work - Management
Task summary You are required to implement organisational learning strategies. This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment at Jumbucks Bush Retreat (with which you are familiar) Required Access to learning materials Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access Email template Senior Management Brief Training Outline template Learning Strategy Report Template Performance Management Policy and Framework Recruitment, Selection Policy and Procedures Assessment Task 3F Training Delivery Assessment Timing Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions. Submit RevisedRecruitment, Selection and InductionPolicy andProcedures. Revised PerformanceAppraisal Policy and Procedures Final Recruitment, Selection Policy and Procedure Final Performance Management Policy and Framework Developed training session for employees Assessment criteria For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence. Assessment Task 3 Instructions Carefully Read the Following; TheGeneral Manager and Owners of Jumbucks Bush Retreat have analysed and discussed your Organisational Learning Strategy and decided to prioritise the following implementation measures. TheGeneralManager haswritten a brief (theSeniorManagementBrief) that goes into more details on these measures. The Senior Management brief for Jumbucks Bush retreat. In a meeting with the General Manager, she has advised you of the 3Year Strategic Plan for Jumbuck Bush Retreat, which forecasts a substantial expansion. Having conducted the review of operations the Owners and management team have established the following strategic priorities, these are; Strategic Priorities 1. Values o Strong local business o Demonstrate fairness in all dealings o Customers are the centre of our enterprise 1. Financial o Grow the business from 3.0 million (2020 forecast) to 7.5 million turn-over in 2023 o Maintain current profitability ratios of 7\% net profit on revenue o Embark on a $2.5 million capital expenditure program to support profitable growth o Explore Government Grants and Tourism support schemes 2. Marketing o Increase the number of guests visiting Jumbucks o Increase the average guest expenditure per visit by expanding the range of services and products offered o Grow the conference centre and event market opportunity to increase utilisation of the conference centre 3. Operations o Evaluate the benefit or otherwise of engaging external contractors to conduct the maintenance activities. Evaluate the WHS requirements for the organisation and initiate corrective actions as required (this has been an area that has not received adequate attention in the past) 4. Human Resources o Become an employer of choice in the area o Improve retention of staff by reducing staff turnover from 32\% to 12\% by the end of 2021 o Conduct initiatives to attract more local employment o Develop and multi-skill current staff and provide career development paths within the organisation o Ensure all staff have the correct qualifications and permits for the work that they undertake or may be required to undertake as a result of the multi-skilling initiative 5. Special Projects o Develop stronger engagement and relationships with the local indigenous community  Explore Partnering in bush Regeneration  Bushwalks  Bush Tucker   Provide local employment opportunities for indigenous youth  Determine the availability of Government support for indigenous employment and training initiatives Jumbucks Bush retreat is keen to provide employment and educational opportunities to local Indigenous community. They would like to know what opportunities exist to access government grants and support for indigenous related programs Furthermore in exit interviews staff have expressed that they are unable to successfully complete studies at TAFE while working at Jumbucks because of the travel time and shift conflicts. Jumbucks would like to explore the opportunity to provide a classroom space in the conference centre where staff can access streamed lectures fromTAFEwhichwould enable programs to be run in partnership with TAFE. Initial discussions with the staff have received a positive response Complete the following activities: Part A - Revise the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures. Make changes to this document that reflect the research that you have conducted and the feedback that you have received from the General Manager in the Senior Management Brief. Upload this version of the document as Revised Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures. Part B - Revise the Performance Appraisal Policy and Procedures. Make changes to this document that reflect the research that you have conducted and the feedback that you have received from the General Manager. Upload this version of the document as Revised Performance Management Policy and Procedures Part C - Send an email to all management and staff (your assessor). According to organisational policy, all management and staff are to be given the opportunity to provide feedback on any changes to company Policy and Procedures. The text of theemail shouldbe ingrammatically correctEnglish,written in an appropriate, polite business style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the documents you prepared in Parts A and B. The email text should ask them for their feedback on the documents. In particular, to send their feedback to the Administration Officer, who will collate the responses. Upload your email ensuring that Revised Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedure Revised Performance Management Policy and Framework Have also been uploaded Part D - Finalise the company Policies and Procedure. This version of the documents should reflect the feedback that you have received. Save these documents as: Final Recruitment, Selection Policy and Procedure Final PerformanceAppraisal Policy and Procedure Upload the final versions of these documents Part E - Design and develop a training session on Customer Service. As the first priority Jumbucks Bush Retreat has decided that one of the organisational learning strategies is teaching staff and people about Customer Service. You are required to develop a training session that can be used for training the companys employees. It is felt that by developing their empathy and their approach to their own learning goals, staff will gain greater benefit from the changes that have been made to the companys policies and procedures. It would help if you designed the presentation with this in mind. Your training should be based on the Senior Management Brief, but you are also required to use the internet to source relevant learning resources. You should modify the information you find in these for use in the training as needed. Referenceat least oneof these learning resources in your trainingdocument so you can be assessed on your ability to modify and use information that you have sourced yourself. Youwill alsobe required touse these resources todevelop trainingaids such as a PowerPoint and/or handouts as well as an assessment quiz. This will also demonstrate that you have reviewed and modified the learning resources you identified as being suitable. Use the Training Outline Template to guide your work. Prior to the delivery of the training, provide your Customer Service training outline to your assessor and the supporting resources and assessment quiz that you have developed based on the learning resources you sourced. Upload all material to Canvas including your Training Outline template. Part F - Deliver training on customer service. In this part of the assessment, you will be required to deliver your training session on Customer Service to the staff. Your assessor will organise 2 students in the role of staff to attend the training session. Deliver the training using the session outline you have developed, as well as the training aids. Advise staff that you will also be providing them with an assessment for completion over the coming days. During the training session, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including: Speaking clearly and concisely using language and vocabulary that your audience can easily understand Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding Asking questions to identify the required information Responding to questions as required Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding Part G - Validate assessment methods and tools. Review theCustomerServiceTraining in light ofwhat youhave learnedwhile developing the training. Validate or reject the tool with a few sentences of explanation. You may suggest improvements to the document that would bring it in line with your expectations. What worked well? What did not work so well? What improvements would you make? Upload your validation document. Part H - Send an email to The General Manager(your assessor) The text of theemail shouldbe ingrammatically correctEnglish,written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. The email text should include the assessment tool validation/rejection that youwrote in thepreviousactivity. It should also introduceand summarise the contents of the validation document. Upload your email. Training Outline Template Name of Training Session Trainer Name (your name) Target Audience Training Date and Time Room Arrangements Training Objectives: Key messages: Visual Aids: Training Flow: Time (minutes) Section Description Power Point Slides Handouts Assessment Quiz Total: 20 Minutes Additional Information: Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 2 The Senior Management brief for Jumbucks Bush retreat. In a meeting with the General Manager, the General Manager has advised you of the 3 Year Strategic Plan for Jumbuck Bush Retreat, which forecasts a substantial expansion. Having conducted the review of operations the Owners and management team have established the following strategic priorities, these are: Strategic Priorities 1. Values 0. Strong local business 0. Demonstrate fairness in all dealings 0. Customers are the centre of our enterprise 1. Financial 1. Grow the business from 3.0 million (2020 forecast) to 7.5 million turn-over in 2023 1. Maintain current profitability ratios of 7\% net profit on revenue 1. Embark on a $2.5 million capital expenditure program to support profitable growth 1. Explore Government Grants and Tourism support schemes 1. Marketing 2. Increase the number of guests visiting Jumbucks 2. Increase the average guest expenditure per visit by expanding the range of services and products offered 2. Grow the conference centre and event market opportunity to increase utilisation of the conference centre 1. Operations 3. Evaluate the benefit or otherwise of engaging external contractors to conduct the maintenance activities. 3. Evaluate the WHS requirements for the organisation and initiate corrective actions as required (this has been an area that has not received adequate attention in the past) 1. Human Resources 4. Become an employer of choice in the area 4. Improve retention of staff by reducing staff turnover from 32\% to 12\% by the end of 2021 4. Conduct initiatives to attract more local employment 4. Develop and multi-skill current staff and provide career development paths within the organisation 4. Ensure all staff have the correct qualifications and permits for the work that they undertake or may be required to undertake as a result of the multi-skilling initiative 1. Special Projects 5. Develop stronger engagement and relationships with the local indigenous community 0. Explore Partnering in bush Regeneration 0. Bushwalks 0. Bush Tucker 5. Provide local employment opportunities for indigenous youth 5. Determine the availability of Government support for indigenous employment and training initiatives You will use this brief to complete Assessment Task 2 and 3 Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 2 Recruitment and Selection Policy Policy Number P9 Version Number V2.0 Effective date September 2018 Date to be Reviewed September 2020 Previous Policy Reviewed October 2013 August 2015 V1.0 Number/ Amendments Responsibility General Manager Services PURPOSE To provide guidance and assistance to all managers and supervisors involved in recruitment, selection and promotion of employees at Jumbucks Bush Retreat. OBJECTIVE 1. To ensure decisions are uniform across the Jumbucks Bush Retreat. 1. To make decisions consistent with legislative requirements. 1. To recruit staff on a principle of merit. 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES The Jumbucks Bush Retreat is committed to ensuring that recruitment and selection decisions are based on the principle of merit. Employees will be selected on the basis of whether they have the right skills, qualifications and other talents that are required to do the job. The Jumbucks Bush Retreat is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring that all applicants for selection or promotion are not discriminated against on any of the grounds of discrimination contained in equal opportunity laws and consistent with the Jumbucks Bush Retreat’s Equal Opportunity Policy. Jumbucks Bush Retreat is committed to child safety and all recruitment and selection must be in accordance with the Jumbucks Bush Retreat’s Child Safe Policy. All appointments are subject to the approval of the Jumbucks Bush Retreat’s General Manager (GM). Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 3 of 7 The conditions of employment for employees of Jumbucks Bush Retreat are as described in the Jumbucks Bush RetreatEnterprise Agreement. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Recruitment Recruitment is the process of defining the job needs and attracting appropriate candidates to fill vacant positions. Successful recruiting is well planned, specific in desired outcomes and targeted to the correct pool of applicants. 2.3 Selection Refers to the decision-making process of assessing and appointing the most suitable candidate. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Jumbucks Bush RetreatResponsibilities Jumbucks Bush Retreat have a responsibility to: 1. Ensure that all decisions relating to recruitment, selection and promotion are based on merit and fairness. 1. Make decisions that are compliant with relevant legislation. 1. Ensure Position Descriptions accurately reflect the requirements of a role and are appropriately remunerated. 1. Make decisions relating to recruitment that support the achievement of the organisational objectives. 1. Ensure all people engaged in child-related work are appropriately skilled, reference checked and police checked. 3.2 Managers and Supervisors Managers and supervisors have the responsibility to: 1. Ensure that their actions relating to recruitment, selection and promotion are based on merit and fairness. 1. Comply with the Jumbucks Bush Retreat’s policies and codes of conduct. 1. Consult with the CEO and/or the Corporate Services department on all matters relating to recruitment and selection of employees. 4. GENERAL RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCEDURE Managers and supervisors should refer to the general recruitment procedure outlined below when an employment vacancy occurs. 4.1 Vacancy Assessment The relevant manager, in consultation with the GM, is required to review the role and the function of the position to determine its’ relevance to the operational needs of the Jumbucks Bush Retreat. The vacancy should also be assessed in line with recommendations made in the People and Skills Strategy. Consideration should be given to the appropriate status of engagement for the position (i.e. limited term vacancy, ongoing, full time or part time appointment). 4.2 Position Description Review Every position must have a Position Description that accurately reflects the requirements of the job. The relevant Manager should liaise with the General Manager to ensure that the Position Description has been reviewed, updated date and approved prior to the advertising of the vacancy. 4.3 Advertising Once approved by the GM, all permanent vacancies are required to be advertised. All advertisements will be prepared in consultation with the MCS and should include: 1. Title of the position 1. Summary of the role 1. Information relating to application requirements of candidates (e.g. Resume, response to Key Selection Criteria etc.) 1. Who and how to submit an application 1. Details of where to obtain the relevant Position Description 1. JUMBUCKS BUSH RETREAT is an equal opportunity employer 1. Contact person for further information 1. Closing date for receipt of applications 4.3.1 Internal advertising All permanent vacancies must be advertised internally via staff noticeboards and the intranet. Employees on leave can nominate to be notified when vacancies are advertised. Current employees are encouraged to apply for suitable positions as they arise. Each application will be assessed on its merits, based on the selection criteria required for the position. 4.3.2 External advertising The relevant Manager, in consultation with the GM, will undertake an assessment of the skills, experience and knowledge within the Jumbucks Bush Retreat to determine if a position needs to be advertised externally. Positions may be advertised internally and externally concurrently. An advertising medium appropriate to the vacant position will be engaged. Advertising of vacant positions will be managed by the Operations Manager. 4.3.3 Expressions of Interest Calling for expressions of interest may be used as a recruitment tool under the following circumstances: 1. To create a pool of potential applicants for casual roles 1. To offer the opportunity to current part time employees to vary their hours The following procedures apply: 1. All expressions of interest must be accompanied by a completed prescribed form stating availability 1. All expressions of interest from external applicants must also include a resume 1. All expressions of interest will be assessed according to merit and operational needs 1. Interviews will be held where there are multiple expressions of interest that meet operational requirements 1. All expressions of interest will be kept on file for a period of 6 months 4.4 Enquiries General enquiries in response to advertised vacancies will be managed by the Operations Manager. Enquiries relating to the specific details of the role and its’ responsibly will be referred to the designated manager or supervisor. 4.5 Selection Panel The Management Committee in consultation with the GM will determine the selection panel. Wherever possible the panel will consist of three people, with at least one-panel member having detailed knowledge of the requirements of the job. There may be instances where a different number is more appropriate. In some circumstances, it may be relevant to include an external person on the selection panel. 4.6 Assessment of Applications The selection panel will review the job applications in order to short list applicants who best meet the selection criteria for the position. Other than in exceptional circumstances, applications submitted after the closing date will not be accepted. All applications will be recorded and assessed using the Selection Criteria Response Matrix that will be provided by Operations Manager. All applicants will be considered on their merits against the selection criteria. Members of the selection panel must declare any potential conflicts of interest they have in relation to the applicants being assessed. If necessary a member of the selection panel may be replaced in order to negate a potential conflict of interest. Any known conflicts of interest in relation to an applicant and the role and responsibilities of the vacant position must be considered by the selection panel. The selection panel should complete the shortlisting process within the specified time after the closing date. Arrangements should be made for interviewing candidates who have been shortlisted. Any special requirements should be confirmed with the candidates. As a general rule, it will be the Corporate Services department that will contact shortlisted applicants to schedule interview times. 4.7 Interviews The selection panel are responsible for preparing the questions to be asked at interview. The question templates are to be used as a guide. The questions should be restricted to those that are relevant to the position. Questions that may indicate an intention to discriminate or harass will not be tolerated. Panel members should ask comparable questions of all applicants. Each applicant’s responses should be documented and rated against the selection criteria.The interview must include information for the applicant about the next steps in the selection process and the expected time frame for completion. Permission from the applicant to contact any nominated referees must be obtained during the interview. Panel members must maintain strict confidentiality about candidates and/or panel progress at all times. 4.8 Selection of Recommended Candidates Following the completion of all interviews the panel must: 1. Ensure scores allocated by each interviewer for each selection criteria are transferred to the Candidate Overall Rating form and tallied. 1. Agree on recommended candidate(s). 1. Determine who will carry out the reference and qualifications checks. 1. Document all referee checks using the Referee Check form. 1. Confer with each other after reference checks to make sure that they are satisfied with the decision. 1. Inform the Management Committee of the panel’s recommendation. 1. Return all paperwork relating to the recruitment and selection of applicants to the MC. 1. Refer the recommendation to the GM for approval. 4.9 Offer of Employment The Manager Corporate Services will draft a letter of offer, with the approval of the CEO. 1. Verbal offers will be made based on this document. 1. The successful applicant is required to sign the letter to accept the offer of employment before commencement. 1. Unsuccessful applicants must be notified in writing and be offered an opportunity to contact the relevant manager for feedback. 4.10 Conditions of Appointment All new appointments are subject to a satisfactory Police Check; refusal to do so will result in withdrawal of the employment offer. Where relevant, offers of employment may be subject to the following conditions: 1. Completion of a Working with Children Check 1. Pre-employment medical check 1. Provision of relevant documentation confirming qualifications 1. Provision of relevant visa or documentation confirming eligibility to work in Australia 1. Responsible Serving of Alcohol Food Safety Certificate 1. Food Safety Certificate 1. Food Safety Supervisor Certificate 1. 4.11 Working with Children All employees engaged to deliver children’s programs and activities must: 1. Have a valid Working with Children Check 1. Complete a satisfactory Police and Reference Check 1. Adhere to the Jumbucks Bush Retreat’s Child Safe Policy 5. INDUCTION PROGRAM All new employees will undertake an induction program at the commencement of their appointment. The Operations Manager will coordinate the induction program in consultation with the relevant manager or supervisor. 6. PROBATIONARY PERIOD New employees are appointed with a probationary or qualifying period; supervisors are responsible for monitoring performance during this period and consulting with the relevant manager regarding any performance issues. Refer to the Probationary Guidelines for Supervisors for more information. After the probationary period has been met, new employees will receive a letter confirming their appointment. 7. UNSOLICITED APPLICATIONS All unsolicited employment applications are to be forwarded to the Corporate Services department. Unsolicited applications will be responded to advising that their application will be kept on file for a period of six months. 8. PRIVACY As set out in the Privacy Policy, the Jumbucks Bush Retreat respects and complies with its obligations under privacy legislation. All applications and information gathered about applicants will be stored securely throughout the selection process as per the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Any personal information gathered about unsuccessful applicants will be retained for six months after which it will be destroyed securely. All applicants have the right to request their application be removed at any time. 9. RELATED JUMBUCKS BUSH RETREATPOLICIES AND DOCUMENTS 1. Information Privacy Policy 1. Equal Opportunity Policy 1. Child Safe Policy 1. Code of Conduct – Employee 1. Staff Handbook 1. Staff Development Policy 1. Recruitment and Selection Procedures 1. Position Descriptions 1. Jumbucks Bush Retreat Enterprise Agreement 10. STATE AND COMMONWEALTH LEGISLATION 10.1 New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 10.2 Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Age Discrimination Act 2004 Fair Work Act 2009 11. REVIEW DATE This policy will be reviewed as required. Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 2 Performance Management Policy and Framework Policy Number P8 Version Number V2.0 Effective date September 2018 Date to be Reviewed September 2020 Previous Policy Number/ Amendments Reviewed October 2013 August 2015 V1.0 Responsibility General Manager Services Scope This policy applies to all permanent employees and fixed-term employees engaged for a period greater than 6 months, with Jumbucks Bush Retreat. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure the Performance and Development system supports and maintains a culture of learning, innovation, leadership and accountability for outcomes. The policy will support the achievement of enhanced leadership and performance management across Jumbucks Bush Retreat. Definitions Code of Conduct encompasses the standards and values that individuals and organisations are expected to follow. Feedback is providing information to another person about their performance or impact of their actions on a person, group, or activity. Effective feedback is specific, timely and focuses on a specific behaviour. Goals are objectives, targets, purposes, intentions and plans that both the manager/supervisor and the employee intend to achieve. To be most effective, they need to be specific and measurable. Performance and Development is the system that supports a culture of ongoing improvement, feedback and development within the workplace. The focus of Performance and Development is on personal improvement for effective performance. Performance Development Planning is the process that enables the manager/supervisor and the employee to identify and confirm business and personal goals that are most significant to Jumbucks Bush Retreat success. Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is designed to facilitate constructive discussion between staff member and his or her supervisor and to clarify the specific aspects of work performance to be improved. This is usually used when there are significant underperformance issues and a structured approach is required to address concerns. Performance Management is the holistic process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. It is not merely a focus on current performance but is a wider system that supports the employment cycle. Statement of duties is the primary document that describes the detail of a staff position. It includes a clear and concise description of the role’s focus, duties and responsibilities, along with the skills and knowledge required to undertake the role. Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 1 Principles The Performance and Development System is underpinned by the following key principles: 1. Effective performance is required of all employees regardless of role, responsibility or level. 2. Managers and employees are jointly responsible and accountable for working together to continually improve the performance and achievement of outcomes. 3. Leadership is essential to creating the culture of professional improvement, feedback and development necessary to support effective performance management. 4. Participation in the Performance and Development process must enable every employee to understand Jumbucks Bush Retreat values and strategic priorities and the way in which their role and performance outcomes contribute to achieving these. 5. Participation in the Performance and Development process must enable every employee to identify how they contribute to achieving outcomes at their level. 6. Underperformance must be actively addressed and managed through a structured, fair and transparent process. 7. All managers and employees are to be provided with appropriate training to enable them to participate in and fulfil their performance management responsibilities. Requirements Every employee must have a Performance and Development Plan (PDP), which is to be developed jointly with their manager at least once per year. Every employee must be assessed against the performance requirements in their Plan at least once per year. This policy must be read and applied in conjunction with the Performance and Development Procedure and the Managing Underperformance Procedure. This policy does not apply to the management of alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct or alleged inability to effectively perform duties. Associated documents Jumbucks Bush Retreat Core Performance Framework Performance and Development Procedure Scope This policy applies to all permanent employees and fixed-term employees engaged for a period greater than 6 months, within the Jumbucks Bush Retreat and operates in place of the Department of Justice Performance Management Strategy Policy and Framework. Purpose To detail the way in which the Performance and Development Policy is to be put into action; provide managers and employees with the required set of processes for effectively managing performance. Definitions Code of Conduct encompasses the standards and values that individuals and organisations are expected to follow. Feedback is providing information to another person about their performance or impact of their actions on a person, group or activity. Effective feedback is specific, timely and focuses on a specific behaviour. Goals are objectives, targets, purposes, intentions and plans that both the manager/supervisor and the employee intend to achieve. To be most effective, they need to be specific and measurable. Performance and Development is the system that supports a culture of ongoing improvement, feedback and development within the Jumbucks Bush Retreat workplace. The focus of Performance and Development is on personal improvement for effective performance. Performance Development Planning is the process that enables the manager/supervisor and the employee to identify and confirm business and personal goals that are most significant to Jumbucks Bush Retreat success. Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is designed to facilitate constructive discussion between staff member and his or her supervisor and to clarify the specific aspects of work performance to be improved. This is usually used when there are significant underperformance issues and a structured approach is required to address concerns. Performance Management is the holistic process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. It is not merely a focus on current performance but is a wider system that supports the employment cycle. Procedure Details Performance and Development Plan Every employee must have a Performance and Development Plan (PDP) jointly developed and agreed with their manager. The PDP must be reviewed at least annually. The PDP is to be documented on the template provided. The Performance and Development Cycle The diagram below represents the four key stages in the Performance and Development Cycle. Each department can determine the timing of this cycle, as long as the cycle is completed for each individual employee at least once per year. STAGE 1: Preparing for the Performance and Development Meeting The employee must be provided with sufficient notice of the Performance and Development meeting to allow both parties to prepare for the discussion. The manager is to ensure the employee understands what will be covered during the meeting, is familiar with the Performance and Development process and requirements, including the Performance and Development Plan (PDP) template. The manager and employee are to agree on the nature of the preparation for the meeting, including the documents that will be referred to in preparing the Plan. Both the manager and employee are to ensure they are familiar with these documents prior to the meeting. Guidelines The manager and employee are able to determine the approach they take to preparing for the meeting. They may agree that the employee will undertake a form of self- assessment prior to the meeting, using the Statement of Duties. They may agree that the employee completes a draft of the PDP before the meeting to inform the discussion. Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 1 The degree of self-assessment and preparation undertaken by the employee should be based upon consideration of their experience and confidence with the process, and their employment level. Both the manager and employee should focus their preparation on identifying the priority areas for the employee to concentrate on for the next 12 months, including areas of performance where improvement and development are most relevant. There are a range of reference documents which may be useful in preparing for the discussion including: 1. the Performance Management Policy 1. the Performance Management Procedures 1. the employee’s Statement of Duties 1. the Core Performance Framework 1. previous performance and development plans 1. other business planning documents STAGE 2: Discuss and Develop the PDP The employee and their manager must meet to formally discuss and develop the employee’s PDP at least once per year. The development and documentation of the PDP must include the following elements: (1) Goals/Objectives This section must clearly articulate agreed goals/objectives for performance and improvement that will be a priority for the employee to focus on achieving during the life of the PDP. In deciding on the goals/objectives, the manager and employee are to take into consideration the key areas of priority that have been identified for the workplace, and which are relevant to the employee’s role, responsibilities and duties, and professional standards. The goals/objectives should also be based upon the employee’s statement of duties as well as identified areas of performance improvement for the employee. (2) Actions This section of the PDP must identify the action the employee is to take to ensure they meet the identified goals/objectives and deliver on the agreed outcomes. This section is to include the major activities, tasks, projects and/or responsibilities the employee needs to undertake during the life of the PDP. The actions are to clearly relate to the identified goals/objectives and must be realistic and achievable. (3) Identified Development Need The manager and employee are to discuss and identify any skill gaps or development needs relating to the identified goals/objectives and actions. Specific strategies are to be developed to address the identified development need. The type of professional development to be undertaken and the proposed timeframe must be documented in the PDP. Development opportunities are to be negotiated to take into account the priorities and resources of the workplace, and to ensure appropriate balance for the needs of all employees within JBR. Development opportunities must be realistic and deliverable and are to reflect the principle of collective responsibility for improvement. (4) Outcomes and Measures of Success The outcomes and measures will establish the way in which the employee and manager will assess whether the performance goals/objectives and standards have been met. The PDP must identify the specific outcome that is expected to be delivered in association with each performance goal. Agreed performance measures are to be identified for each identified goal. This will establish the way in which the employee and manager will assess whether the requirement has been met. (5) Core Performance Framework (Refer to the Core Performance Framework for further information on its use). The manager and employee are to incorporate the elements of the Core Performance Framework into the employee’s PDP. A joint understanding is to be reached as to how the employee is expected to demonstrate these requirements in the context of the actions identified in their Plan. (6) Code of Conduct and State Service Principles The development of the PDP must include discussion about the State Service Code of Conduct and State Service Principles, ensuring the employee is familiar with the Code and understands what is required of them. Guidelines General information for the manager: Create an environment that demonstrates an opportunity for supportive two-way discussion. Review the purpose of the discussion. Ensure the employee has the opportunity to talk about what they think about their own performance. Review and summarise the major points and agreements. If there are points of disagreement, jointly devise a strategy to follow up on these. Make a date for next feedback discussion. Establishing the Goals/Objectives: The aim of this section of the PDP is to ensure the employee has a clear understanding of the link between the goals and priorities of the workplace they work in, and their own role and responsibilities. It is recommended that goals/objectives are limited to identification of 4 or 5 key areas Establishing the Actions: The actions should be expressed in clear unambiguous language to provide a mutually understood basis for future discussions about the employee’s performance. A reasonable number of actions should be identified for each goal. This is a matter for negotiation between the manager and the employee. Identified Development Needs: A general discussion should take place regarding current performance in line with the newly identified goals and actions. This will assist in identifying the learning needs which may need to be addressed in order for the employee to meet the expected goals over the assessment period. Strategies may include options such as on-the-job or formalised training, coaching, self- learning, specific developmental opportunities, projects, peer mentoring, cross-skilling etc. Establishing Outcomes and Measures of Success: The identified performance outcome should relate directly to the performance goal and show how it will be achieved. Both parties need to agree on the type and source of evidence that will be relied upon in the performance assessment. The measurement may be quantifiable, i.e. it may be a deadline to be met, or a number of things to be completed. The measurement may be qualitative, i.e. it may be an activity that has to be done to a certain standard. Formal performance assessment will have the most validity when it is based on multiple sources of evidence. STAGE 3: Ongoing Feedback, Support and Development Managers and employees are jointly responsible for ensuring the development and improvement strategies identified in the PDP, including professional development, are followed through. During the period leading up to the evaluation, assessment and review, the manager must ensure opportunities are taken to provide regular feedback on progress against the goals, actions and outcomes documented in the PDP. This feedback, detailing the employee’s progress, is to be recorded on the PDP. Feedback is to be timely, frequent and focused on improvement. Managers must provide constructive and evidence-based feedback. Feedback must be specific, based on examples and focus on the work requirements over which the employee can exercise control. STAGE 4: Evaluation, Assessment and Review At least once per year the manager must evaluate the employee’s performance against their PDP. In undertaking this assessment, the manager must: Evaluate and assess the employee’s performance against the PDP objectively and against the agreed performance measures and outcomes, and with reference to the State Service Code of Conduct and State Service Principles; Arrange a meeting with the employee to discuss the evaluation, providing sufficient notice to enable both parties to prepare; Provide the employee with clear feedback about their performance, and recognise achievements; Advise the employee of the assessment, and be clear about the basis and reasons for the assessment; and Document the reasons for the evaluation and assessment on the PDP template. The assessment is to determine whether the employee: (A) Has achieved the required performance outcomes and standards An employee is to be assessed as has achieved the required performance outcomes and standards where they have met the requirements of their PDP and relevant standards/capabilities. Where this assessment is made, the manager and employee must jointly review and update the PDP to reflect the performance goals, actions, development needs, measures and outcomes for the next cycle. The employee then continues in the normal performance cycle. (B) Is progressing towards meeting required performance outcomes and standards An employee is to be assessed as progressing toward meeting required performance outcomes and standards where they have: 0. achieved the majority of requirements of their PDP and relevant standards/capabilities, and 0. will meet the remaining requirements within a reasonable timeframe, and with further support or development where required. Where this assessment is made the manager and employee should revise the PDP to include appropriate support and development strategies and modify timeframes where necessary. Regular review meetings should be scheduled to monitor progress. (C) Has not achieved the required performance outcomes and standards. An employee is to be assessed as has not achieved the required performance outcomes and standards where they have not achieved the requirements of their PDP and relevant standards/capabilities despite having been provided with appropriate support and development. In cases where an employee is assessed as not meeting key performance requirements, standards or capabilities, the manager must consider appropriate action with reference to the underperformance procedures. Confidentiality, Document Access and Document Storage The original signed PDP must be securely stored in the workplace. The manager of Performance and Absence Management is responsible for ensuring that the most recent PDP of each employee is stored securely with Organisation Development and that the last version is stored on the employee’s file. These documents ordinarily remain confidential between the manager and employee. Where necessary, the Director or delegate is to be granted access to any Performance and Development records of employees within the JBR. Where an employee moves to a new facility/department within the JBR, the new manager is entitled to full access to the employee’s current PDP. The previous manager is responsible for providing the new manager with the PDP. The new manager is responsible for reviewing and updating that PDP as soon as possible to ensure it is relevant to the employee’s new role. Performance and Development documentation for an employee/former employee will not be released to another person (other than identified above), government department, selection panel or other person(s) without the consent of the employee/former employee, unless the information is required by law, including as an exhibit or evidence in legal or industrial proceedings. All Performance and Development documentation must be managed in accordance with the privacy principles contained within the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. All Performance and Development documentation must be retained for a minimum of 2 years (in accordance with the Archives Act 1983). Grievance Procedures If at any stage during the Performance and Development process either the employee or manager do not agree on the content of the PDP and cannot resolve the matter, either party can seek an independent review. Initially an employee should make attempts to resolve any disagreement through discussion with their manager. Following this discussion, if either party remains dissatisfied, they can request an independent review. The review panel may seek written submissions or conduct interviews with both parties, documenting the reason for the dispute. The review panel is to assess the dispute, seeking further supporting evidence if necessary, and advise the parties of the outcome and reasons for their decision. Training It is important that all staff understand the Performance Management policy and application of the performance and development process. Quality Assurance Performance and Development documentation is subject to review to ensure quality assurance. Senior Manager’s or their delegates are responsible for auditing a minimum of 25\% of employee PDP’s in their area on an annual basis. The purpose of audits is the assurance of quality by ensuring that employees and managers are undertaking the Performance and Development process and completing PDP’s correctly. An internal audit plan is to be developed in advance to ensure that a minimum of 25\% of employee PDP’s are reviewed in a 12 month period. Further assistance can be located in the PDP Quality Assurance Record template. In preparing to conduct audits, senior managers or their delegates should be familiar with the JBR Performance and Development policy and procedure. Contact with the manager of Performance and Absence Management should be made in advance in order to ensure access to documentation. When reviewing documentation, ensure that all sections of the PDP have been completed (where applicable), dated and signed by both the employee and manager. Where planning, feedback or evaluation comments are to be provided, review whether sufficient information has been provided against the criteria contained within the Performance and Development Procedure. Any areas of non-conformance or where improvement opportunities have been identified should be addressed with the manager responsible for completing the PDP. Senior Managers / delegates are responsible for completing the PDP Quality Assurance Record template on an annual basis to record details of the audit process. Associated Documents Performance and Development Policy Performance and Development Plan Template Performance Improvement Plan Template PDP Quality Assurance Record Template JBR Core Performance Framework Managing Underperformance Procedure Scope This policy applies to all permanent employees and fixed-term employees engaged for a period greater than 6 months, within the Jumbucks Bush Retreat and operates in place of the Department of Justice Performance Management Strategy Policy and Framework. Purpose To enact the Performance and Development Policy; providing managers and employees with the required set of processes to effectively manage underperformance. Definitions Code of Conduct encompasses the standards and values that individuals and organisations are expected to follow. Feedback is providing information to another person about their performance or impact of their actions on a person, group or activity. Effective feedback is specific, timely and focuses on a specific behaviour. Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is designed to facilitate constructive discussion between staff member and his or her supervisor and to clarify the specific aspects of work performance to be improved. This is usually used when there are significant underperformance issues and a structured approach is required to address concerns. Performance Management is the holistic process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. It is not merely a focus on current performance but is a wider system that supports the employment cycle. Statement of duties is the primary document that describes the detail of a staff position. It includes a clear and concise description of the role’s focus, duties and responsibilities, along with the skills and knowledge required to undertake the role. Underperformance means when an employee is not meeting the specific performance requirements identified in their Performance and Development Plan, or the general standards of performance and behaviour expected of an employee, despite having received reasonable support, development and training to enable them to perform effectively. Identification of underperformance and commencement of the process to manage the underperformance may occur either: 1. as a result of a formal assessment of has not met the standard required in the employee’s annual performance assessment, or 1. during the course of the performance cycle, when a manager identifies an issue/issues of underperformance and despite reasonable efforts to address the underperformance informally, the underperformance continues. While an underperformance process is underway, the employee ceases to be involved in the annual Performance and Development cycle. Where the underperformance issue is successfully resolved, the employee returns to the normal annual Performance and Development cycle. Principles The following principles apply to the management of underperformance: 1. Underperformance is not acceptable and employees are required to share responsibility for improving performance and to participate in the processes established in these procedures. 1. Managers are to address instances of underperformance in a timely and appropriate manner, in accordance with these procedures. 1. The primary goal of the underperformance process is to rectify underperformance issues and ensure the employee’s future work performance is maintained at a satisfactory level. 1. Underperformance is to be managed in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness. This means that an employee has the right to be informed of the specific details of the underperformance issue, is entitled to be heard and must be given a reasonable opportunity to present their case. 1. Employees and managers have a right to be treated fairly and without bias, and are to be informed of the reasons for a decision which affects them. 1. Employees involved in the underperformance process must be provided with sufficient notice of any meetings. 1. Employees involved in the underperformance process are entitled to support and/or representation at all stages of the process, and are to be advised of this right. 1. Meetings and discussions must be conducted in an appropriate location having regard to privacy, confidentiality and provisions for people with disability. 1. All matters arising during the process are to be kept in the strictest confidence. 1. Records of all meetings and discussions are to be provided to the employee. 1. Managers are to provide the employee with access to appropriate avenues of support throughout the process, including the Employee Assistance Program. 1. The decision to terminate employment only occurs when it is evident performance will not improve and the employee has been given the opportunity and support to achieve effective performance. General Provisions An employee will generally be required to remain working in their current position while an underperformance process is underway, unless the transfer to an alternative role or facility/department is part of a specific strategy to address the underperformance issue. Where an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct occurs during the course of an underperformance process, the alleged breach is to be dealt and managed separately to, and possibly concurrently with, the existing underperformance matter. An underperformance process is to be suspended for periods of scheduled absence of the employee from the workplace, including during periods of pre-approved leave and illness. This must be factored into the timeframe of a Performance Improvement Plan. The underperformance process is to resume as soon as the period of absence is concluded. Procedure Details Stage 1: Early Intervention and Support When an underperformance issue is initially identified the manager must address the issues promptly. The manager must document the discussions and outcomes [refer Management of Underperformance Template 1(a) “Record of Discussion” and 1(b) “Review Meeting”]. The Manager must ensure the employee is provided with reasonable opportunity and support to address the underperformance issue. In most cases it is expected that this early intervention and dedicated support for the employee will be sufficient in addressing underperformance. Where this early intervention has not resolved the underperformance and/or the formal performance assessment has resulted in an assessment of has not met the standard required, the Manager is to seek advice from their next level Manager and the relevant HR representative on an appropriate course of action. Where advice is given to commence a more formal management of the underperformance issue, the matter is to proceed to Stage 2. Where it is identified during the discussion that there are more serious issues impacting on the employee’s performance e.g. a medical condition or issues of misconduct, the Manager is to seek advice from the relevant HR representative on the appropriate course of action. Stage 2: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Process The process is outlined below in steps 1 – 6. (1) The Manager is to refer the matter through their Senior Manager or to the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager is to make a recommendation to the Manager/Supervisor for the appropriate course of action [refer to Management of Underperformance Template 2 “Consideration of Commencement of Formal Underperformance Process”]. (2) The Manager/Supervisor will then determine whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed with formal management of underperformance. (a) Where the Manager/Supervisor determines the evidence is insufficient to proceed with formal management of underperformance, they are to refer the matter back to the Manager to continue Stage 1. (b) Where the Operations Manager determines there is sufficient evidence for a formal process to proceed, the Operations Manager is to refer the matter back to the Manager to develop a PIP with the employee. The Operations Manager’s decision to commence the PIP process is to be recorded on Management of Underperformance Template 2 “Consideration of Commencement of Formal Underperformance Process”. The Manager must formally advise the employee using Management of Underperformance Template 3 “Manager Advice to Employee Regarding Commencement of Formal Process”. The advice is to include: notice that a formal process has commenced and that a PIP is to be developed; specific details of the underperformance issue to be addressed; details of the scheduled meeting; 0. the employee’s right to provide a response to the alleged underperformance in writing or at the scheduled meeting; 0. the employee’s rights to be supported or represented by a person of their choice throughout the process, and the requirement for them to advise in writing if they decline this offer; and 0. A clear statement on the consequences if performance does not improve. (3) The Manager and employee (and where applicable, support person) must meet to establish a PIP. During this meeting the employee must be provided with an opportunity to respond to the underperformance issue, to provide any supporting evidence or documentation or additional information regarding issues that may be impacting on their performance. The Manager is required to consider all information provided by the employee. Where it is identified during the discussion that there are more serious issues impacting on the employee’s performance e.g. a medical condition or issues of misconduct, the Manager is to seek advice from the relevant HR representative on the appropriate course of action. The Manager, in consultation with the employee, must determine an appropriate timeframe for the PIP. The minimum period for a PIP is to be 4 weeks, and the maximum period is to be 12 weeks. In determining the PIP timeframe consideration is to be given to the following factors: 0. reasonable time for support/development strategies to be implemented; 0. reasonable time for employee to act on agreed outcomes and demonstrate sustained improved performance; 0. the general expectation that performance will improve in a timely manner; 0. the level of support and development already provided to the employee to address the underperformance issue; and 0. availability of the employee over the full period of the PIP (taking into account any pre-approved absences). The outcomes of the discussion must be documented on the PIP [refer to the JBR PIP Template] and must include: 0. specification of the performance requirements that have not been met; 0. the actions the employee is required to undertake to improve performance; 0. details on the development and support that is to be provided to the employee to help them achieve the documented performance outcomes; 0. the timeframe for achievement, milestones to be met and the frequency of monitoring; and 0. details on how performance will be measured and the type of evidence to be used. (4) Interim Assessment: At the agreed intervals a review of the employee’s performance including formal, documented feedback is to occur including the opportunity for the employee to respond. Where the outcome of the first interim assessment is that performance has improved to a satisfactory level, the Manager may determine that the employee can resume the normal Performance and Development Cycle. The employee is to be advised of this outcome [refer to Management of Underperformance Template 6 “Advice to Employee of Outcome – return to Performance Management Cycle”], including notification that the improvement must be sustained or the matter may be referred back to the Operations Manager to consider an appropriate course of action. Where the outcome of the first interim assessment is that performance has not improved, the Manager is to refer the matter to the Operations Manager. (5) Establishment of PIP Panel – Where the Operation Manager agrees with the Interim Assessment that performance has not improved, they are to establish a Panel to manage the underperformance process in accordance with the PIP. The Panel is to comprise the Supervisor, their Manager and the Operations Manager. (6) Final Assessment: At the end of the agreed timeframes for the PIP a final assessment by the Panel should be undertaken. Where the outcome of the assessment is that performance has improved to a satisfactory level, the Panel may determine that the employee can resume the normal Performance and Development Cycle. The employee is to be advised of this outcome Where the outcome of the assessment is that performance has not improved, the Panel is to evaluate the process and evidence gathered to determine the appropriate action. This evaluation should include a review of the measurement and assessment process along with any other relevant documentation to ensure the Panel’s process was appropriate, fair, and reasonable. The Panel must then decide to: Option 1: extend the PIP timeframe to allow the employee further development and the opportunity to demonstrate improved performance. The employee must be advised of the reasons for the decision [refer Management of Underperformance or Option 2: refer all documentation to the Operations Manager to determine appropriate action and advise the employee Stage 3: Assessment by the Operations Manager The Operations Manager will determine whether the Panel’s assessment is supported based upon the documentation and evidence supplied by the Panel. Where the Operations Manager does not support the Panel’s assessment, they are to either: (1) advise the Panel to review the PIP and resume the process; or (2) convene a new Panel and resume the process from Stage 2(e) with the development of a new PIP. Where the Operations Manager supports the Panel’s assessment, they are to refer all documentation to the general manager consideration of appropriate action Stage 4: Decision by the General Manager The General Manager must determine the course of action based on all the documentation provided by the Operations Manager. Where the General Manager does not accept the assessment of the Panel and Operations Manager, the General Manager is to appoint a new Panel and the process is to resume from Stage 2(e), with the development of a new PIP. Where the General Manager accepts the assessment of the Panel and Operations Manager, the General Manager is to determine the appropriate outcome. Where the outcome is other than termination, the General Manager is to refer the matter back to the Operations Manager who is responsible for implementing the action. Where the outcome is that termination of employment, is to be considered and the following steps must occur: 1. the General Manager must advise the employee in writing that a recommendation to the Minister 1. (or the Minister’s delegate) for termination of employment is being considered; 1. the employee is to have a minimum of 14 days from the date of notice to provide a response; 1. after 14 days the General Manager must review the employee’s response (where provided) and determine the appropriate course of action; 1. where the General Manager decides to recommend termination the employee must be advised in writing including the reasons for that recommendation; Confidentiality, Document Access and Document Storage Documentation created during Stage 1 of this procedure is to remain confidential between the parties with a specified role in the process, as described in this procedure, and as necessary for the effective management of the underperformance. Records created during Stage 1 must be stored in a private and confidential manner with Organisation Development, and retained for a minimum of two years. The manager of Performance and Absence Management is responsible for ensuring that documentation is stored securely. Documentation created during Stage 2 to 4 is to remain confidential between the parties with a specified role in the process, as described in this procedure. Once the process is complete, all documentation is to be retained on the employee’s central records personal file. Performance and Development documentation for an employee/former employee will not be released to any other person (other than those parties identified above), government department, selection Panel or other person(s) without the consent of the employee/former employee, unless the information is required by law including as an exhibit or evidence in legal or industrial proceedings. All Performance and Development documentation must be managed in accordance with the privacy principles. Grievance Procedures Initially an employee should make attempts to resolve any disagreement through discussion with their manager. Following this discussion, if the employee remains dissatisfied, they should discuss their concerns with their relevant senior manager. If this does not resolve the issue employees are to use an external Grievance third-party provider in line with the relevant award. Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20. Page 1 of 2 Learning Strategy Report Template 1. Define the L&D vision, goals, metrics Ensuring these align with the JBR’s strategy and priorities, consult with all key stakeholders 1. Inventory all existing L&D activity: Name, type, objective, vendor, success measurement, occurrences 1. Define curriculum to deliver no. 1 (consult with all key stakeholders) and Senior Manager BriefBased on JBRl and role needs (not employee wish list or entitlements), innovative & applied solutions, ROI 1. Analyse the gap between no. 3 and no. 2 – rationalize curriculum 1. Define L&D organisation and process to deliver L&D strategy Roles, business interfaces, LMS, budget, delivery, scheduling, tracking 1. Identify priorities, design, select vendors, and schedule delivery “Low-hanging fruit”, local/global, leaders as teachers, blended, targeted employees 1. Establish solutions for a full curriculum 1. Measure success and update curriculum/content as appropriate Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 2 Email Template From: To: Cc: Date: Subject: Copyright© ECA College RTO 45012 v20.0 Page 1 of 2
Economics Nursing Applied Sciences Psychology Science Management Computer Science Human Resource Management Accounting Information Systems English Anatomy Operations Management Sociology Literature Education Business & Finance Marketing Engineering Statistics Biology Political Science Reading History Financial markets Philosophy Mathematics Law Criminal Architecture and Design Government Social Science World history Chemistry Humanities Business Finance Writing Programming Telecommunications Engineering Geography Physics Spanish ach e. Embedded Entrepreneurship f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models g. Social-Founder Identity h. Micros-enterprise Development Outcomes Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada) a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami Calculus (people influence of  others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities  of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these ( American history Pharmacology Ancient history . Also Numerical analysis Environmental science Electrical Engineering Precalculus Physiology Civil Engineering Electronic Engineering ness Horizons Algebra Geology Physical chemistry nt When considering both O lassrooms Civil Probability ions Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years) or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime Chemical Engineering Ecology aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less. INSTRUCTIONS:  To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here: In order to n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.  Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear Mechanical Engineering Organic chemistry Geometry nment Topic You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts) Literature search You will need to perform a literature search for your topic Geophysics you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages). Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in in body of the report Conclusions References (8 References Minimum) *** Words count = 2000 words. *** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style. *** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)" Electromagnetism w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care.  The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management.  Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management. visual representations of information. They can include numbers SSAY ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3 pages): Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner. Topic: Purchasing and Technology You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion. Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will   finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program Vignette Understanding Gender Fluidity Providing Inclusive Quality Care Affirming Clinical Encounters Conclusion References Nurse Practitioner Knowledge Mechanics and word limit is unit as a guide only. The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su Trigonometry Article writing Other 5. June 29 After the components sending to the manufacturing house 1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard.  While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business No matter which type of health care organization With a direct sale During the pandemic Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record 3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015).  Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev 4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate Ethics We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities *DDB is used for the first three years For example The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case 4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972) With covid coming into place In my opinion with Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be · By Day 1 of this week While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013) 5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda Urien The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle From a similar but larger point of view 4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition After viewing the you tube videos on prayer Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages) The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough Data collection Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option.  I would want to find out what she is afraid of.  I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych Identify the type of research used in a chosen study Compose a 1 Optics effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources Be 4 pages in length soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test g One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti 3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family A Health in All Policies approach Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum Chen Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change Read Reflections on Cultural Humility Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident