ethics 6 - Nursing
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
· Textbook: Chapter 11
· Lesson
· Minimum of 2 scholarly sources
Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty.
· Your scenario must be original to you and this assignment. It cannot be from the discussion boards in this class or any other previous forum.
· Articulate (and then assess) the ethical solutions that can found using care (care-based ethics) and rights ethics to those problems.
· Assessment must ask if the solutions are flawed, practicable, persuasive, etc.
· What health care technology is involved in the situation?What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Explore such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.
· Say how social technologies such as blogs, crowdfunding, online encyclopedias can be used in either case. What moral guidelines for using that kind of healthcare technology should be used there? Develop such guidelines also using utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, ethical egoism, or social contract ethics.
You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.
Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
· Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
· 1-inch margins
· Double spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· Title page
· References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)
T he Elements of
Moral Philosophy
James Rachels
Editions 5–9 by
stuaRt Rachels
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Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121.
Copyright © 2019 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed
in the United States of America. Previous editions
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Rachels,
Stuart, 1969- author. | Rachels, James, 1941-2003. Elements of moral
Title: The elements of moral philosophy / James Rachels, editions 5-9 by
Stuart Rachels.
Description: NINTH EDITION. | Dubuque, IA : McGraw-Hill Education,
2018. |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017059417 | ISBN 9781259914256 (pbk. : alk. paper)
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About the Authors
James Rachels (1941–2003) wrote The End of Life: Euthanasia and Morality
(1986), Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism
(1990), Can Ethics Provide Answers? And Other Essays in Moral
Philosophy (1997), Problems from Philosophy (first edition, 2005), and The
Legacy of Socrates: Essays in Moral Philosophy (2007).
His website is
stuaRt Rachels is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of
Alabama. He has revised several of James Rachels’ books, including
Problems from Philosophy as well as the companion anthology to this book,
The Right Thing to Do. Stuart won the U.S. Chess Cham-pionship in 1989,
at the age of 20, and is a Bronze Life Master at bridge. He is currently
writing a book about chess.
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Preface ix
About the Ninth Edition
1.1. The Problem of Definition
1.2. First Example: Baby Theresa
1.3. Second Example: Jodie and Mary
1.4. Third Example: Tracy Latimer
1.5. Reason and Impartiality
1.6. The Minimum Conception of Morality
Notes on Sources
2.1. Different Cultures Have Different Moral Codes
2.2. Cultural Relativism
2.3. The Cultural Differences Argument
2.4. What Follows from Cultural Relativism
2.5. Why There Is Less Disagreement Than There Seems to Be
2.6. Some Values Are Shared by All Cultures
2.7. Judging a Cultural Practice to Be Undesirable
2.8. Back to the Five Claims
2.9. What We Can Learn from Cultural Relativism
Notes on Sources
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3.1. The Basic Idea of Ethical Subjectivism
3.2. The Linguistic Turn
3.3. The Denial of Value
3.4. Ethics and Science
3.5. Same-Sex Relations
Notes on Sources
4.1. The Presumed Connection between Morality and Religion
4.2. The Divine Command Theory
4.3. The Theory of Natural Law
4.4. Religion and Particular Moral Issues
Notes on Sources
5.1. Is There a Duty to Help the Starving?
5.2. Psychological Egoism
5.3. Three Arguments for Ethical Egoism
5.4. Two Arguments against Ethical Egoism
Notes on Sources
6.1. Hobbes’s Argument
6.2. The Prisoner’s Dilemma
6.3. Some Advantages of the Social Contract Theory
6.4. The Problem of Civil Disobedience
6.5. Difficulties for the Theory
Notes on Sources
7.1. The Revolution in Ethics
7.2. First Example: Euthanasia
7.3. Second Example: Marijuana
7.4. Third Example: Nonhuman Animals
Notes on Sources
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8.1. The Classical Version of the Theory
8.2. Is Pleasure All That Matters?
8.3. Are Consequences All That Matter?
8.4. Should We Be Equally Concerned for Everyone?
8.5. The Defense of Utilitarianism
8.6. Concluding Thoughts
Notes on Sources
9.1. Harry Truman and Elizabeth Anscombe
9.2. The Categorical Imperative
9.3. Kant’s Arguments on Lying
9.4. Conflicts between Rules
9.5. Kant’s Insight
Notes on Sources
10.1. Kant’s Core Ideas
10.2. Retribution and Utility in the Theory of Punishment
10.3. Kant’s Retributivism
Notes on Sources
11.1. Do Women and Men Think Differently about Ethics?
11.2. Implications for Moral Judgment
11.3. Implications for Ethical Theory
Notes on Sources
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12.1. The Ethics of Virtue and the Ethics of Right Action
12.2. The Virtues
12.3. Two Advantages of Virtue Ethics
12.4. Virtue and Conduct
12.5. The Problem of Incompleteness
12.6. Conclusion
Notes on Sources
13.1. Morality without Hubris
13.2. Treating People as They Deserve
13.3. A Variety of Motives
13.4. Multiple-Strategies Utilitarianism
13.5. The Moral Community
13.6. Justice and Fairness
13.7. Conclusion
Notes on Sources
Index 197
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P reface
Socrates, one of the first and best moral philosophers, said that morality is
about “no small matter, but how we ought to live.” This book is an
introduction to moral philosophy, conceived in that broad sense.
The field of ethics is immense. In the chapters that follow, I do not try to
canvass every topic in the field, nor do I cover any topic comprehensively.
Instead, I try to discuss the ideas that a newcomer to the subject should
encounter first.
The chapters may be read independently of one another; they are, in effect,
separate essays on separate topics. Thus, someone who is interested in
Ethical Egoism could go straight to Chapter 5 and find a self-contained
introduction to that theory. When read in order, however, the chapters tell a
more or less continuous story.
The first chapter presents a “minimum conception” of what morality is; the
middle chapters cover the most important ethical theories; and the last
chapter presents my own view of what a satisfactory moral theory would be
However, the point of this book is not to provide a neat, uni-fied account of
“the truth” about ethics. That would be a poor way to introduce the subject.
Philosophy is not like physics. In physics, there is a large body of accepted
truth that beginners must master.
Of course, there are unresolved controversies in physics, but these take place
against a backdrop of broad agreement. In philosophy, by contrast,
everything is controversial—or almost everything.
Some of the fundamental issues are still up for grabs. Newcomers to
philosophy may ask themselves whether a moral theory such as
Utilitarianism seems correct. However, newcomers to physics are rarely
encouraged to make up their own minds about the laws of thermodynamics.
A good introduction to ethics will not try to hide that somewhat
embarrassing fact.
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In these pages, you will find a survey of contending ideas, theories, and
arguments. My own views, no doubt, color the presentation. I find some of
these proposals more appealing than others, and a philosopher who made
different assessments would no doubt write a different book. But I try to
present the contending ideas fairly, and, when I pass judgment on an
argument, I try to explain why. Philosophy, like morality itself, is first and
last an exercise in reason; we should embrace the ideas, positions, and
theories that our best arguments support.
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About the Ninth Edition
In this edition, sex and drugs get more coverage. The section on same-sex
relations (3.5) now discusses gay marriage, adoption rights, employment
rights, Russia’s “gay propaganda laws,” teenage suicide, and hate crimes.
The section on marijuana (7.3) now dips into the opioid crisis, the origins of
the Drug War, the utilitarian rejection of “evil pleasures,” the relationship
between state law and federal law, and the harms of tobacco and alcohol
Here and there, the book has been updated to reflect recent events. For
example, the concept of prejudice is now illustrated with a quotation from
Donald Trump (5.4), and Mike Pence now represents opposition to gay
rights (3.1). Some updates reflect a world that is increasingly online. For
example, the importance of finding reliable sources of information is now
discussed solely in terms of internet searches (1.5).
A few thoughts have been added to existing discussions. We now say that
different societies may share some of the same values due to their shared
human nature (at the end of 2.6), and we now qualify the claim that morality
is “natural for human beings” on the grounds that morality may require
humans to be unnaturally benevolent (13.1).
The initial explanation of the Principle of Utility now includes the phrase,
“maximize happiness” (7.1). The dilemma in which absolute rules might
conflict is now about a situation faced by doctors in New Orleans after
Hurricane Katrina, instead of about Dutch fisherman having to lie during
World War II (9.4).
Gone are Kurt Baier’s argument that Ethical Egoism is logically inconsistent
(from 5.4) and the examples of animal experimentation (from 7.4). I’ve also
dropped the claim in Chapter 4 that Exodus 21 supports a liberal view of
abortion, because I am no longer sure how to interpret that passage.
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Finally, the age of the universe has been revised to reflect recent findings in
astronomy (13.1).
For their help, I thank Caleb Andrews, Seth Bordner, Janice Daurio, Micah
Davis, Daniel Hollingshead, Kaave Lajevardi, Cayce Moore, Howard
Pospesel, John Rowell, Mike Vincke, and Chase Wrenn. My biggest thanks
go to my wife, Professor Heather Elliott, and to my mother, Carol Rachels,
for their tremendous help down the stretch.
My father, James Rachels, wrote the first four editions of The Elements of
Moral Philosophy. It is still his book.
—Stuart Rachels
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What Is Morality?
We are discussing no small matter, but how we ought to live.
SocrateS, in Plato’S Republic (ca. 390 b.c.)
1.1. The Problem of Definition\%EF\%BF\%BD
Moral philosophy is the study of what morality is and what it requires of us.
As Socrates said, it’s about “how we ought to live”—
and why. It would be helpful if we could begin with a simple,
uncontroversial definition of what morality is. Unfortunately, we cannot.
There are many rival theories, each expounding a different conception of
what it means to live morally, and any definition that goes beyond Socrates’s
simple formulation is bound to offend at least one of them.
This should make us cautious, but it need not paralyze us. In this chapter, I
will describe the “minimum conception” of morality.
As the name suggests, the minimum conception is a core that every moral
theory should accept, at least as a starting point. First, however, we will
examine some moral controversies having to do with handicapped children.
This discussion will bring out the features of the minimum conception.
1.2. First Example: Baby Theresa
Theresa Ann Campo Pearson, an infant known to the public as “Baby
Theresa,” was born in Florida in 1992. Baby Theresa had anencephaly, one
of the worst genetic disorders. Anencephalic infants are sometimes referred
to as “babies without brains,” but that is not quite 1
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accurate. Important parts of the brain—the cerebrum and cerebellum—
are missing, as is the top of the skull. The brain stem, however, is still there,
and so the baby can breathe and possess a heartbeat. In the United States,
most cases of anencephaly are detected during pregnancy, and the fetuses are
usually aborted. Of those not aborted, half are stillborn. Of those born alive,
most die within days.
Baby Theresa’s story is remarkable only because her parents made an
unusual request. Knowing that their baby would die soon and could never be
conscious, Theresa’s parents volunteered her organs for immediate
transplant. They thought that her kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, and eyes should
go to other children who could benefit from them. Her physicians agreed.
Thousands of infants need transplants each year, and there are never enough
organs available. However, Theresa’s organs were not taken, because Florida
law forbids the removal of organs until the donor has died. And by the time
Baby Theresa died, nine days later, it was too late—her organs had
deteriorated too much to be transplanted.
Baby Theresa’s case was widely debated. Should she have been killed so
that her organs could have been used to save other children?
A number of professional “ethicists”—people who get paid by universities,
hospitals, and law schools to think about such things—were asked by the
press to comment. Most of them disagreed with the parents, instead
appealing to time-honored philosophical principles.
“It just seems too horrifying to use people as means to other people’s ends,”
said one such expert. Another explained: “It’s unethical to kill person A to
save person B.” And a third added: “What the parents are really asking for
is, Kill this dying baby so that its organs may be used for someone else.
Well, that’s really a horrendous proposition.”
Is it horrendous? Opinions were divided. These ethicists thought it was,
while the parents and doctors did not. But we are interested in more than
what people happen to believe. We want to know what’s true. Were the
parents right or wrong to volunteer their baby’s organs for transplant? To
answer this question, we have to ask what reasons, or arguments, can be
given on each side. What can be said for or against the parents’ request?
The Benefits Argument. The parents believed that Theresa’s organs were
doing her no good, because she was not conscious and was
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bound to die soon. The other children, however, could be helped.
Thus, the parents seem to have reasoned: If we can benefit someone without
harming anyone else, then we ought to do so. Transplanting the organs
would benefit the other children without harming Baby Theresa.
Therefore, we ought to transplant the organs.
Is this correct? Not every argument is sound. In addition to knowing what
arguments can be given for a view, we also want to know whether those
arguments are any good. Generally speaking, an argument is sound if its
assumptions are true and the conclusion follows logically from them. In this
case, the argument has two assumptions: that we should help someone if no
harm would come of it, and that the transplant would help the other children
without harming Theresa. We might wonder, however, about the claim that
Theresa wouldn’t be harmed. After all, she would die, and wouldn’t dying be
bad for her? Yet on reflection, it seems clear that the parents were right,
under these tragic circumstances. Staying alive is good for someone only if it
allows her to do things and to have thoughts and feelings and relations with
other people—in other words, only if the individual who is alive has a life.
Without such things, mere biological existence has no value. Therefore, even
though Theresa might remain alive for a few more days, it would do her no
The Benefits Argument provides a powerful reason for transplanting the
organs. What arguments exist on the other side?
The Argument That We Should Not Use People as Means. The ethicists
who opposed the transplants offered two arguments. The first was based on
the idea that it is wrong to use people as means to other people’s goals.
Taking Theresa’s organs would be using her to benefit the other children,
whom she doesn’t know and cares nothing about; therefore, it should not be
Is this argument sound? The idea that we should not “use” people is
appealing, but this idea is vague. What exactly does it mean?
“Using people” typically involves violating their autonomy—their ability to
decide for themselves how to live their own lives, based on their own desires
and values. A person’s autonomy may be violated through manipulation,
trickery, or deceit. For example, I may pretend to be your friend, when I am
only interested in going out with your sister; or I may lie to you, so you’ll
give me money; or I may try to convince rac14259_ch01_001-013.indd 3
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you that you would enjoy going to a movie, when, really, I only want you to
give me a ride. In each case, I am manipulating you in order to get
something for myself. Autonomy is also violated when people are forced to
do things against their will. This explains why “using people” is wrong; it is
wrong because it thwarts their autonomy.
Taking Baby Theresa’s organs, however, could not thwart her autonomy,
because she has no autonomy—she cannot make decisions, she has no
desires, and she cannot value anything. Would taking her organs be “using
her” in any other morally significant sense? We would, of course, be using
her organs for someone else’s benefit. But we do that every time we perform
a transplant. We would also be using her organs without her permission.
Would that make it wrong? If we were using them against her wishes, then
that would be a reason for objecting—
it would violate her autonomy. But Baby Theresa has no wishes.
When people are unable to make decisions for themselves, and others must
step in, there are two reasonable guidelines that might be adopted. First, we
might ask, What would be in their own best interests? If we apply this
standard to Baby Theresa, there would be no problem with taking her
organs, for, as we have already noted, her interests will not be affected. She
is not conscious, and she will die soon no matter what.
The second guideline appeals to the person’s own preferences: We might
ask, If she could tell us what she wants, what would she say? This sort of
thought is useful when we are dealing with people who have preferences (or
once had them) but cannot express them—for example, a comatose patient
who signed a living will before slipping into the coma. But, sadly, Baby
Theresa has no preferences, nor can she ever have any. So we can get no
guidance from her, not even in our imaginations. The upshot is that we are
left to do what we think is best.
The Argument from the Wrongness of Killing. The ethicists also
appealed to the principle that it is wrong to kill one person to save another.
Taking Theresa’s organs would be killing her to save others, they said; so,
taking the organs would be wrong.
Is this argument sound? The rule against killing is certainly among the most
important moral precepts. Nevertheless, few people believe it is always
wrong to kill—most people think there are exceptions, such as killing in
self-defense. The question, then, is whether taking Baby Theresa’s organs
should be regarded as another rac14259_ch01_001-013.indd 4
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exception. There are many reasons to think so: Baby Theresa is not
conscious; she will never have a life; she is bound to die soon; and taking
her organs would help the other babies. Anyone who accepts this will regard
the argument as flawed. Usually, it is wrong to kill one person to save
another, but not always.
There is another possibility. Perhaps we should regard Baby Theresa as
already dead. If this sounds crazy, bear in mind that our conception of death
has changed over the years. In 1967, the South African doctor Christiaan
Barnard performed the first heart transplant in a human being. This was an
exciting development; heart transplants could potentially save many lives. It
was not clear, however, whether any lives could be saved in the United
States. Back then, American law understood death as occurring when the
heart stops beating. But once a heart stops beating, the organ quickly
degrades and becomes unsuitable for transplant. Thus, under American law,
it was not clear whether any hearts could be harvested for transplant. So
American law changed. We now understand death as occurring, not when the
heart stops beating, but when the brain stops functioning: “brain death” is
now our standard understanding of death. This solved the problem about
transplants because a brain-dead patient can still have a healthy heart,
suitable for transplant.
Anencephalics do not meet the technical requirements for brain death as that
term is currently defined, but perhaps the definition should be revised to
include them. After all, they lack any hope for conscious life, because they
have no cerebrum or cerebellum. If the definition of brain death were
reformulated to include anencephalics, then we would become accustomed
to the idea that these unfortunate infants are stillborn, and so taking their
organs would not involve killing them. The Argument from the Wrongness
of Killing would then be moot.
On the whole, then, the arguments in favor of transplanting Baby Theresa’s
organs seem stronger than the arguments against it.
1.3. Second Example: Jodie and Mary
In August 2000, a young woman from Gozo, an island south of Italy,
discovered that she was carrying conjoined twins. Knowing that the health-
care facilities on Gozo couldn’t handle such a birth, she and her husband
went to St. Mary’s Hospital in Manchester, England.
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The infants, known as Mary and Jodie, were joined at the lower abdomen.
Their spines were fused, and they had one heart and one pair of lungs
between them. Jodie, the stronger one, was providing blood for her sister.
No one knows how many conjoined twins are born each year, but the
number seems to be in the hundreds. Most die shortly after birth, but some
do well. They grow to adulthood and marry and have children themselves.
However, the outlook for Mary and Jodie was grim. The doctors said that,
without intervention, the girls would die within six months. The only hope
was an operation to separate them. This would save Jodie, but Mary would
die immediately.
The parents, who were devout Catholics, opposed the operation on the
grounds that it would hasten Mary’s death. “We believe that nature should
take its course,” they said. “If it’s God’s will that both our children should
not survive, then so be it.” The hospital, hoping to save Jodie, petitioned the
courts for permission to perform the operation anyway. The courts agreed,
and the operation was performed. As expected, Jodie lived and Mary died.
In thinking about this case, we should distinguish the question of who should
make the decision from the question of what the decision should be. You
might think, for example, that the parents should make the decision, and so
the courts were wrong to intrude. But there remains the question of what
would be the wisest choice for the parents (or anyone else) to make. We will
focus on that question: Was it right or wrong to separate the twins?
The Argument That We Should Save as Many as We Can. The rationale
for separating the twins is that we have a choice between saving one infant
or letting both die. Isn’t it plainly better to save one? This argument is so
appealing that many people will conclude, without further thought, that the
twins should be separated. At the height of the controversy, the Ladies’
Home Journal commissioned a poll to discover what Americans thought.
The poll showed that 78\%
approved of the operation. People were persuaded by the idea that we should
save as many as we can. Jodie and Mary’s parents, however, were persuaded
by a different argument.
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The Argument from the Sanctity …
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Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
You will need to perform a literature search for your topic
you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes
Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience
od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in
in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care. The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases
e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada
making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
Topic: Purchasing and Technology
You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class
be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique
low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo
evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program
Understanding Gender Fluidity
Providing Inclusive Quality Care
Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
After the components sending to the manufacturing house
1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend
One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard. While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or
Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business
No matter which type of health care organization
With a direct sale
During the pandemic
Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record
3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i
One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015). Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev
4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal
Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate
We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities
*DDB is used for the first three years
For example
The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case
4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972)
With covid coming into place
In my opinion
Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA
The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be
· By Day 1 of this week
While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013)
5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda
The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle
From a similar but larger point of view
4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition
After viewing the you tube videos on prayer
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)
The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough
Data collection
Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an
I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option. I would want to find out what she is afraid of. I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych
Identify the type of research used in a chosen study
Compose a 1
effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte
I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources
Be 4 pages in length
soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test
One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research
Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti
3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family
A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott
Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident