Business proposal draft - Management
Business proposal
Selling leftover food from restaurants via app with cheaper price
Collaboration with various restaurant throughout Canada
YouTube links for reference of UK based app
Additional document
Template for Proposal/Report
What is ExO model and explain how you have used the model in researching and identifying an Edge initiative.
Identify the organization and Edge initiative you have selected.
Key Objectives
Clearly identify the purpose of the Edge initiative based on your research and analysis.
Identify the name for the Edge initiative and your intent to establish a start up transformative organization.
What is the MTP?
Be clear and follow guidelines provided by M Wyne to identify your MTP
Include your worksheet in appendix
Trends and Issues
Identify the key area of focus your team selected. Use worksheet and put in appendix.
What is the problem and opportunity you have selected?
Leverage an Exponential Technology
Research the exponential technologies using the resources provided by M Wyne
Identify the exponential technology you have selected for your transformative startup.
(worksheet in appendix)
Research Startups and Business Models
Identify any similar startups and business models that are emerging relevant to your startup
(worksheet in appendix)
Define Problems/Solutions for your MTP and Edge Initiative
Summarize your analysis (worksheet in appendix).
What is the problem/solution your team to focus on for this Edge initiative?
ExO Canvas and Attributes
Complete the worksheet and put in appendix.
Identify the key attributes you will leverage for your Edge initiative.
Business Model
Complete the business model worksheet and put in appendix.
Identify the key points of your business model based on the worksheet.
Your Plan and Reality
Conclude with your plan to implement and the reality you may face.
11 Attributes of ExO Organizations
Salim’s Notes: The ExO Attributes – pdf
Salim – ExO startup comments – 20 min
1. Mini-awake session – 4:34
2. Your Company is Killing Innovation & You May Not Even Be Aware – 4:02 – Resource link
3. 11 Attributes of Wildly Successful Silicon Valley Organizations – 4:02 – Resource link
Attributes in greater detail
4. Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) – 3:01 - Resource link
5. Staff on Demand – 2:27 - Resource link
6. Community & Crowd – 2:43 // ExO Summit Community & Crowd – 7:01
7. Algorithms – 2:28 – Resource link //
8. Leveraged Assets – 2:21 // ExO Summit Leveraged Assets – 6:33
9. Engagement – 4:26 // ExO Summit Engagement – 5:35
10. Interfaces – 2:33
11. Dashboards – 3:16
12. Experimentation – 4:08 - Resource link // ExO Summit – Experimentation – 7:19
13. Autonomy – 1:35 // ExO Summit - Autonomy – 5:47
14. Social Technologies – 2:12 // ExO Summit – Social Technologies – 7:33
Related videos of potential interest
· Exponential Quotient Survey – 2:22
· Linear vs Exponential Organizations – 5:56
· Breakdown of the 10 Week ExO Sprint – 4:30
· ExO Accelerator program – 3:50 (1st draft Nov 2019). Planetary CARE is in this program. Next steps to begin finals in mid January.
ExOs That Failed and What We Have Learned – 1 hr by Salim (Nov 2019)
ExO Community EXOS Launch Webinar – 1 hr – Salim, et all (Nov 2019)
Parents & Tech: Dealing with Screen Time (Salim Ismail & Nicole Dreiske) )Nov 2019
ExO Canvas
ExO Canvas V1.0.
Co-created by a group of innovation experts from all around the world. Further information at
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit: or send a letter to Creative Commons,
171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
What data do we have?
What data do we need?
How will we collect data for the algorithms?
Is the data we need available?
How will we implement the right culture
along the whole organization?
How will we measure it?
How will we drive the organization
toward the MTP? How will we measure it?
What collection of projects should we run
to implement the above attributes?
What are the key elements everyone
on the team has to agree on?
Can we build a cloud of external employees”?
How could we have the best
employees for each activity?
How should we find and hire?
By using an agency? Direct? Local?
Remote? Platform?
Why are we developing algorithms?
Which labor/activity/task can we automate?
Which algorithm / systems / platforms
are you going to use to process/leverage
the information you have?
What type of fixed costs can we move
off the balance sheet by renting them?
What processes can we outsource?
Is there spare capacity lying around
which we could re-purpose?
What contests/promotions can be created
to increase customer acquisition?
How can we leverage gamification to improve
our products and services?
How can you make people
use your product every day?
Is there an existing community we can leverage?
How will we turn external
community into advocates?
How will we create value for my community?
How can the community create value
for my product?
Can we build an API that connect our systems
with the community?
Can we create a marketplace to drive growth?
What can we do to provide my product/service
in a self-service mode?
What do you want to learn and
what experiments will you run to do it?
How will you measure the success
of the experiments?
How can we reduce decision-delay
or approval-chains?
How can we avoid too much management
and allow the staff to grow?
Is there a framework/ tools we could use?
(OKR, Holacracy, etc.)
How will we leverage social technologies
to improve communication
(within our team/community/clients)?
What social network/tools can we use?
Can we use social tools
to do some of the work for us?
Why do you need to have real-time data?
What real-time data do you need
to track/measure?
What systems will you use in order
to measure that data?
What will you do with this data?
How can we encourage experimentation
within the organization?
Organization: Exponential Quotient (ExQ): Date: Done by:
Why does the organization exist?
What is the purpose of the organization?
What is the target of the organization?
Do kids and grandmas understand it?
Rent it?
Make it?
Can we buy it?
ExO Canvas
ExO Canvas V1.0.
Co-created by a group of innovation experts from all around the world. Further information at
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit: or send a letter to Creative Commons,
171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Organization: Exponential Quotient (ExQ): Date: Done by:
ExO Canvas
ExO Canvas V1.0.
Co-created by a group of innovation experts from all around the world. Further information at
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit: or send a letter to Creative Commons,
171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Organization: Exponential Quotient (ExQ): Date: Done by:
Create a world where you can belong anywhere.
Houses, apartments and
rooms available for renting
coming from owners.
Demand for renting some
place coming from travelers.
Agile platform development.
Platform development.
Startup Culture.
Ranking system for both
places and travelers.
Travelers all around the world.
Blog and posts about travel
and tips for it.
Ranking system for both
places and travelers.
Places to rent.
Ranking system for both
places and travelers.
Easy platform to communicate
owners with travelers.
Real-time key metrics analysis
for the internal staff
and also for users.
Lean Startup.
Internal tools to communicate
owners with travelers and
everything integrated with
existing social networks
What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?
Which Key Resources are most expensive?
Which Key Activities are most expensive?
Revenue Streams
Through which Channels do our Customer Segments
want to be reached?
How are we reaching them now?
How are our Channels integrated?
Which ones work best?
Which ones are most cost-efficient?
How are we integrating them with customer routines?
For what value are our customers really willing to pay?
For what do they currently pay?
How are they currently paying?
How would they prefer to pay?
How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
Customer Relationships Customer Segments
channel phases:
1. Awareness
How do we raise awareness about our company’s products and services?
2. Evaluation
How do we help customers evaluate our organization’s Value Proposition?
3. Purchase
How do we allow customers to purchase specific products and services?
4. Delivery
How do we deliver a Value Proposition to customers?
5. After sales
How do we provide post-purchase customer support?
Mass Market
Niche Market
Multi-sided Platform
Personal assistance
Dedicated Personal Assistance
Automated Services
For whom are we creating value?
Who are our most important customers?
What type of relationship does each of our Customer
Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?
Which ones have we established?
How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?
How costly are they?
Value PropositionsKey ActivitiesKey Partners
Key Resources
Cost Structure
What value do we deliver to the customer?
Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?
What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?
Which customer needs are we satisfying?
What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?
Our Distribution Channels?
Customer Relationships?
Revenue streams?
Who are our Key Partners?
Who are our key suppliers?
Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?
Which Key Activities do partners perform?
What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?
Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?
Revenue Streams?
“Getting the Job Done”
Cost Reduction
Risk Reduction
Problem Solving
types of resources
Intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data)
motivations for partnerships:
Optimization and economy
Reduction of risk and uncertainty
Acquisition of particular resources and activities
is your business more:
Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing)
Value Driven ( focused on value creation, premium value proposition)
sample characteristics:
Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities)
Variable costs
Economies of scale
Economies of scope
The Business Model Canvas
Designed by:Designed for:
Day Month Year
Asset sale
Usage fee
Subscription Fees
Brokerage fees
fixed pricing
List Price
Product feature dependent
Customer segment dependent
Volume dependent
dynamic pricing
Negotiation( bargaining)
Yield Management
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
ExO Attributes
Define your
Exercise - Each team member answers the following questions on
their own, then team discusses & drafts MTP.
What do we really care about? Why?
What is our company’s purpose on this earth (and beyond)?
What does the world hunger for? Why?
What would we do if we could never fail? Why?
What would we do if we received a billion dollars today? Why?
Your MTP (DRAFT #__________ ):
Now copy your draft to the Testing Page
Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) describes a better future
for the world (or at least your industry or community).
It doesn’t specify how.
It’s not about you, your customers,
your organization, your products or services.
No ‘you’, ‘we’ or ‘us’. You are not in the picture.
It is not a marketing slogan.
It is your north star, but it doesn’t restrict
your organization from changing direction.
It might excite and scare you,
and catch in your throat,
it matters that much to you.
You might never fully achieve it,
yet it is still worth striving for.
A great MTP attracts the customers,
community, partners and resources you need
to make a dent in the universe…
• To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. – Tesla
• To make sustainable living commonplace. – Unilever
• Organize the world’s information. – Google
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world:
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
*See Chapter 3 - What is a Massive Transformative Purpose? in Exponential Organizations:
Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)
by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone & Yuri van Geest.
The Exponential Organizations Master Business Course is a part of the
Growth Institute MBD Program. To learn more, visit
Step 1: Draft an MTP (Massive Transformative Purpose*)
Work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. By Growth Institute Inc. based on work by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest. For a copy of this license, or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Rev 1.1 2018-05-15
Well-Structured Examples
• To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. – Tesla
• To make sustainable living commonplace. – Unilever
• Humans must become a multiplanetary species. – SpaceX
• Organize the world’s information. – Google
Step 2: Test Your Draft MTP
Your MTP (DRAFT #__________ ):
Check your MTP: Include these qualities...
Does it describes a desired state for the world, your industry
or your community?
Is it highly aspirational?
Is it unique?
Is it audaciously Massive, touching an industry,
an entire community or the entire planet?
Is it Transformative?
Is the Purpose - the “why” - clear and unmistakable?
Is there a sense of Passion and Meaning?
Remove these qualities...
Is it a Vision Statement and about the organization?
Is it about Mission and how to achieve the outcome?
Is it restrictive to future business models?
Is it a Marketing Slogan for customers?
Is it a sentence for customer (“you”)?
Is it a sentence for us (“we”)?
Is it about the business?
Create the next draft of your MTP
Your MTP (DRAFT #__________ ):
Quick Test - The MTP Cocktail Party (by
Will your MTP cause the right people to “lean in”?
A great MTP creates a gravity field, attracting customers, partners, employees
and whole communities out of the crowd to your cause.
How might you rapidly test your MTP’s gravity??
“What do you do?”
Imagine a cocktail party or mixer filled with people who might be
a great fit for your MTP. Introduce yourself to a stranger...
Once names are exchanged, the next question is: “what do you do?”.
This is the moment to share your MTP. How will they respond?
Will they “disengage”, or will they “lean in” to learn more?
Pat: So Chris, what do you do??
Chris: My company is working to end opioid addiction
and deaths, worldwide.
Pat: (taking a step back) Wow. Uh - did you see where
the restrooms are? (excuses self).
Sandy: Chris, I’m Sandy. Sorry for eavesdropping, but did you say you were
trying to end opioid addiction?? (leans in toward Chris)
That is incredible - how on earth are you going to do that?
Next, attend a networking event or Meetup and share your MTP. If most people
disengage (Pat), re-draft your MTP and try again. But if your MTP is pulling the
right people out of the crowd to lean in and find out more (Sandy), it’s time for
more rigorous large-scale testing.
Now get out of the building, identify relevant communities, and test
your MTP with them! (See ExO Attribute: Community and Crowd)
Share this form!
Work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. By Growth Institute Inc. based on work by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest. For a copy of this license, or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Rev 1.1 2018-05-15
Staff on
Using external resources for
core business processes
“It is better to create an
ecosystem that gets all the
world’s smartest people
toiling in your garden for your
- Bill Joy, Co-founder of Sun
• Staff on Demand (SoD) are people who work for
you on an as needed basis.
• SoD is similar to the ExO attribute: Leveraged
Assets but leveraging pools of talent rather than
physical assets and resources.
• Contract a home-based knowledge worker with a
personal computer and you benefit from both
• Infographic showing 150 apps and sites in the gig
and Crowd
The Engine of Exponential
• Your Community is
made up of people
who are drawn to and
aligned with your
Purpose (MTP)
• It can include employees, alumni, former
team members, partners, and others in some
actionable relationship with your MTP.
• Community in an ExO is more than a simple
transaction. The community creates a center
of gravity that attracts and engages
stakeholders in a network of relationships,
developing over time through peer-to-peer
Leveraging Data for
Exponential Growth
• Algorithms are a set of instructions that are
designed to do a specific task. For example,
making a cup of tea. The process is
documentable, repeatable, shareable, and
potentially, scalable.
• Algorithms are the building blocks for
process improvement, software and
automation, “Artificial intelligence”
(machine learning and deep learning) and
much more.
• Algorithms help companies make sense of
massive amounts of data.
Why Own When You Can
• Leveraged Assets are assets you don’t own and don’t
appear on your balance sheet, Instead, you rent, lease,
license or borrow the asset
• Sounds simple - we’ve been sharing stuff since forever!
• But over the past four decades, the way we leverage
assets has been repeatedly transformed by digitizing,
information-enabling and connecting assets, adding value
potential with each transformation
• Physical vs. Digital Assets:
• Physical Assets are material property (also Real Assets)
• Digital Assets are intellectual property (IP) in digital form
Make Exponential Growth
• Engagement captures, holds and deepens
the interest and involvement of the
customer, crowd, community, partners and
your internal team through the use of
• Gamification
• Digital rating systems
• Loyalty programs
• Incentive competitions.
• It is driven from your Massive
Transformative Purpose (MTP) or other
powerful reason to be part of a community.
• Done well, it creates and reinforces
connections between stakeholders and
drives desired behaviors to help your
Exponential Organization (ExO) scale.
Removing Limits to
Exponential Growth
• A point of interaction between several
systems (i.e. people, networks, software,
• User Interface (UI) - A person shopping on interacts with the Amazon
systems through its User Interfaces (UI) -, mobile apps, or through the
Alexa voice assistant.
• Application Programming Interface (API) -
Two applications interface with each other
through APIs. Google Maps Platform APIs
let third-party developers provide
automated custom maps and directions
within their own apps and websites.
The ‘ExO Interfaces Attribute’ is so much
MORE than ‘Interfaces’
Removing Limits to
Exponential Growth
ExO Interface Attribute:
• Interfaces connect humans to systems (User Interface or
UI), and systems to each other (Application
Programming Interface or API)
• All the tools and disciplines of User Experience Design
• Algorithms to filter, match, learn and curate, and
automated workflows to direct the output.
Basic Application
The Interfaces Attribute is, in part, a toolkit for overcoming
a host of limits to growth, creating super-scalable business
processes, and connecting the other exponential attributes
Advanced Application
The Interfaces Attribute includes many of the building
blocks for the Platform Business Models and Ecosystems at
the heart of the world’s most successful ExOs.
Removing Limits to
Exponential Growth
Limits to Exponential Growth
Here’s an experiment: What happens when you give a mouse
an abundance of food? What you don’t automatically get is an
So, too, for a conventional organization. It can create all the
demand in the world, but if it is not designed to fulfill that
fast-growing demand at 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x, it’s not an
Exponential Organization.
Organizations fail to scale because of limits to growth,
By design, an Exponential Organization (ExO) must adequately
address all relevant limits to its growth and must continue to
do so as it moves through different stages of growth
• Insufficient market size
• Inability to generate demand
• Inadequate business models
• Process inefficiencies
• Production or quality issues
• Unscalable costs structures
• Labour shortages
• Long delays to add capacity
Steer your ExO Rocketship
• Dashboards provide your Exponential
Organization (ExO) a control framework
to keep things on-track, and people
aligned, even through growth so rapid,
you can’t hold it all in your head!
• ExOs need this new way to measure and
manage the organization: a real-time,
adaptable dashboard with all essential
company and employee metrics,
accessible to everyone in the organization.
• Where Interfaces help automate
transactions at-scale, Dashboards make
visible key information to those who need
it for decision-making..
Exponential Learning!
Start with The Customer
Who has the problem I am trying to solve? What are
their Jobs, Pains and Gains?
Identifying your customer and learning about their
world is critical to validating fit between their
Problem and your Solution. (Problem-Solution Fit.)
Do this BEFORE you go to the trouble of building the
product and validating your market! (Product-Market
An experiment is a testing procedure conducted to
validate or invalidate the hypotheses underlying an
idea. It produces concrete evidence that an idea will
work or not.
A HYPOTHESIS is simply a guess, assumption or
theory, and can be written in the form: “We believe
that __”
• e.g. “We believe that cost drives our customers’
buying decision for our offering.
Self-Directed Teams for
Exponential Growth
Exponential Organizations (ExOs) harness the ExO attribute,
Autonomy, to be more resilient, adaptive and scalable.
In the increasingly dynamic and complex environments of the
21st century, these qualities often make the difference
between success and extinction. Self-organizing, multi-
disciplinary teams are formed.
These teams have the authority and accountability to make
decisions and choose how to accomplish their goals.
With the right frameworks, information and decisions travel
more rapidly through the organization, speeding up the
metabolism while eliminating the need for layers of hierarchy.
Autonomy is also highly attractive to the innovative, self-
directed individuals companies are courting.
See also: Social, Dashboards, Interfaces.
Frederick Taylor’s
In the late 19th century Frederick Taylor’s
fundamental idea was the strict
hierarchical separation of thinking from
Those on top controlled and directed,
those on the bottom worked leaving
thinking to those on the top.
In our complex digital world, traditional
management can no longer guarantee
Businesses must be able to change
direction quickly to respond to complex
market mechanisms.
Employment of the future is
changing - in all aspects.
All aspects of employment is changing: space, time, employment relationship,
duration of activities, cooperation, information, communication, responsibility,
etc., etc.
In the future, challenges will apply, such as dealing with permanent changes,
unpredictability, openness, lifelong learning, cross-functional team cooperation,
which require self-organization and meaningfulness.
Given the changed conditions in the world of work, companies need to enable
employees to make a meaningful contribution in the context of their
People want to see meaning in the performance of their work, identify with the
values of their working world and take on responsibility.
Given the changed conditions in the world of work, the need arises in our
companies to enable employees to organize their own responsibilities.
This means creating self-determined, responsible work in harmony with
The imminent radical change in the world of work and the associated
opportunities for meaningful and self-organized work are only just beginning.
Use Case: Metafinanz 2018
Prior to 2018, Metafinanz had
10 hierarchical business lines
Jan 2018, they created 40
business areas run by
completely autonomous self-
managed entities
Executives and Managers had
to find new roles at
Overnight, many executives became redundant
and had to find new roles.
CEO Rainer Gottmann: “Eliminating
management was a very, very painful process.”
Helped each employee undergo constructive
self scrutiny.
How to help all employees
become intrapreneurs?
Help employees become
open to innovation and
Meta reporting enables
every employee to be
his/her own controller.
Each employee will focus
on becoming
Employees experience
meaningful contribution
creating excitement and
Self-Directed Teams for
Exponential Growth
Questions for Mattis?
How to find the leaders who will make this disruptive change?
How to help each employee undergo constructive self scrutiny to help them through this massive change?
I’d love to learn more about the Self-organization driving license
WHY - In order to live self-organization in practice, employees and managers need the necessary
understanding of working together in a self-organized environment.
Vision - The self-organization driving license enables basic qualification for people who want to work
successfully in a meaningful and self-organized environment.
HOW - 1 process, 5 modules, 3 elements, 4 steps, 6 weeks each
Our self-organization drivers license supports self-organized learning in an iterative process.
The participants of the self-organization driving license form self-organized teams over 6 weeks in order to
develop the content of one of our 5 modules.
The practice-relevant content is developed in four steps.
Each team is accompanied by a coach from the community and the members of the community are
available as experts .
WHAT - The practice-relevant content of our self-organization driving license is made up of 5 modules,
each of which is worked out in 6 weeks.
Our 5 modules
• Self development
• Leadership
• Communication & collaboration
• Structure & processes
• Culture
• TealHive offers an answer to the question: If we, as an organization, want to evolve towards self-organization, how do you start?
At , pioneers of new working galaxies can explore methodological knowledge and practical experience reports on working with self-
organization. Is z. For example, if someone is interested in Holacracy, some elements of it are described and experimental units such as B. Siemens
EHS tell about their application and reflect on what they have experienced. The website is a first prototype and everyone is welcome to log in and
Questions for Mattis?
How to find the leaders who will make this disruptive change?
How to help each employee undergo constructive self scrutiny to help them through this massive change?
I’d love to learn more about the Self-organization driving license
WHY - In order to live self-organization in practice, employees and managers need the necessary understanding of working together in a self-organized environment.
Vision - The self-organization driving license enables basic qualification for people who want to work successfully in a meaningful and self-organized environment.
HOW - 1 process, 5 modules, 3 elements, 4 steps, 6 weeks each
Our self-organization drivers license supports self-organized learning in an iterative process.
The participants of the self-organization driving license form self-organized teams over 6 weeks in order to develop the content of one of our 5 modules.
The practice-relevant content is developed in four steps.
Each team is accompanied by a coach from the community and the members of the community are available as experts .
WHAT - The practice-relevant content of our self-organization driving license is made up of 5 modules, each of which is worked out in 6 weeks.
Our 5 modules
• Self development
• Leadership
• Communication & collaboration
• Structure & processes
• Culture
TealHive offers an answer to the question: If we, as an organization, want to evolve towards self-organization, how do you start?
At , pioneers of new working galaxies can explore methodological knowledge and practical experience reports on working with self-organization. Is z. For example, if someone is interested in Holacracy, some elements of it are described and experimental units such as B.
Siemens EHS tell about their application and reflect on what they have experienced. The website is a first prototype and everyone is welcome to log in and share.
10x Collaboration!
Social Technologies are the tools that allow
your community of employees, staff on
demand, customers and others to
communicate and collaborate quickly and
These tools enable faster conversations,
faster decision cycles and faster learning.
The lag time between an idea being shared,
accepted and implemented can essentially
be eliminated!
Today, cloud services such as Slack, Google
Docs and Zoom video conferencing enable
teams all over the world to work seamlessly
together with transparency and trust.
ExO Canvas
ExO Canvas
- Samples
“What gets measured, gets
- Peter Drucker
The ExQ Assessment will help us answer
questions like…
How scalable is your organization today?
How adaptable is your organization to
industry disruption?
What should you do in order to be more
scalable and adaptable?
ExO Diagnostic
ExQ of Fortune 500 Manufacturing Organizations
New blueprints for organizations
New blueprints for organizations
• 3,500 people in 107 countries
• 23 ExO Sprints and 6 Fastracks
• Worked with 300+ companies
• Trained and certified over 800 people in
Company name Country Why chosen?
Scalability Attribute #1 Attribute #2 Attribute #3 Notes
2018 revenue:
$10-20 million
5-year revenue
growth: 8,555\%
Founded in 2013
Pixieset has taken
marketplace with
regards to
platform to
start, run,
and grow a
Yes - everything is done
online and they are setup to
scale further. Currently, 25
employees are serving
300,000 professional
They have created an
ecosystem-based platform
for photographers to connect
with their clients
They have built a
community around their
platform which they nurture
(they listen and give back);
their platform has
automated peer-to-peer
The organization seem to
encourage innovation and
risk taking (based on values,
articles, description of
leadership team, etc.)
Canadian Business
2019 Growth 500 –
Ranked #8
2018 revenue:
$10-20 million
5-year revenue
growth: 6,909\%
Founded in 2013
Fast growing
FinTech that
operates a direct-
pay lending
platform to assist
Canadians in debt
(30,000 customers)
Yes - everything is done
online can easily scale. 120
employees are serving 30,000
non-prime consumers (not
sure how many collection
agencies and point of sale
financial institutions they
They built a consumer finance
platform that connects non-
prime consumers with
collection agencies and
banks; provide services to
educate these non-prime
consumers towards financial
The organization
encourages innovation and
risk taking (based on values,
articles, description of
leadership team, etc.)
Dashboards are used to
track performance
(Objectives and Key Results
(OKRs) and Lean Metrics)
Social good: Improve
financial literacy of
Support charities in
the community;
Sustainability focus
Canadian Business
2019 Growth 500 –
Ranked #11
2018 revenue:
$10-20 million
5-year revenue
growth: 2,822\%
Founded in 2010
A fast growing
platform that
compost vendors
with customers
and help
communities with
waste diversion,
organic capture
Yes – they have built a
platform that
waste/recycling/ compost
vendors with customers
Algorithms – Have IoT
sensors on waste containers;
only collect when full; provide
data driven reports to
customers that help drive
savings and divert garbage
from the landfill
Experimentation - they
operate through low-cost,
low-risk and rapid trial and
error, the organization have
tweaked and learned their
way to success
Autonomy – they have a flat
hierarchy and decentralized
decision making
Leveraged Assets – they take
advantage of other
organizations’ fleets of
trucks; they don’t own any
Sustainability focus
Canadian Business
2019 Growth 500 –
Ranked #25
Vancouver Based Exponential Organizations
“Any company designed for
success in the 20th century is
doomed to failure in the 21st.”
David Rose
Chose an existing organization. Your Team works there.
Pitch an Edge Initiative to the Executive Team (Marianne and Sherry)
Please present your pitch in no more than 5 minutes per team.
MGMT 661 Strategic Management:
Outline of the Pitch Deck for the Disruption Session
Company Name and Industry
MTP for the Edge Initiative
ExO Attributes
Business Model
Explore Global Trends and Issues
Examples of Issues:
Climate Emergency
Marine Conservation.
Wildlife Conservation.
Global Public Health.
Environmental and Corporate Sustainability.
Human Rights and Access to Justice.
Social Economic Development.
Climate Crisis and Clean Energy.
Education for Development.
Examples of Trends
Social behavior
Social changes
Market changes
Research suggestions:
Google alerts
Top consulting firm’s yearly reports (last version)
World Economic Forum
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every Action Counts.
List some Global Trends and Issues that you could solve with an Edge Initiative
Society Trend/Issue Risks Opportunities Timing
Description here… How the industry would be impacted? What the world would look like if this trend/issue became the new normal/this problem was solved? When is this trend/issue likely to become non-reversible?
Learn about Exponential Technologies
Research suggestions
Singularity University
Exponential Technologies
3D Printing
Virtual & Augmented Reality
Drones/flying cars
Internet of Things
Quantum Computing
Autonomous Vehicles
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every Action Counts.
Exponential Technologies Research
Exponential Technology Risks Opportunities Timing
Name and/or description
here.. How this exponential
technology can disrupt our
industry.. How this exponential
technology can bring new
business opportunities.. When this exponential
technology may impact the
Research Start-ups & new Business Models
New Business Models
Why are they new/unique?
Value proposition?
How do they make money?
Which exponential technologies do they use?
Research suggestions:
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every Action Counts.
Disruptive Startups & Business models research template
Disruptive Startups and Business Models Risks Opportunities Timing
Company name and business model description here… How it can disrupt our industry… How we can implement this business model in our industry… When this new business model might disrupt our industry
Define Problem/Solution pairs for your MTP
Use Moonshot thinking: You are an astronaut!
Revisit the list of global issues/trends
Revisit the list of exponential technologies and new business models to define your solution:
Short-term application
Disruptive (Exponential technologies / new business models)
Scalable (10x)
Brainstorming (divergence) -> Grouping Similar (convergence)
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every idea counts
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every Action Counts.
Designing the Edge Initiative
MTP ExO Edge Initiative Name Problem Solution
Define and run experiments (problem/solution fit) template
- use this template to imagine how you would run experiments. It is not expected that you perform these steps
Build Measure Learn
ExO Initiative Name Key Hypothesis (Crux) Experiment Description Evaluation Criteria Experiment Result Key Learnings
Disruption Presentation Preparation
Section Name Content/Description
MTP Every ExO Edge pitch must open with the MTP. In general, use just one slide to introduce the MTP.
Problem/ Solution Introduce the problem before the solution. Once the problem has been outlined, introduce the solution in an innovative way. A sample use case can be effective for this. Use one slide for both the problem and solution or a different slide for each.
ExO Attributes Since you are building new ExOs, you must show how you plan to reach abundance (using the ExO SCALE Attributes) and how you will manage it (using the ExO IDEAS Attributes). You may also want to present the ExO Canvas and explain something about each of the key ExO Attributes as they are applied to the ExO Edge Initiative.
Business Model You need to show not only how you will create value for users (although this may already be clear from the previous sections), but also how you plan to retain this value. Either include the Business Model Canvas in one slide or (maybe better) use one or two slides to explain the foundation of the Business Model.
The Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP)
The Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) reflects your aspiration—the core purpose of your initiatives’ existence. WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE IN THIS WORLD?
It describes the CHANGE in the world that you want to achieve, while recognizing that it will not be accomplished in the short term
An MTP is something that inspires action, expresses your passions and creates an emotional connection that drives you and others toward meaningful, positive change. Solving the Problems
The MTP is your team’s North Star, for your initiative (providing DIRECTION)
Exponential technologies enable abundance, and your initiative is built to connect with ABUNDANCE. Your MTP relates to its abundance.
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every Action Counts.
The Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP)
What an MTP is
Describes the world
Highly aspirational
Uniquely yours
Global scale
With purpose
It’s about passion
What an MTP is NOT
Vision (about the organization)
Mission (about the how-to)
Restriction to future pivots
Marketing slogan for customers
A sentence for customer (“you”)
A sentence for us (“we”)
It’s not about business
We mainly have OPPORTUNITIES in front of us. Every Action Counts.
Exercise - Each team member answers the following questions on their own, then team discusses & drafts MTP.
What do we really care about? Why?
What is our company’s purpose on this earth (and beyond)?
What does the world hunger for? Why?
What would we do if we could never fail? Why?
What would we do if we received a billion dollars today? Why?
Your MTP (DRAFT #__________ ):
Now copy your draft to the Testing Page
Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) describes a better future
for the world (or at least your industry or community).
It doesn’t specify how.
It’s not about you, your customers,
your organization, your products or services.
No ‘you’, ‘we’ or ‘us’. You are not in the picture.
It is not a marketing slogan.
It is your north star, but it doesn’t restrict
your organization from changing direction.
It might excite and scare you,
and catch in your throat,
it matters that much to you.
You might never fully achieve it,
yet it is still worth striving for.
A great MTP attracts the customers,
community, partners and resources you need
to make a dent in the universe…
• To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. – Tesla
• To make sustainable living commonplace. – Unilever
• Organize the world’s information. – Google
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world:
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
*See Chapter 3 - What is a Massive Transformative Purpose? in Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it) by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone & Yuri van Geest.
The Exponential Organizations Master Business Course is a part of the
Growth Institute MBD Program. To learn more, visit
Step 1: Draft an MTP (Massive Transformative Purpose*)
Work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. By Growth Institute Inc. based on work by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest. For a copy of this license, or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Rev 1.1 2018-05-15
Well-Structured Examples
• To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. – Tesla
• To make sustainable living commonplace. – Unilever
• Humans must become a multiplanetary species. – SpaceX
• Organize the world’s information. – Google
Step 2: Test Your Draft MTP
Your MTP (DRAFT #__________ ):
Check your MTP: Include these qualities...
Does it describes a desired state for the world, your industry
or your community?
Is it highly aspirational?
Is it unique?
Is it audaciously Massive, touching an industry,
an entire community or the entire planet?
Is it Transformative?
Is the Purpose - the “why” - clear and unmistakable?
Is there a sense of Passion and Meaning?
Remove these qualities...
Is it a Vision Statement and about the organization?
Is it about Mission and how to achieve the outcome?
Is it restrictive to future business models?
Is it a Marketing Slogan for customers?
Is it a sentence for customer (“you”)?
Is it a sentence for us (“we”)?
Is it about the business?
Create the next draft of your MTP
Your MTP (DRAFT #__________ ):
Quick Test - The MTP Cocktail Party (by
Will your MTP cause the right people to “lean in”?
A great MTP creates a gravity field, attracting customers, partners, employees and whole communities out of the crowd to your cause.
How might you rapidly test your MTP’s gravity??
“What do you do?”
Imagine a cocktail party or mixer filled with people who might be
a great fit for your MTP. Introduce yourself to a stranger...
Once names are exchanged, the next question is: “what do you do?”.
This is the moment to share your MTP. How will they respond?
Will they “disengage”, or will they “lean in” to learn more?
Pat: So Chris, what do you do??
Chris: My company is working to end opioid addiction
and deaths, worldwide.
Pat: (taking a step back) Wow. Uh - did you see where
the restrooms are? (excuses self).
Sandy: Chris, I’m Sandy. Sorry for eavesdropping, but did you say you were trying to end opioid addiction?? (leans in toward Chris)
That is incredible - how on earth are you going to do that?
Next, attend a networking event or Meetup and share your MTP. If most people disengage (Pat), re-draft your MTP and try again. But if your MTP is pulling the right people out of the crowd to lean in and find out more (Sandy), it’s time for more rigorous large-scale testing.
Now get out of the building, identify relevant communities, and test
your MTP with them! (See ExO Attribute: Community and Crowd)
Share this form!
Work licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. By Growth Institute Inc. based on work by Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest. For a copy of this license, or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. Rev 1.1 2018-05-15
ExO Canvas
Organization transformation to connect with the abundance
MTP – guiding star for ExO – right path
SCALE – 5 externally facing attributes, helps your org access abundance which exists outside
IDEAS – 5 internally facing attributes, helps manage internally the abundance you have accessed outside
Core: aim to make the current organization more agile, flexible, and adaptable to industry disruption
Create a world where you can belong anywhere
Private places
Reputation system
Search engine
Real-time metrics
Lean Startup
Freedom for owners
Owners-traveler com.
ExO Canvas – Example for airbnb
Organization transformation to connect with the abundance
ExO Canvas for your Initiative
Organization transformation to connect with the abundance
Great video: Business Model Canvas Explained
Sample Pitch Decks from the BEST!
How to Nail the Pitch: 17 Storytelling Tips for Startups
Collection of the best tech startup pitch videos for investors
The Early Pitch Decks Of 21 Startups Before They Became Billion-Dollar Companies
20 Best Startup Pitch Deck Examples: Famous in Tech (For 2019)
10 Presentation Design Tips (To Make the Best Pitch Deck in 2020)
How To Create A Pitch Deck
Applied Sciences
Computer Science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Business & Finance
Political Science
Financial markets
Architecture and Design
Social Science
World history
Business Finance
Telecommunications Engineering
e. Embedded Entrepreneurship
f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models
g. Social-Founder Identity
h. Micros-enterprise Development
Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada)
a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami
(people influence of
others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities
of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these (
American history
Ancient history
. Also
Numerical analysis
Environmental science
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
ness Horizons
Physical chemistry
When considering both O
Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years)
or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime
Chemical Engineering
aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less.
To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here:
In order to
n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading
ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.
Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
You will need to perform a literature search for your topic
you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes
Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience
od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in
in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care. The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases
e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada
making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
Topic: Purchasing and Technology
You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class
be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique
low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo
evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program
Understanding Gender Fluidity
Providing Inclusive Quality Care
Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
After the components sending to the manufacturing house
1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend
One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard. While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or
Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business
No matter which type of health care organization
With a direct sale
During the pandemic
Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record
3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i
One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015). Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev
4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal
Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate
We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities
*DDB is used for the first three years
For example
The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case
4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972)
With covid coming into place
In my opinion
Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA
The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be
· By Day 1 of this week
While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013)
5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda
The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle
From a similar but larger point of view
4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition
After viewing the you tube videos on prayer
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)
The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough
Data collection
Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an
I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option. I would want to find out what she is afraid of. I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych
Identify the type of research used in a chosen study
Compose a 1
effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte
I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources
Be 4 pages in length
soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test
One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research
Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti
3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family
A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott
Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident