sciences, prelaw, social work,
occupational therapy, sociology, and education. About one half are bilingual, and about
one third speak English as a second language. The majority will be the first in their
families to graduate from college. I no longer assume that they have the same academic
backgrounds as students a decade ago. For these reasons, I include basic definitions of
key terms in the text of each chapter, clear explanations of relevant statistical methods,
and basic details of major theories. I meet the readers knowing that the “typical student”
is an outdated stereotype, but I meet them with respect for their intelligence and moti-
vation. I firmly believe that it is possible to explain complex ideas clearly and connect
with students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. I do it every week in my
lectures, and I do it in this book.
Highlights of Chapters in This Edition
Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the study of adult development, beginning with
the concept of development being both stable and changing. I use my own journey of
adulthood as an example of these concepts and invite students to think of their own lives
in these terms. Two guiding perspectives are introduced, Baltes’s life-span developmental
approach and Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model. Hopefully students will feel com-
fortable with those straightforward theories and move smoothly into the next section on
developmental research. I don’t assume that all students have taken a research methods
class, so I limit the methods, measures, analyses, and designs to those that are used in later
chapters. In fact, I use some of these later studies as examples, hoping that students will
feel comfortable with them when they encounter them later in the book.
New in this chapter:
• Current events added to table of normative history-graded influences.
• The role of methylation in epigenetic inheritance.
The theme of Chapter 2 is primary aging , the physical changes that take place pre-
dictably in most of us when we reach certain milestones in our journeys of adulthood.
Again, I begin with some basic theories, including Harmon’s theory of oxidative damage,
Hayflick’s theory of genetic limits, and the theory of caloric restriction. Then I cover
age-related physical changes, including outward appearance, the senses, the bones and
muscles, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the brain and nervous system, the
immune system, and the hormonal system. Most of the age-related changes in these sys-
tems are gradual, but much can be done to avoid premature aging (and much of that can
be done in early adulthood, such as avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight and tobacco
use). Next I cover four areas of more complex functioning—(a) athletic abilities; (b) stam-
ina, dexterity, and balance; (c) sleep; and (d) sexual activity, all of which decline gradually
with age. I cover some of the ways these declines can be slowed, but end the chapter with
the caution that so far, we have no proven way to “turn back the clock” of time.
New in this chapter:
• Research on noise exposure levels for MP3 players.
• Evidence that high levels of sports participation in adolescents is a risk factor for
osteoarthritis in young and middle adulthood.
• Studies of master athletes (up to age 90) and their oxygen uptake abilities.
• The connection between blue screens (smart phones, tablets, e-games) and insomnia.
• The prevalence of hookups —casual sex without commitment—among emerging adults.
• The concept of food deserts— neighborhoods with a high number of fast-food restau-
rants and a low number of stores selling …
The Journey
of Adulthood
Eighth Edition
Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
Barbara R. Bjorklund
Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN 10: 0-205-97075-3
ISBN 13: 978-0-205-97075-9
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Erin Mitchell
Editorial Assistant: Sarah Henrich
Senior Managing Editor: Linda Behrens
Project Manager: Sherry Lewis
Program Manager: Annemarie Franklin
Procurement Specialist: Diane Peirano
Cover Designer: John Christiana
Cover Image: My Good Images/Shutterstock
Full-Service Project Management: Laserwords Maine
Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Malloy State St
Cover Printer: Edwards Brothers Malloy State St
Text Font: Adobe Garamond
Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the
appropriate page of appearance and on pages 419–421.
Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited
reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson
Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 or you may fax your
request to 201-236-3290.
Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those
designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in
initial caps or all caps.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bjorklund, Barbara R.
The Journey of Adulthood / Barbara R. Bjorklund, Florida Atlantic University.—Eighth edition.
pages cm
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-97075-9
ISBN-10: 0-205-97075-3
1. Adulthood—Psychological aspects. 2. Aging—Psychological aspects. 3.
Adulthood. 4. Aging. I. Title.
BF724.5.B44 2015
For Lily Pearl Zeman, my ninth grandchild, whose
arrival was every bit as glorious as my first!
This page intentionally left blank
Preface ix
1 Introduction to Adult
Development 3
Basic Concepts in Adult
Development 4
Sources of Change 7
Normative Age-Graded
Influences 7 Normative History-Graded
Influences 8 Nonnormative Life
Events 10
Sources of Stability 10
Genetics 12 Environment 12
Interactionist View 13
A Word About “Age” 14
Setting the Course: Some Guiding
Perspectives 15
Life-Span Developmental Psychology
Approach 15 Bioecological Model
of Development 15
Developmental Research 17
Methods 18 Measures 23
Analyses 24 Designs 27
A Final Word 30
Summary 30
Key Terms 32
Suggested Reading 32
2 Physical Changes 35
Theories of Primary Aging 36
Oxidative Damage 36 Genetic
Limits 37 Caloric Restriction 38
A Word on Theories of Primary Aging 39
Physical Changes During
Adulthood 39
Outward Appearance 39
The Senses 44 Bones and
Muscles 48 Cardiovascular and
Respiratory Systems 51 Brain
and Nervous System 52 Immune
System 53 Hormonal System 54
Changes in Physical Behavior 56
Athletic Abilities 56 Stamina, Dexterity,
and Balance 57 Sleep 58
Sexual Activity 60
Individual Differences in Primary
Aging 63
Genetics 64 Lifestyle 64 Race,
Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Group 65
Can We “Turn Back the Clock” of
Primary Aging? 66
An Overview of the Physical Changes in
Adulthood 66
Summary 68
Key Terms 69
Suggested Reading 70
3 Health and Health
Disorders 73
Mortality Rates and Causes of
Death 74
Morbidity Rates, Disease, and
Disability 74
Common Health Conditions 74
Disability 75 Self-Ratings of
Health 76
Specifi c Diseases 77
Cardiovascular Disease 77
Cancer 78 Diabetes 79 Alzheimer’s
Disease 80 People Living with Age-
Related Diseases and Disabilities 82
Mental Disorders 83
Anxiety Disorders 85 Mood
Disorders 85 Impulse Control
Disorders 87 Substance Abuse
Disorders 87 Treatment of Mental
Health Disorders 87
Nonmedical Solutions 88
Assistive Technology 88 Assistance
Animals 89
Individual Differences in Health 89
Lifestyle 89 Gender 90
Socioeconomics, Race, and
Ethnicity 91 Personality and
Behavior Patterns 94 Genetics 95
Developmental Origins 96 The Road to
Good Health 97
Summary 98
Key Terms 100
Suggested Reading 101
4 Cognitive Abilities 103
Intelligence 104
Age Changes in Overall
Intelligence 104 Components of
Intelligence 106 Reversing Declines in
Intellectual Abilities 107
Memory 109
Short-Term and Working
Memory 109 Declarative and
Nondeclarative (Procedural)
Memory 111 Prospective Memory 114
Slowing Declines in Memory Abilities 114
Memory in Context 115
Decision Making and Problem
Solving 117
Individual Differences in Cognitive
Change 120
Health 121 Genetics 122 Demographics
and Sociobiographical History 123
Schooling 123 Intellectual Activity 124
Physical Exercise 125 Subjective
Evaluation of Decline 126
Cognitive Assistance 126
Medication Adherence 126
Social Networking 127 E-Readers and
Electronic Games 128 Safe Driving 129
Review of Cognitive Changes over the
Adult Years and a Search
for Balance 130
Summary 132
Key Terms 133
Suggested Reading 134
5 Social Roles 137
Social Roles and Transitions 138
Gender Roles and Gender
Stereotypes 139
Social Roles in Young Adulthood 140
Leaving (and Returning) Home 142
Becoming a Spouse or Partner 144
Becoming a Parent 148
Social Roles in Middle Adulthood 152
The Departure of the Children: The
Empty Nest 152 Gender Roles at
Midlife 153 Becoming a Grandparent 153
Caring for an Aging Parent 155
Social Roles in Late Adulthood 157
Living Alone 158 Becoming a Care
Receiver 159
Social Roles in Atypical Families 160
Lifelong Singles 160 The Childless 161
Divorced (and Remarried) Adults 162
The Effect of Variations in Timing 163
Summary 165
Key Terms 166
Suggested Reading 167
6 Social Relationships 169
Theories of Social Relationships 170
Attachment Theory 170 The Convoy
Model 172 Socioemotional
Selectivity Theory 172 Evolutionary
Psychology 173
Intimate Partnerships 174
Contents vii
Establishing an Intimate
Relationship 175 Successful
Marriages 179 Cohabitation
and Marriage 182 Same-Sex
Partnerships 183
Relationships With Other Family
Members 186
General Patterns of Family Interaction 186
Parent–Child Relationships in
Adulthood 187 Grandparent–
Grandchild Relationships 191
Relationships with Brothers and Sisters 195
Friendships in Adulthood 196
Friendship Networks 196 Pets as
Friends 197 Facebook Friends 197
Summary 200
Key Terms 201
Suggested Reading 202
7 Work and Retirement 205
The Importance of Work in
Adulthood 206
Super’s Theory of Career
Development 206 Gender Differences
in Career Patterns 207
Selecting a Career 209
Theories of Career Selection 209 The
Effects of Gender 210 Family
Influences 213 The Role of
Genetics 214
Age Trends in Work Experience 215
Job Performance 215 Job Training and
Retraining 216 Job Satisfaction 217
Work and Personal Life 218
Work and the Individual 218 Work and
Marriage 220 Work
and Parenthood 221 Work
and Caregiving for Adult Family
Members 223 Household Labor 224
Retirement 225
Preparation for Retirement 226 Timing
of Retirement 226 Reasons
for Retirement 227 Effects of
Retirement 229 Alternatives to Full
Retirement 233
A Concluding Note 235
Summary 236
Key Terms 238
Suggested Reading 238
8 Personality 241
Personality Structures 242
Personality Traits and Factors 242
Differential Continuity 244 Mean-Level
Change 244 Intra-Individual
Variability 245 Continuity, Change,
and Variability Coexist 247 What Do
Personality Traits Do? 247
Explanations of Continuity and
Change 250
Genetics 250 Environmental
Influences 251 Evolutionary
Psychology Explanations 252 Cultural
Differences 253 Summing Up
Personality Structure 253
Theories of Personality Development 254
Psychosocial Development 254 Ego
Development 259 Mature
Adaptation 261 Gender Crossover 263
Positive Well-Being 264
Summary 267
Key Terms 269
Suggested Reading 270
9 The Quest for Meaning 273
Why a Chapter on the Quest for
Meaning? 274
The Study of Age-Related Changes in
Meaning Systems 276
Changes in the Quest for Meaning 277
Religion, Spirituality,
and Health 279
Theories of Spiritual Development 281
Development of Moral
Reasoning 281 Development of
Faith 287
Integrating Meaning and Personality: A
Preliminary Theoretical
Synthesis 290
A Synthesizing Model 291 Stages of
Mystical Experience 292
The Process of Transition 293
Commentary and Conclusions 295
Summary 297
Key Terms 299
Suggested Reading 299
10 Stress, Coping, and
Resilience 301
Stress, Stressors, and Stress Reactions 302
Types of Stress 304
Effects of Stress 306
Physical Disease 306 Mental Health
Disorders 307 Individual Differences
in Stress-Related Disorders 309 Stress-
Related Growth 313
Coping with Stress 315
Types of Coping Behaviors 315 Social
Support 318 Personality Traits and
Coping 320
Resilience 321
Reactions to Trauma 321 Individual
Differences in Resilience 322
Resilience in Military Combat and
Deployment 323 A Final Word on Stress
and Resilience 324
Summary 324
Key Terms 326
Suggested Reading 326
11 Death and Bereavement 329
Achieving an Understanding of
Death 330
Meanings of Death 330 Death
Anxiety 331 Accepting the Reality of
One’s Eventual Death 333
The Process of Death 333
Stages of Reactions to Death 334 The
Importance of Farewells 335
Individual Adaptations to
Dying 335 Choosing Where to
Die 337 Choosing When to Die 340
After Death Occurs: Rituals and
Grieving 342
Ritual Mourning: Funerals and
Ceremonies 342 The Process of
Grieving 345
Living and Dying: A Final Word 348
Summary 348
Key Terms 350
Suggested Reading 351
12 The Successful Journey 353
Themes of Adult Development 354
Emerging Adulthood (Ages 18 to 24) 357
Young Adulthood (Ages 25 to 39) 358
Middle Adulthood (Ages 40 to 64) 360
Older Adulthood (Ages 65 to 74) 364
Late Adulthood (Age 75 and Older) 365
Variations in Successful Development 367
Individual Differences in Quality of
Life 368 Other Measures of Life
Success 370 A Model of Adult Growth
and Development: Trajectories and
Pathways 373
Summary 379
Key Terms 380
Suggested Reading 381
References 383
Glossary 411
Credits 419
Author Index 422
Subject Index 431
The Journey of Adulthood is now in its eighth edition, and it continues to capture the dynamic
process of adult development from early adulthood to the end of life. Its core is made up of
research findings from large-scale projects and major theories of adult development, but it also
reflects smaller studies of diverse groups, showing the influences of gender, culture, ethnicity,
race, and socioeconomic background on this journey. I have balanced new research with clas-
sic studies from pioneers in the field of adult development. And I have sweetened this some-
times medicinal taste with a spoonful of honey—a little personal warmth and humor. After
all, I am now officially an older adult who is on this journey along with my husband, looking
ahead at the examples our parents’ journeys gave us, and back toward our children, who are
blazing their own trails. As of this edition, we have nine grandchildren—six of whom are
beginning their own journeys of adulthood either as college students or starting their careers.
New in This Edition
• New information on electronics use: the proportion of people of different ages using
the Internet, cell phones, e-readers, and e-games; the sleep-related problems related
to using electronic “blue screen” devices before bedtime or during the night; the
popularity of online dating services and some words of caution about their claims;
and the relationship between early hearing loss and the use of MP3 players at top
volume with earbuds.
• Increased importance of animals in our lives: the use of dogs and monkeys as assistance
animals for people with disabilities; the use of comfort animals for people in stressful
situations or with mental health problems; and the social support people of all ages
report receiving from their pets.
• New research on veterans: the association between head injuries and PTSD; the asso-
ciation between head injuries and dementia; the collaboration between researchers
in positive psychology and the U.S. Army to boost resilience in combat troops.
• More studies of the effects of discrimination and inequality: older people reminded of
the “poor memory” stereotype score lower on memory tests; young girls of mothers
who believe the “girls are not good at math” stereotype score lower on math tests;
people in minority groups who perceive they are discriminated against have lower
levels of health; African-American adults experience middle age differently than
other groups; same-sex couples experience more violence and aggression, less fam-
ily support, less openness about their relationships; the increase in neighborhoods
designated “food deserts” because of scarcity of grocery stores and abundance of
fast-food restaurants.
• More research on a wider range of younger and older adults. More older people are
in the workforce in the United States and some European countries; longitudinal
studies of attachment between infancy and age 18; long-time married couples report
being “very intensely in love”; social convoys of people from emerging adulthood to
age 90; increase in sex without commitment, or “hookups” for young adults; survey
results of sexuality from age 70 to 94.
x Preface
• New information on top age-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabe-
tes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Updated risk factors for common age-related conditions,
including cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis.
All the tables of risk factors contain information about what younger adults can do
for prevention. New findings on genetic contributions to age-related diseases.
The first chapter of the book contains the basics for the course—definitions, methods,
and guiding perspectives for the study of adult development. The next seven chapters
cover traditional developmental topics, featuring recent research, classic studies, current
theories, new directions, and practical applications. The next three chapters cover top-
ics not traditionally found in adult development texts, but which I feel are important to
round out a student’s experience in this course—the quest for meaning; the inevitability
of stress, coping, and resilience in adult life; and the way we face our own deaths and that
of our loved ones. The final chapter takes a chronological look at adult development, in
contrast to the topical themes in the earlier chapters, and also suggests a model of adult
development that will pull the threads together and tie up loose ends.
Changes in the Field of Adult Development
The study of adult development is a fairly new field, and it expands exponentially from
year to year. It began as a field of psychology, but more and more disciplines have shown
interest in the changes that take place over the adult years. This book includes information
from researchers who identify themselves as psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists,
neuroscientists, epidemiologists, behavior geneticists, cellular biologists, biogerontolo-
gists, and many other types of scientists. The terminology and methods in these fields have
become more and more similar, and many researchers publish in the journals of a variety
of fields. This edition of The Journey of Adulthood reflects the wonderful collaboration
going on and the richness of a number of multidisciplinary projects. It is an exciting time
in developmental science, and this book reflects that energy.
Some of the projects that have been tapped for this textbook are the Midlife in the
United States Study (MIDUS), the Berlin Study of Aging, the Grant Study of Harvard
Men, the National Comorbidity Study, the Nun Study of the School Sisters of Notre
Dame, the Victoria Longitudinal Study, the Swedish Twin Study, the National Survey of
Sexual and Health Behavior, The Women’s Health Study, and the National Longitudinal
Mortality Study.
To emphasize these collaborations, I have identified each major researcher or theorist
with his or her field of study. Two editions ago I was struck with the diversity of scien-
tific fields contributing to the adult development literature. I want this book to reflect
that diversity. When I discuss some particular work in detail, I give the full names of the
researchers and how they identify their field of study. I hope that the students who are
interested in adult development will take note and consider these areas when they declare
their majors or make plans for graduate school. As professors, we need to remember that we
not only teach the content of the courses, but also guide our students in career decisions.
Another change in the field of adult development is that increasingly more research
projects reported in major journals are done by international groups of researchers in set-
tings all over the developed world. We no longer are limited to information on adults in
the United States; we also have research being done by Swedish, Japanese, and Egyptian
scientists using Swedish, Japanese, and Egyptian participants. When the findings are
similar to studies done in the United States, we can be more confident that the develop-
mental phenomenon being studied is an integral part of the human experience and not
something particular to people in the United States. When the findings are different from
studies done in the United States, we can investigate these differences and find their roots.
I have identified these international research teams and the nationalities of their partici-
pants. I hope this accentuates the global aspects of our academic community, and as a
seasoned traveler myself, I hope it inspires students to consider “study abroad” programs.
I include full names of major researchers and theorists when I discuss their work in
detail. Seeing the first and last names makes the researchers more real to the students than
conventional citations of “last names, comma, date.” Full names also reflect the diversity
of scientists–often their gender and their national or ethnic backgrounds. Our students
represent a wide range of races and ethnicities, and the time of science being the sole
domain of an elite group most of us cannot identify with is gone.
One of the most exciting changes in the field of adult development has been its expan-
sion to emphasize a wider and wider range of age groups. When I first began writing in this
area, the focus of interest was older adults. The last two editions of this book have featured
more and more studies of young adults, middle-aged adults, and emerging adults. This
edition has added more research on the opposite end of the age spectrum—those who are
75, 80, 90 years of age and older. Although having people in this age group is nothing new,
the growing numbers of them have made it important (and relatively easy) to include them
in studies of adult development. Clearly the study of adult development is no longer the
study of certain specific age groups; it is now truly a study of every aspect of adulthood. I
have tried to capture this inclusion by choosing topics, examples, opening stories, photos,
suggested reading, and critical thinking questions that represent the entire adult life span.
Changes in the World Around Us
Since the last edition of this book, there have been many changes in the world around us.
As I write this preface, we seem to be recovering from the financial setbacks that began in
2008. Unemployment and underemployment are a still a problem for many, and almost
every family has been touched by financial setbacks of one sort or another. Troops are
coming back from Iraq, but many have war-related disabilities that include posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Single-parent families and dual-
earner families in the United States (and in many other developed countries) are having
a rough time; they receive little cooperation from the government, the workplace, or
the community to assist them in caring for both job and family. Many older women,
especially those who live alone, are living below the poverty line. The United States has
the highest rates of mental disorders of any developed country, and most of the people
experiencing these symptoms do not get adequate treatment. Unhealthy lifestyles are
resulting in increased health problems for many adults in the developing world, and the
ages of those affected are extending to both the younger and older end of the spectrum.
Although I try to maintain a positive tone in this book, these aspects of adult life are
realities, and I have included them in the topics discussed in The Journey of Adulthood .
Other changes in the world around us are more positive. Health awareness is increasing
at all ages, advances are being made in many areas of disease prevention, detection, and
treatment, and a greater percentage of people in developed countries are living into old age.
The rate of cancer deaths continues to decline as advances are made in early detection and
treatment. Although there is still no treatment for aging and no sign of a way to increase
the existing maximum life span, people are increasing the number of healthy years in their
lives. Programs such as hospice are making it possible for an growing number of people
to choose to have “a good death” when that time comes. Women are making great strides
in professional careers and in their positive adjustment to children leaving home and wid-
owhood. Communication technology has made it easier for families to stay in touch and
for older adults to live independently. The average age of people using social media, cell
phones, and e-games is increasing. These are also among the topics selected for this book.
xii Preface
Changes in the Classroom
Courses in adult development are offered in all major colleges and universities in the
United States and are becoming popular around the world. It is safe to say that gradu-
ates in almost all majors will be working in fields that deal with the changes that occur
during adulthood. It is also safe to say that students in all majors will be dealing with the
topic on a personal level, both their own progress through adulthood and that of their
parents. My students at Florida Atlantic University this semester are majoring in psy-
chology, counseling, nursing, criminal justice, premedical sciences, prelaw, social work,
occupational therapy, sociology, and education. About one half are bilingual, and about
one third speak English as a second language. The majority will be the first in their
families to graduate from college. I no longer assume that they have the same academic
backgrounds as students a decade ago. For these reasons, I include basic definitions of
key terms in the text of each chapter, clear explanations of relevant statistical methods,
and basic details of major theories. I meet the readers knowing that the “typical student”
is an outdated stereotype, but I meet them with respect for their intelligence and moti-
vation. I firmly believe that it is possible to explain complex ideas clearly and connect
with students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. I do it every week in my
lectures, and I do it in this book.
Highlights of Chapters in This Edition
Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to the study of adult development, beginning with
the concept of development being both stable and changing. I use my own journey of
adulthood as an example of these concepts and invite students to think of their own lives
in these terms. Two guiding perspectives are introduced, Baltes’s life-span developmental
approach and Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model. Hopefully students will feel com-
fortable with those straightforward theories and move smoothly into the next section on
developmental research. I don’t assume that all students have taken a research methods
class, so I limit the methods, measures, analyses, and designs to those that are used in later
chapters. In fact, I use some of these later studies as examples, hoping that students will
feel comfortable with them when they encounter them later in the book.
New in this chapter:
• Current events added to table of normative history-graded influences.
• The role of methylation in epigenetic inheritance.
The theme of Chapter 2 is primary aging , the physical changes that take place pre-
dictably in most of us when we reach certain milestones in our journeys of adulthood.
Again, I begin with some basic theories, including Harmon’s theory of oxidative damage,
Hayflick’s theory of genetic limits, and the theory of caloric restriction. Then I cover
age-related physical changes, including outward appearance, the senses, the bones and
muscles, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the brain and nervous system, the
immune system, and the hormonal system. Most of the age-related changes in these sys-
tems are gradual, but much can be done to avoid premature aging (and much of that can
be done in early adulthood, such as avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight and tobacco
use). Next I cover four areas of more complex functioning—(a) athletic abilities; (b) stam-
ina, dexterity, and balance; (c) sleep; and (d) sexual activity, all of which decline gradually
with age. I cover some of the ways these declines can be slowed, but end the chapter with
the caution that so far, we have no proven way to “turn back the clock” of time.
New in this chapter:
• Research on noise exposure levels for MP3 players.
• Evidence that high levels of sports participation in adolescents is a risk factor for
osteoarthritis in young and middle adulthood.
• Studies of master athletes (up to age 90) and their oxygen uptake abilities.
• The connection between blue screens (smart phones, tablets, e-games) and insomnia.
• The prevalence of hookups —casual sex without commitment—among emerging adults.
• The concept of food deserts— neighborhoods with a high number of fast-food restau-
rants and a low number of stores selling …
Applied Sciences
Computer Science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Business & Finance
Political Science
Financial markets
Architecture and Design
Social Science
World history
Business Finance
Telecommunications Engineering
e. Embedded Entrepreneurship
f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models
g. Social-Founder Identity
h. Micros-enterprise Development
Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada)
a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami
(people influence of
others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities
of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these (
American history
Ancient history
. Also
Numerical analysis
Environmental science
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
ness Horizons
Physical chemistry
When considering both O
Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years)
or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime
Chemical Engineering
aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less.
To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here:
In order to
n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading
ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.
Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
You will need to perform a literature search for your topic
you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes
Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience
od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in
in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care. The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases
e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada
making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
Topic: Purchasing and Technology
You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class
be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique
low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo
evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program
Understanding Gender Fluidity
Providing Inclusive Quality Care
Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
After the components sending to the manufacturing house
1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend
One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard. While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or
Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business
No matter which type of health care organization
With a direct sale
During the pandemic
Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record
3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i
One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015). Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev
4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal
Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate
We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities
*DDB is used for the first three years
For example
The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case
4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972)
With covid coming into place
In my opinion
Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA
The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be
· By Day 1 of this week
While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013)
5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda
The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle
From a similar but larger point of view
4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition
After viewing the you tube videos on prayer
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)
The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough
Data collection
Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an
I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option. I would want to find out what she is afraid of. I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych
Identify the type of research used in a chosen study
Compose a 1
effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte
I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources
Be 4 pages in length
soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test
One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research
Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti
3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family
A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott
Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident