need to be finished by thursday morning - Accounting
Please provide plagiarism free assignment
refer to attached documents and provide answers in three separate documents.
Task 3
Manage business operational plans
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature
Task Number
------OFFICE USE ONLY-----
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Marking Sheet
Completed successfully
Did the student satisfactorily:
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:
· Performance management plan in Task 3.1.1
· Operational Plan status report in Task 3.1.2
· Expenditure payment approval in Task 3.1.3
· Strategy to support team improvement in Task 3.2.1
· Report on the underperforming employee in Task 3.2.2
· Coaching report in Task 3.2.3
The student conducted negotiations to finalise variations to the operational plan:
· Had prepared the status report
· Was knowledgeable about the issues and risks impacting the operational plan
· Employed a collaborative approach
· Demonstrated problem-solving skills
· Negotiated effectively
· Listened actively to the stakeholder
· Used questioning, rephrasing and summarising to confirm understanding
· Behaved professionally within the scope of own role
· Followed organisational policies and procedures
· Reached an agreement on variations
Feedback in Comments
The student conducted a coaching session to support the underperforming employee:
· Was prepared to coach
· Applied the GROW model effectively
· Listened actively
· Explained tasks and concepts clearly
· Provided practical example
· Provided opportunities for the employee to express their concerns and thoughts
· Used questioning, rephrasing and summarising to confirm understanding
· Behaved professionally within the scope of own role
· Followed organisational policies and procedures
Feedback in Comments
Demonstrated ability to:
· Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets
· Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and rectify the situation
This is evidenced by:
· Performance management plan in Task 3.1.1
· Operational Plan status report in Task 3.1.2
Demonstrated ability to:
· Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals and teams
This is evidenced by:
· Performance management plan in Task 3.1.1
· Strategy to support team improvement in Task 3.2.1
· Report on the underperforming employee in Task 3.2.2
· Coaching report in Task 3.2.3
· Performed coaching session (refer to marking sheet)
Demonstrated ability to:
· Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons
This is evidenced by:
· Expenditure payment approval in Task 3.1.3
· Performed negotiation session (refer to marking sheet)
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 3 – Monitor and review operational performance 7
Task 3.1 Monitor and review operational performance 9
3.1.1 System to review performance 9
3.1.2 Monitoring and evaluation 11
3.1.3 Negotiate recommendations for variations to the operational plan 13
Task 3.2 Support individual and teams 14
3.2.1 Support the team 14
3.2.2 Support the individual team member 14
3.2.3 Coach an individual team member 15
Appendix 4 – Scenario BBQfun Implementation of the e-commerce strategy 16
Task 3 – Monitor and review operational performance
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about?
This task builds on your work in Task 2.
To complete this task, please refer to the scenarios, the documentation and the work you performed in Task 2 and Appendix 4 in this document.
You are required to:
· Monitor and review operational performance
· Support individual and teams
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
· Product-based ☒
· Direct observation of Role-Play ☒
· Case Study ☒
· Other (specify) ☐
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
· Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets
· Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and rectify the situation
· Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals and teams
· Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons
You are required to address the following:
· Task 3.1 Monitor and review operational performance
· Develop a monitoring system to review performance against targets
· Analyse and interpret performance data to recommend remedial actions and identify variations to the operational plan
· Negotiate the remedial actions, the variations to the operational plan and obtain approval for expenditure
· Task 3.2 Support individual and teams
· Outline a strategy to support the team improving performance
· Develop a report to review the performance of the individual team member, Lee Waters
· Develop a coaching report for the individual team member
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily?
· submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
· complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
· use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
· meet the word count where required,
· use the scenario provided,
· use the templates provided where required,
· for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
· if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
You must deliver/participate in:
· Coaching session in week 6 -Role-Play
· Negotiation session in week 6 -Role-Play
You must submit to GOALS
· Performance management plan
· Operational Plan status report
· Expenditure payment approval
· Strategy to support team improvement
· Report on the underperforming employee
· Coaching report
Resources and equipment
· Computer with Internet access
· Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
· Learning material
· Scenario for assessment as provided
· Appendices as provided
· Relevant policies and procedures as provided
· Templates as provided
Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.
Complete the following activities:
Task 3.1 Monitor and review operational performance
You are now implementing the operational plan.
This task requires you to:
· Develop a monitoring system to review performance against targets
· Analyse and interpret performance data
· Recommend solutions to rectify performance data
· Negotiate solutions to rectify performance data that would lead to variations of the operational plan
System to review performance
Develop a monitor system (Template 1) to review performance against targets that includes:
· budgetary and financial performance
· productivity performance
· employee performance in line with performance management policy
· milestone achievement and performance against targets
· dates for monitoring activities in line with the scenario
· resources for monitoring
· progress reporting at the end of each quarter to the Operations General Manager
· a system to ensure that procedures and records associated with documenting performance related to the operational plans are managed following organisational requirements and data security
Use the template provided below and follow the instructions.
Template 1 -Performance management plan
Review period:
(date or range)
Key result area
Indicator of success/
Budget and Revenue
Employee performance
(including online staff)
Adherence to schedule and achievement of milestones
Resources for monitoring:
List the resources for monitoring (6-8)
Reporting requirements:
Outline reporting requirements related to the implementation of the operational plan. (2-3)
Record keeping:
· Develop a system to ensure that procedures and records associated with documenting performance related to the operational plans are managed in accordance with organisational requirements. (30-50 words)
· Include a requirement for the signature of the OGm to approve expenses not included in the current budget.
(do not need to complete the section below)
Manager’s comments:
Staff member’s comments:
Monitoring and evaluation
Analyse operational performance as described in the scenario (Appendix 4) and produce an operational plan status report based on the information provided. Include in your report:
· a description of budgetary and financial performance
· a description of productivity performance
· a description of schedule performance
· a description of employee performance
· two-three recommendations for operational improvement.
Use the template provided below and follow the instructions.
Template 2 -Operational Plan status report
BBQfun operation plan status report
Plan goal
Implement e-commerce strategy
Plan objective/s
· redevelop the website and acquire physical resources
· recruit and train staff
· achieve profit targets
· adhere to budget
· adhere to timelines.
Person responsible
Project Officer
List 2 key updates in the 2 key areas below based on the scenario (Appendix 4)
Performance measures
Current status
(Red, Green, Amber)
Recommended actions (2-3)
Budget and Revenue
Employee performance
· Summary of evaluation of current performance (30-50 words).
· Estimated budget to action the remedial actions.
· List of recommended change to the operational plan (2-3).
Negotiate recommendations for variations to the operational plan
Liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time in week 6 of class to meet with the OGM, to negotiate the recommendations for variations to operational plans and remedial actions.
The OGM will be played by a classmate and the trainer and assessor will observe the Role-Play.
Duration of the negotiation: 15 minutes.
Before the meeting:
· Have the status report with the recommendations ready to be presented and discussed.
During the meeting:
· Present the status report and justify the recommendations to rectify the non-performance
· Negotiate the recommended changes to the operational plan
· Obtain approval for the changes
After the meeting:
· Complete the expenditure payment approval form to action the remedial actions discussed with the OGM (Template 3). Copy and paste in a separate document and ask the classmate who played the OGM during the Role-Play to sign for approval.
This is an assessable task and the trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance, providing feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor.
Template 3 -Expenditure payment approval
Job/project number:
Project title:
Justification of payment:
Payment amount: $
ex. GST inc. GST
Signature of the person approving payment
Task 3.2 Support individual and teams
Identify areas of employee underperformance, determine possible remedial actions and prepare to performance manage underperforming employees. Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.
Read the HR performance data in Appendix 4.
Support the team
In the form of personal planning notes, outline your strategy to support the team in improving performance.
(50-100 words)
Support the individual team member
Review the performance data for Lee Waters and consider his conflict with the team and write a report that includes:
· Identify areas of underperformance (2-3)
· Determine possible remedial actions (2-3)
· Outline a coaching session for Lee Waters on one of the following topics (30-50 words):
· Time management
· Accuracy
· Multi-tasking
· Sales techniques
· Commitment to team goals
Coach an individual team member
Liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time in week 6 of class to coach Lee Waters, played by a classmate on one of the following:
· Time management
· Accuracy
· Multi-tasking
· Sales techniques
· Commitment to team goals
Duration of the coaching session: 15 minutes.
Before the session:
· Review your coaching plan (developed in Task 3.2.2).
· Complete the coaching report with and for Lee Waters (Template 4)
· The assessor will validate that the coaching report was developed in collaboration with Lee Waters
During the session:
· Coach the team member
This is an assessable task, and the trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance, providing feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor.
Template 4 -Coaching report
Employee: Lee Waters
Coach/Manager: <your name>
Date of session:
2 agreed SMART goals to improve the skill the employee needs to be coached on.
An assessment of the current reality: how proficient is the employee on the skills he needs to be coached on.
3 options to reach the objectives (one will be the coaching session)
2 specific actions the employee commits to.
Appendix 4 – Scenario BBQfun Implementation of the e-commerce strategy
Background to scenario
The BBQ fun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company strategic directions.
You have been hired as an external consultant to manage operational planning activities for BBQ fun’s e-commerce strategy.
Under the strategy, BBQ fun would offer all products in an online store. Stock could be stored at no extra cost at existing stores. Customers would cover delivery costs.
The BBQ fun website now has e-commerce functionality. The website has been redeveloped to incorporate this functionality according to relevant technical specifications after consulting with specialist managers. Existing infrastructure, such as office and store configurations, has been adapted to the new strategy. Additionally, assets such as delivery vehicles have been acquired. New staff has been recruited, and existing staff retrained or informed of the e-commerce strategy and associated operational and performance targets.
All resourcing should have been acquired and operations are undertaken in accordance with relevant external standards, such as legislation and codes of practice, and internal standards, such as organisational policies and procedures and performance targets.
It is now 1 January 2022. e-Commerce operations are expected to be underway by 1 October 2022.
Scenario task
You will need to plan monitoring activities for ongoing customer service activities, website maintenance, and revenue generation over the financial year from the start of implementation.
You will then need to analyse performance data for the second quarter of the financial year.
You will then need to coach an underperforming employee according to the BBQfun performance management policy and apply contingency planning (the planning developed for Assessment Task 2).
Finally, you will need to prepare and present a report with recommendations for operational improvement to the Operations General Manager.
Note: You may consider the management team of BBQ fun, including team leaders in warehouses to be resources for monitoring performance. Use the description of their roles in operational planning when assigning responsibilities.
Note: The CFO completes financial reporting at the end of each quarter of the financial year. Employee performance is gathered by store managers, sales and marketing managers (online staff) and compiled by the HR Manager at the end of each quarter.
HR performance data
The following performance data is available for Lee Waters:
Quality of online sales and service
1% error rate
% of informational or order mistakes
Speed of service (online)
<10 minutes per interaction
Average time to completion
20 minutes
$30,000 sales
$ sales
Professional development
Participate in 2 hours of sales training per month.
Training hours
0 hours
Feedback on the online customer service team:
· The team is overall performing well except Lee Waters.
· Low morale due to conflicts with Lee Waters and lack of support from direct manager.
· Feedback on the direct manager highlights lack of support, absence from training sessions, lateness to meetings.
· The team is not yet proficient in the use of CRM.
· The team does not feel part of the organisation; they described themselves as a separate entity.
Organisational performance
Information from the Sales and Marketing Manager
A discussion with the Sales and Marketing Manager has provided you with the following information.
The Sales and Marketing Manager has been tracking progress against the following key performance indicators (KPIs):
1. Quality of online sales and service is measured in % of mistakes made by a customer service employee when providing information or making an order. The target is 1%. Currently, the rate of mistakes made is 10%.
2. Speed of online sales and service is measured in average time to resolve a customer enquiry. The target is <10 minutes. Currently, the average time to complete an online enquiry is 20 minutes.
3. Average delivery speed is measured in the average time in days from the order being made to the customer receiving delivery of the product. The target is three days from order to delivery. Currently, the average delivery speed is three days.
4. Revenue success is measured in the amount of revenue generated in dollars. The target is $300,000 in sales per quarter, which would make an $80,000 profit per quarter. In the second quarter of this financial year, we generated $250,000 in revenue, providing a profit of $40,000 for the quarter.
Further to the KPIs, the Sales and Marketing Manager provides more information on each area of performance.
Quality of online sales and service:
· Staff not familiar with the product line, even after training.
· Staff do not understand CRM (customer relationship management) systems and ordering processes.
· Staff do not understand the product line. Unable to locate information.
· Poor communication lines.
· No job aids or support from management.
· No ongoing performance management as per company policy.
· Low staff morale: complaints of back pain and distractions in the environment.
Speed of online sales and service:
· Many customers abort interaction due to the length of time for order completion.
· Some extra time is taken because of a lack of skills and knowledge.
· Some time is taken because of poor website maintenance and occasional downtime.
Speed of delivery:
· The driver team leader is an exceptional motivator.
· Driver morale is high.
· Driver attendance of routine training and team briefings is at 100%.
Online sales and revenue
· Some lack of sales may be due to poor customer service.
· Sales may pick up as awareness of online options through marketing actions increases.
In terms of our key actions, we’re tracking well. The website redevelopment has been completed on time and to budget. The delivery trucks and forklifts have been acquired and put into operation on time. In terms of recruitment, staff have been recruited on time, and the planned training has been completed.
Information from the Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
A discussion with the CFO has provided you with the following information:
The CFO has been tracking progress against the following key performance indicators (KPIs):
1. Budget success is measured in % overrun/underspend. The target is 0% overrun. Currently, there is a budget overrun of 10%. Cost overruns are due to:
· the wastage from order mistakes and over-stocking due to misuse of the system
· overtime due to overly long customer interactions.
2. The timeline for the e-commerce project is to have the e-commerce activities implemented by 1 October 2021. Currently, the implementation is on track.
In addition to these key performance indicators, we have identified several risks that all need immediate action:
· The training program has not been adequate to cover the required skills and knowledge. Training has been too short and insufficient to be effective.
· Staff cannot perform roles due to lack of support in job roles and ongoing training and coaching.
· Website downtime contributes to increased service and sales disruptions.
· Sales continue to perform under target.
On that last risk, I think sales may need to be more closely monitored. Customer needs and changing market conditions/competition may need to be reassessed and addressed.
BSBOPS502 - Manage business operational plans V3 2021
Page 2
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Task 1
Manage business operational plans
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature
Task Number
------OFFICE USE ONLY-----
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Marking Sheet - Assessor to complete.
Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed:
Completed satisfactorily
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire 5
Question 1 7
Question 2 8
Question 3 8
Question 4 9
Question 5 9
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about?
This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.
The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.
The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency:
· stakeholders involved in development and management of operations plan including escalation points, colleagues and specialist resource managers
· key information sources for proposal development and presentation including resource requirement specialists
· consultation processes
· content of operational plans, including:
· procurement processes
· employee recruitment and induction strategies
· physical resource and service acquisition strategies
· key indicators of organisational performance
· budget and actual financial relating to profit and productivity
· methods for preparing operational plans and contingency plans
· role of an operational plan in achieving an organisation's objectives
· procedures and records associated with documenting performance
· approaches for developing key performance indicators to meet business objectives
· legislative and regulatory framework relating to the development and implementation of operational plan of the organisation, including:
· fair trading laws
· work health and safety
· organisational policies, practices and procedures that relate to the operational plan.
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation as instructed.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily?
· submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,
· answer all questions as instructed,
· answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,
· all questions must be answered satisfactorily.
It is advisable to:
· review the questions carefully,
· answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),
· further research the topics addressed in each question.
You must submit to GOALS the
· assessment coversheet,
· answers to all questions,
· references.
Resources and equipment
· computer with Internet access,
· access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,
· learning material.
Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.
Answer all the questions below:
Question 1
Operational plans are key to achieve business success.
Address the following:
Describe two models and methods for operational planning. (30-50 words each)
Explain the role of an operational plan in achieving the organisation's objectives. (50-100 words)
List three alternative approaches to developing key performance indicators to meet business objectives.
Describe how you can prepare a contingency plan.
(40-80 words)
Discuss what stakeholders may be involved in the development and management of operational plans. Think about escalation points, colleagues with a particular set of skills, specialist resource managers, consultants, etc.
(80-120 words)
Identify and five (5) information sources for proposal development and presentation of an operational plan.
Outline the legislative and regulatory framework relating to the development and implementation of the organisation's operational plan. Include reference to fair trading laws and work health and safety in your answer.
(80-120 words)
Identify the typical organisational policies, practices and procedures that may relate to the operational plan.
Question 2
Discuss the importance of consultation in developing and implementing an operational plan. Include examples of consultation methods in your answer.
(100-150 words)
Question 3
Describe the content and purpose of the following inclusions of an operational plan.
Description of purpose and content
(30-50 words/inclusion)
Resource requirements
Key performance indicators
Monitoring processes
Contingency plans
Communication plan
Key assumptions and risks
Question 4
Describe the role of budget and actual financial relating to profit and productivity in an operational plan.
(50-100 words)
Question 5
Explain how to document operational performance. Include a procedure to report performance and types of records that could be used in your answer.
(50-100 words)
BSBOPS502 - Manage business operational plans V3 2021
Page 6
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Task 2
Manage business operational plans
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature
Task Number
------OFFICE USE ONLY-----
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Marking Sheet
Completed successfully
Did the student satisfactorily:
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:
· Planning notes from briefing session in Task 2.1.1
· Updated current operational plan in Task 2.1.2A
· Operational plan for the e-commerce strategy in Task 2.1.2B
· 2 x contingency plans in Task 2.1.2C
· Proposal for resource requirements in Task 2.1.2D
· Feedback from consultation in simulated work condition in Task 2.1.2E
· Observation checklist in Task 2.1.2F
· Resource acquisition strategy in Task 2.2.1
· Interview preparation form in Task 2.2.2
· Interview outcome in Task 2.2.2
· Email to the successful candidate in Task 2.2.2
· Procurement evaluation form in Task 2.2.3
The student has actively participated in the briefing session to gather information about the operational plan's requirements.
Feedback in Comments.
The student has actively sought advice and feedback when creating the operational plan and associated document.
Feedback in Comments.
Demonstrated ability to:
· Research, analyse and document resource requirements
This is evidenced by:
· Planning notes from briefing session in Task 2.1.1
· Proposal for resource requirements in Task 2.1.2D
· Participation in briefing session (refer to marking sheet)
Demonstrated ability to:
· Develop an operational plan in consultation with, and with approval from, relevant stakeholders
· Develop contingencies for the operational plan
This is evidenced by:
· Planning notes from briefing session in Task 2.1.1
· Updated current operational plan in Task 2.1.2A
· Operational plan for the e-commerce strategy in Task 2.1.2B
· 2 x contingency plans in Task 2.1.2C
· Proposal for resource requirements in Task 2.1.2D
· Consulted with stakeholders when developing the plan (refer to marking sheet)
Demonstrated ability to:
· Explain the plan to relevant work teams
This is evidenced by:
· Feedback from consultation in simulated work condition in Task 2.1.2E
· Observation checklist in Task 2.1.2F
The student interviewed the candidate as instructed:
· Prepared for the interview
· Asked relevant questions
· Followed organisational policies and procedures
· I can confirm that relevant policies and procedures were followed
· Gave the candidate opportunities to answer questions and ask questions
· Listened actively
· Used questioning techniques to confirm understanding
· Rephrased and/or summarised
· Presented information clearly
Feedback in Comment
Demonstrated ability to:
· Confirm that employees are recruited and inducted according to the organisation's human resources management policies, practices and procedures
This is evidenced by:
· Interview preparation form in Task 2.2.2
· Interview outcome in Task 2.2.2
· Email to the successful candidate in Task 2.2.2
Demonstrated ability to:
· Confirm that physical resources and services are acquired according to the organisation's policies, practices and procedures
This is evidenced by:
· Resource acquisition strategy in Task 2.2.1
· Procurement evaluation form in Task 2.2.3
Demonstrated ability to:
· Identify and incorporate requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities related to the acquisition of resources
This is evidenced by:
· Email to the successful candidate in Task 2.2.2
· Procurement evaluation form in Task 2.2.3
When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Table of Content
Student Declaration 2
Task 2 – Develop an operational plan, plan and manage resource acquisition 8
Task 2.1 Develop an operational plan 11
2.1.1 Briefing notes 11
2.1.2 Develop the operational plan 12
Task 2.2 Plan and manage resource acquisition 20
2.2.1 Develop resource acquisition strategies 20
2.2.2 Implement the recruitment strategy 21
2.2.3 Implement the physical resources acquisition strategy 23
Appendix 1 – Scenario BBQfun (e-Commerce Strategy) 25
Appendix 2 – Scenario BBQfun Documentation 37
Appendix 3 – Scenario BBQfun Resourcing 58
Task 2 – Develop an operational plan, plan and manage resource acquisition
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about?
In response to a simulated business scenario, you will research resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
As a part of the development of your plan, you will set performance indicators, plan for contingencies, and obtain approval in accordance with organisational requirements.
You will then develop and implement strategies to ensure physical and human resourcing is carried out in accordance with organisational policies, practices and procedures and intellectual property (IP) provisions.
To complete this task, please refer to:
· Appendix 1 – Scenario BBfun(e-Commerce Strategy)
· Appendix 2 – Scenario Bbfun Documentation
· Appendix 3 Scenario Bbfun Resourcing
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
· Product-based ☒
· Direct observation of Role-Play ☒
· Case Study ☐
· Other (specify) ☐
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
· Research, analyse and document resource requirements
· Develop operational plan in consultation with, and with approval from, relevant stakeholders
· Develop contingencies for operational plan
· Explain plan to relevant work teams
· Confirm that employees are recruited and inducted according to the organisation's human resources management policies, practices and procedures
· Confirm that physical resources and services are acquired according to the organisation's policies, practices and procedures
· Identify and incorporate requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities related to acquisition of resources
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.
You are required to address the following:
· Task 2.1 Develop an operational plan
· Record notes from the briefing and the reading of Appendix 1 and 2 about the requirements of the operational plan
· Update the current operational plan FY 2021-2022
· Develop the operational plan
· Develop 2 contingency plans
· Develop a proposal for resource requirements
· Collaborate with and gather feedback from relevant stakeholders
· Present the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing. Gather feedback, negotiate changes and obtain approval.
· Task 2.2 Plan and manage resource acquisition
· Develop a recruitment strategy to make sure that new recruits are employed and inducted within the organisation's HR management policies, procedures and practices; include the requirement for IP.
· Develop a strategy to acquire physical resources and services following organisational policies, practices and procedures; include the requirement for IP.
· Prepare for, and interview a potential new recruit. Record the outcome of the interview.
· Evaluate and select suppliers according to the procurement policy and procedures
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily?
· submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
· complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,
· use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
· meet the word count where required,
· use the scenario provided,
· use the templates provided where required,
· for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,
· if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
You must deliver/participate in:
· Briefing in week 1 to discuss the scenario to assessment and the requirements of the operational plan
· Regular consultation with the trainer and assessor playing the role of the OGM and other students playing the part of the SMM and the TS
· A Role-Play in week 3 where you will present the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing to pertinent stakeholders for feedback and approval
· A Role-Play in week 4 to interview a potential new recruit
You must submit to GOALS
· Planning notes from briefing session
· Updated current operational plan
· Operational plan for the e-commerce strategy
· 2 x contingency plans
· Proposal for resource requirements
· Feedback from consultation in simulated work condition
· Observation checklist
· Resource acquisition strategy
· Interview preparation form
· Interview outcome
· Email to the successful candidate
· Procurement evaluation form
Resources and equipment
· Computer with Internet access
· Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
· Learning material
· Scenario for assessment as provided
· Appendices as provided
· Relevant policies and procedures as provided
· Templates as provided
Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.
Complete the following activities:
Task 2.1 Develop an operational plan
The trainer and assessor will allocate time in week 1 of class to conduct a meeting to brief the students on the scenario for assessment and the requirements of the operational plan.
The meeting will take place in a simulated work environment where the trainer and assessor will play the role of the Operations General Manager in the organisation. You will be a consultant hired to manage the operational planning activities related to implementing an e-commerce strategy for the company.
Attendance at the meeting is essential to complete the assessment task.
Note: the trainer and assessor will note your presence at the briefing. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to contact the trainer and assessor and arrange alternative arrangements.
This task requires you to:
· Attend a briefing with the OGM
· Develop briefing notes
· Develop an operational plan
· Develop contingency plans
· Develop a proposal for resourcing
· Consult with pertinent stakeholders
· Present and obtain approval for the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing
Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.
Briefing notes
Take notes during the briefing.
Once, the briefing is over, review your notes and Appendix 1 and 2. Outline the following in the form of personal notes:
· What the operational plan is about
· How the operational plan supports the strategic direction of the company
· A list of the key parameters and requirements of the operational plan (3-5)
· Resourcing needs (human resources and physical resources) (5-10)
· A list of the organisational policies and procedures that are directly related to the operational plan (3-5)
· A list of the relevant legislation and legislation that are relevant to the operational plan to establish the legislative and regulatory context for your work (3-5)
· A brief consultation strategy to gather feedback and inputs on the operational plan (planning and implementation) from pertinent stakeholders (example: scheduled meetings, surveys, focus groups etc..)
(100-150 words)
Develop the operational plan
A. Update current operational plan FY 2021-2022
Update the BBQfun operational plan FY 2020-2021 to include the e-commerce strategy (planning and implementation). Write your updates in red so that the trainer and assessor can identify them easily. 1-2 updates/objectives (to include performance measures and tasks).
BBQfun Operational Plan (with strategic objectives, measures and tasks) FY 2021–2022
Performance measures
Engaging with customers through marketing, research and personalised service.
· Completion of market/marketing research.
· Completion of customer surveys.
· Completion of reports to identify marketing opportunities.
· Conduct quarterly surveys on customer satisfaction.
· Evaluation of market and marketing data to determine marketing opportunities.
· Building reputation for quality products and quality customer service:
· Raise organisational profile by 20%.
· Improve client satisfaction performance by 25%.
· Percentage of brand recognition in sought-after categories in periodic customer surveys.
· Percentage of customers with positive view of organisational responsiveness, innovation, quality, ethics, safety.
· Number of customer complaints.
· Delivery times.
· Number of returned items.
· Audit of supplier quality.
· Regular contact with suppliers. Investigate resourcing needs: people, products.
· Fulfil resourcing and distribution needs in accordance with policies and procedures.
· Maintenance of enterprise resource management (ERP), point of sale (POS) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
Supporting people to perform via training and performance management.
· Numbers of injuries
(Target = 0).
· Numbers of absentees
(Target = <3% of total hours).
· Anti-discrimination complaints (Target=0).
· Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (Target=2)
· Percentage completion of performance plans and performance management process.
· Numbers of coaching sessions completed.
· Numbers of operational-related training programs completed.
· Research effectiveness of possible incentives for: safe work achievement; healthy lifestyle.
· Engage workers with strategic goals of business and support professional development in line with strategic goals. (Targets to be set by individual managers).
· Management engagement with employees to achieve greater buy-in of organisational goals.
· Include explanation of how activities work with organisational strategic goals in all communications to internal personnel.
· Regular coaching.
· Training needs analysis and training (leadership, WHS, ethical/legal training).
· Strategic goals included in induction program.
· Employee incentives for performance in all areas relevant to operational and strategic goals.
Increasing sales revenue.
· General ledger accounts; financial statements:
· Revenue target = $11 million
· Profit target = $1,792,286
· Marketing campaigns.
· Sales training for floor staff.
Reduce direct and indirect costs of operations.
· General ledger accounts; financial statements:
· wages
· cost of agent services
· consultancy fees
· wastage and associated expenses.
· Expense target = $5,004,714
· COGS target = $5,890,000
· Renegotiate with suppliers.
· Research potential new suppliers.
· Research new distribution possibilities, such as ecommerce/delivery.
· Management engagement with employees to achieve greater employee support of organisational goals.
· Greater use by managers of budgets to encourage restraint.
· Greater focus on budget restraint in management of projects/activities.
· Inventory management through ERM to reduce overstocking and risk associated with storage.
· Incentives (as part of manager/employee performance management and bonus system).
B. Develop an operational plan for the e-commerce strategy
Develop the plan for 3-5 Key Result Areas (KRAs). Include:
· 1 goal/each result area
· 3-5 actions for each KRA
· 2-3 KPIs for each KRA
· 1-2 stakeholders associated with responsibilities for the KRA
· Timeline (date or range)
· Budget for each KRA (specify if the budget is in or out of the scope of the e-commerce strategy). If the budget is out of scope:
· Negotiate an increase in budget with the organisation; or
· Advise the organisation to deliver a concurrent operational project to achieve a specific KRA
Note: the budget allocated for the e-commerce strategy is $ 861,000.00. The organisation would like you to run this project under budget.
Use the template provided below. Add additional rows if needed.
Template 1 -Operational Plan
Objective: <Add>
Key Results Area
Key Performance Indicators
Integration with the website and financial software.
To achieve seamless integration with the current website and the financial software.
· Contact technical experts
· Define requirements
· Test systems
· 0% error
· 95% positive feedback from user and finance personnel
· CFO (integration with financial software)
· External consultant (integration with the website)
3 months
· $ 5,000 (integration with financial software-out of scope from e-commerce strategy)
· Budget included in the design of the e-commerce site for the integration with the website
Monitoring strategy:
Develop a high-level monitoring strategy for the operational plan (40-80 words).
C. Contingency plan
Identify 2 risks to the implementation of the plan and develop a contingency plan (Template 2) for each risk. The risks must include:
· one risk due to employee underperformance
· one risk related to the management of the intellectual property (IP)
Use the templates provided below.
Note: the budget allocated for the contingency plan must be included in the overall budget for the planning and implementation of the e-commerce strategy.
Person developing the plan:
Mark Smith
Consultation (who was consulted):
John Black
Data expert
Riz Mehra
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Risk identified:
Data migration error when integrating with financial software.
Strategy to treat risk
Strategy to manage the risk if it occurs
2 system testing scheduled before going live.
Shut down operations for 2 days.
Check data errors.
Reverse data migration or correct.
Test again before the next attempt.
IT specialist
$ 3,000 outside budget for e-commerce strategy.
Template 2 -Contingency Plan
Develop a contingency plan for each of the 2 identified risks.
Risk 1
Person developing the plan:
Consultation (who was consulted):
Risk identified:
Strategy to treat risk
Strategy to manage the risk if it occurs
Risk 2
Person developing the plan:
Consultation (who was consulted):
Risk identified:
Strategy to treat risk
Strategy to manage the risk if it occurs
D. Proposal for resource requirements
Develop a proposal for resource requirements (Template 3) . The resources will be used to plan and implement the operational plan.
Use the template provided below and follow the instructions.
Template 3 -Proposal for resource requirements
Human Resources
A list of proposed resources. (2-3)
Physical Resources
A list of proposed resources. (3-5)
Proposed implementation
How to acquire and implement the resources (30-50 words)
Breakdown of costs
(3-5 essential items with total)
Benefits to the organisation
What benefits would the resources bring to the organisation, not necessarily linked only to the operational plan? You can think more broadly. (30-50 words, 2-3 benefits)
Risks by not implementing the proposed resources
List 2-3 risks.
Sources of information used to develop the proposal
Example: use internet research on technical aspects of e-commerce and importance to retailers; use consultation, use company financial projections
E. Consultation
While creating the operational plan, contingency plans, and resourcing proposal, consult with relevant stakeholders such as the OGM.
Collaborate with other students playing the role of the Sales and Marketing Manager (SMM) and the Technology Consultant (TS) to peer review your work and gather insights from the perspective of pertinent stakeholders in the organisation.
Implement their feedback in the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing.
Record the feedback received and implemented in the table below:
How it was implemented
Operational plan:
Contingency plans:
Proposal for resourcing:
The trainer and assessor will validate that you have actively sought advice and feedback while creating the operational plan and associated documents.
F. Presentation
Liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule time in week 3 of class to meet with the OGM, the SMM, the TC and the representative of the work teams that will be involved in implementing the e-commerce strategy.
Duration of the meeting: 30 minutes.
Before the meeting:
Have the operational plan, contingency plans, and resourcing proposal ready to be shared with the attendees. This could be done:
· Preparing printed copies of your work; or
· Projecting the documents on the screen using the facilities in the classroom or sharing the documents during a virtual meeting (liaise with the trainer and assessor)
During the meeting:
· Present and explain the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing
· You may want to consider:
· Explaining resource requirements and justifying the proposal
· Information on cost items
· Benefits of implementing the plan to the organisation
· Possible risks of not implementing the plan
· Identified risks and contingency plans
· WHS concerns
· The consultation process that was followed and sources of information
· Implementation
· Gather feedback, discuss and negotiate changes to the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing
· Obtain approval for the plan
· The trainer and assessor will provide approval in the observaton checklist
After the meeting:
· Implement the feedback and the changes negotiated during the meeting to the operational plan, the contingency plans and the proposal for resourcing before submitting your assessment
· Please note that the trainer and assessor will check that the feedback you have received and/or the changes you have negotiated are implemented in your submission.
This is an assessable task and the trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance using an observation checklist during the meeting.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor. You may only reschedule once.
Task 2.2 Plan and manage resource acquisition
Read Appendix 3 – Scenario BBQfun Resourcing and Appendix 2– Scenario BBQfun Documentation.
This task requires you to:
· Develop resource acquisition strategies
· Implement recruitment strategies
· Implement physical resources acquisition strategies
2.2.1 Develop resource acquisition strategies
Develop the following strategies:
· A recruitment strategy to make sure that new recruits are employed and inducted within the organisation's HR management policies, procedures and practices
· A strategy to acquire physical resources and services following organisational policies, practices and procedures
· Include requirements for IP rights and responsibilities in both strategies to ensure trade secrets and confidential information are protected from theft, misuse and unauthorised distribution
Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.
Template 4 -Resource acquisition strategy
Recruitment strategy
(50-100 words)
Requirements for IP
(30-50 words)
Acquisition of physical resources strategy
(50-100 words)
Requirements for IP
(30-50 words)
2.2.2 Implement the recruitment strategy
Interview a potential new recruit (online customer service and sale representative) according to organisational policies and procedures:
· Prepare to interview by organising a role-play to interview with the potential recruit played by a classmate and preparing paperwork.
· For the interview, schedule a suitable time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class. Duration of the interview: 15 minutes.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor.
Before the interview:
· Complete the interview preparation form – Template 5.
During the interview:
· Explain the role, responsibilities and accountabilities
· Outline expectations
· Describe the induction process for successful candidates
This is an assessable task, and the trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance, providing feedback on the marking sheet.
After the interview:
· Record your decision about hiring or not hiring the candidate with justifications – Template 6.
Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.
Template 5 -Interview preparation form
1. Complete the form below to prepare for the interview. The form follows the organisational policy and procedures for recruitment and induction.
Job title and description
Skills and attributes required for the position (essential and desired)
Special arrangements
The candidate has a mobility impairment and uses a wheelchair. Outline any special arrangements put in place for the interview.
(30-50 words)
Interview Panel
List the stakeholders who will be on the interview panel. (3)
Note: you will conduct the interview individually, however you must select relevant stakeholders from the case study.
Formulate 4 questions to ask the candidate.
Template 6 -Interview outcome
2. Record the interview outcome.
Interview outcome
Successful ☐
Unsuccessful ☐
Justification of the interview outcome.
(30-50 words)
Relevant policies and procedures were followed.
Yes ☐
No ☐
3. Assume that the candidate is successful, and write an email (Template 7) to the candidate to explain the induction process according to organisational policies and procedures.
When writing the email:
· Ensure that policies and procedures about induction are followed
· Identify and incorporate requirements for intellectual property obligations when working in the organisation
The email text should be in grammatically correct English and written appropriately (polite, business-like).
(50-100 words)
Template 7 -Email
Email to the successful candidate
Date email is sent:
2.2.3 Implement the physical resources acquisition strategy
Read Appendix 3 – Scenario BBQfun Resourcing and Appendix 2– Scenario BBQfun Documentation.
Consider the bid for the website developers as described in Appendix 3 and consider the Procurement policy and procedures in Appendix 2.
Evaluate each website developer against the policy and the requirements of the operational plan and choose one.
Use the evaluation template below to support your evaluation and make your choice.
Template 8 -Procurement evaluation form
Evaluate each web designer against the key factors.
ACE Developers
Premier Tech
Innovative Technology
Value for money
Risk management
List possible risks about engaging the web designer. (1-2)
Buy Australian made/support Australian industry
Conflict of interest
IP considerations
Your choice of service supplier:
Justification of your choice with risk mitigation strategy (50-100 words):
Answer the following questions according to the procurement policy and procedures:
Are two or more competitive quotes for contracts be presented?
Who has authority to sign for the webdesign service?
How will the tender respondents be informed?
Appendix 1 – Scenario BBQfun (e-Commerce Strategy)
Background to scenario
The BBQ fun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company strategic directions.
You have been hired as an external consultant to manage operational planning activities for BBQ fun's e-commerce strategy.
· Under the strategy, BBQ fun would offer all products in an online store. Stock could be stored at no extra cost at existing stores. Customers would cover delivery costs.
· Currently, BBQ fun has a website, but this website lacks e-commerce functionality. The website would need to be redeveloped to incorporate this functionality in line with relevant technical specifications.
· Existing infrastructure, such as office and store configurations, would need to be adapted to the new strategy. Additionally, assets, such as delivery vehicles, would need to be acquired. New staff would need to be recruited and existing staff retrained or informed of the e-commerce strategy and associated operational and performance targets.
· All resourcing must be acquired, and operations are undertaken in accordance with relevant internal and external standards – legislation and codes of practice, intellectual property (IP) rights and responsibilities, and organisational policies and procedures.
· Preliminary approval has been given to amend the existing budget and operational planning to incorporate this strategy.
It is now 30 June 2021, and e-commerce operations are expected to be underway in one year and three months, by 1 October 2022.
Scenario task
As the external consultant, you will need to determine the physical and human resourcing requirements. Review organisational documentation and undertake preliminary research on e-commerce. Consult with the following personnel to determine resourcing needs:
· Sales and Marketing Manager
· Technology consultant.
You will then need to plan physical and human resourcing and establish associated performance measures and targets. You may consider the Management Team of BBQ fun, including team leaders in warehouses, to be resources for the implementation. Use the description of their roles in operational planning when assigning responsibilities.
Finally, you will need to propose resourcing and associated operational changes to the Operations General Manager, who will provide approval in consultation with the CEO and Board of Directors.
Resourcing and budget: e-Commerce strategy
After consulting with the management team at BBQ fun, you determine:
eight online sales and customer service people will be needed to manage increased online customers
· since stores are overstaffed, four of the required customer service staff could be sourced from existing employees at the two stores
· no current staff have any online customer service skills
· management would like to develop people through retraining rather than hire new staff to handle online sales
· six delivery trucks are needed to enable distribution
· an e-commerce website will take 50 days to develop
· three forklifts are needed
· four additional warehouse workers are needed
· six additional drivers are needed
· office space will need to be reconfigured.
The following operational costs are associated with e-commerce business strategy.
Costs: e-Commerce strategy (initial investment)
Plant and equipment
· Delivery trucks $50,000 x 6= $300,000
· Forklifts $10,000 x 3 = $30,000
Promotional costs
Website developers
Staff training
Online customer service training $3,000 per staff member = $24,000
Recruitment costs
Management change leadership training for store managers and team leaders
$3,000 each = 1 Brisbane store manager, 4 Brisbane team leaders, 1 Gold Coast store manager and 3 Gold Coast team leaders x $3,000 = $27,000
Warehouse and office reconfiguration
In addition, ongoing staff costs will be incurred.
The expected life of the initial investment is expected to be three years.
Costs: e-Commerce strategy (ongoing)
Additional staff:
(At $40,000-year average annual salary)
· 4 online staff
4 x $40,000 ($160,000) per year for 3 years = $480,000
4 warehouse staff
4 x $40,000 ($160,000) per year for 3 years = $480,000
6 delivery drivers
6 x $40,000 = $240,000 per year for 3 years =$720,000
The following expenses should be incurred in the 2022 financial year and be included in associated financial targets for spending:
Additional staff
Additional marketing
Additional training
Benefits to business
According to financial projection prepared by the CFO, the business expects the proposed strategy to be profitable over three years.
Profitability index over three years
Profitability index (PI) =
Present value (PV) of future cash flows
Present value (PV) of initial investment
PI>1 indicates project should be undertaken
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2024
Cash flow from operations (minus ongoing operational costs associated with e-commerce such as additional staffing)
Present value of future cash flows (discounted future cash flows with respect to opportunity cost, inflation)
$180,000 +$420,000+$600,000 = $1,200,000
Present value of initial investment
Profitability index
The expected additional profit for 2022 would be $200,000. This figure should be added to targets.
Risks to implementation
After consulting with stakeholders at BBQ fun, you determine:
· medium risk of poor online sales
· high risk of customer service quality problems for online customers leading to a breach of consumer law
· high risk of staff misunderstanding changes and considering online sales as a threat to jobs
· medium risk of not being able to recruit fully trained online staff
· low risk of loss of IP relating to confidential information contained within the e-commerce strategy when employees leave the organisation
· medium risk of loss of IP ownership if a relationship with the website developer contract ceases
· low-level risk of not complying with WHS legislation through lack of risk assessment conducted on potential musculoskeletal disorders resulting from poor customer service workstation design
· medium risk of wastage due to the overstocking of product in anticipation of increased online sales.
All additional costs associated with contingency planning will be approved in accordance with BBQ fun policies and procedures.
Budget summary
BBQ fun 2021–2022 Approved budget by activities to be undertaken
Barbecues and related equipment.
Investment income
Real estate investment income and rental of office space.
Cost of goods sold (COGS)
Cost of provision of goods, purchase of stock, distribution.
Gross profit
Gross profit.
Wages, salaries and on costs
Wages, salaries, superannuation, work cover insurance, payroll tax.
Consultancy fees
Project management: WHS management system; change management.
Communication expenses
Telephone, ISP costs, IT support.
Cost of staff travel and associated costs for sales, etc.
Premises expenses
Rent, electricity, maintenance, cleaning.
Liability insurance
Depreciation and amortization
Computers and capital equipment that is depreciated.
Office supplies
Printing and stationery, postage, amenities.
Sales training: leadership, WHS, ethical/legal training.
Total expenses
Net profit
Net income before tax.
General operating hours
BBQ fun operates Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. BBQ fun will be operational year-round except legislated holidays.
Human resources
· Pat Mifsud, CEO
Pat is responsible for working with the Board of Directors to oversee the business, set overall strategic directions, manage risk, and authorise large financial transactions.
· Riz Mehra, Chief Financial Officer
Riz is responsible for preparing quarterly financial statements and overall budgeting. Riz is also responsible for overseeing budgets for cost centres and individual projects. After financial quarters and at the end of projects, Riz is accountable for viewing budget variation reports and incorporating information into financial statements and financial projections.
· Kim Chen, Operations General Manager
Kim is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. Kim oversees the coordination of all operations. Kim is responsible for sponsoring projects that affect the operations of the organisation as a whole. Kim works with the HR Manager to coordinate systems and projects to achieve company-wide synergy.
· Les Goodale, Human Resources (HR) Manager
Les is responsible for the productive capacity and welfare of people at BBQ fun. Les works with the Operations General Manager to coordinate projects and management systems, such as performance management, recruitment, and induction.
· Sam Lee, Marketing Manager
Sam is responsible for the management of all aspects of marketing. Sam manages the activities of the marketing team.
· Pat Sweeney, Manager: Brisbane (Kenmore)
Pat is responsible for the management of all aspects of the Brisbane store.
· Alex Mitchell, Manager: Gold Coast
Alex is responsible for the management of all aspects of the Gold Coast store.
A summary of human resources at each of the two locations appears below:
Brisbane: Head office
· Employees:
· 30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people, check-out staff, trained in the use of POS – integrated with ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM (customer relationship management) software system
· senior management team (five) + one store manager
· four sales team leaders
· one delivery truck driver
· one warehouse worker.
Gold Coast operation
· Employees:
· 30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people, check-out staff, trained in the use of POS – integrated with ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM (customer relationship management) software system
· one store manager
· three sales team leaders
· one delivery truck driver
· one warehouse worker.
Office requirements
The office space is leased and will accommodate the necessary office equipment, such as computers, fax machines, photocopier and other engineering equipment.
Brisbane: Head office
· Location: Kenmore.
· Size: 15,000 square metres (50% warehouse, 50% display area). Warehouse area used at 45% of capacity but poorly configured to accommodate the heavy increase in distribution traffic.
· Large mezzanine office space (used to be occupied by online retailer, currently subdivided and occupied by the management team).
· Loading bay with large capacity (most of area incorporated into customer display area, could be easily and cheaply reconfigured to accommodate extra distribution).
Gold Coast operation
· Location: Robina.
· Size: 12,000 square metres (50% warehouse, 50% display area). Warehouse area used at 50% of capacity but poorly configured to accommodate the heavy increase in distribution traffic.
· Large mezzanine open-plan office space with separate access (was previously rented out to a telemarketing company).
· Lots of spare office space.
· Loading-bay with large capacity.
Operating capital requirements
BBQ fun requires approximately five million dollars in working capital to sustain and ensure the business meets all opening and ongoing financial obligations.
The company may experience financial pressures during slow sales periods.
A long-term strategy to maintain positive cash flow during these periods will be to diversify the company's product range and develop business opportunities such as e-commerce to boost sales and sales capability overall.
Operational expenses
Wages, salaries and on-costs
Consultancy fees
Communication expenses
Premises expenses
Depreciation and amortization
Office supplies
Total Expenses
Insurance requirements
BBQ fun will have to incur costs for business liability insurance. The estimated cost for this requirement is $100,000 per year.
Operational workflow
1. Conduct market research to determine needs.
2. Negotiate with suppliers.
3. Receive and warehouse products.
4. Provide service and information to warehouse customers.
5. Receive payment.
6. Arrange delivery of items (if required).
BBQ fun accepts cash, EFTPOS and major credit cards. Credit terms are available for trades.
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
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Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd, 1st Edition BSBMGT517 V4- 2015
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Operational plan (with strategic objectives, measures and tasks) FY 2021–2022
BBQ fun Operational Plan (with strategic objectives, measures and tasks) FY 2021–2022
Performance measures
Engaging with customers through marketing, research and personalised service.
· Completion of market/marketing research.
· Completion of customer surveys.
· Completion of reports to identify marketing opportunities.
· Conduct quarterly surveys on customer satisfaction.
· Evaluation of market and marketing data to determine marketing opportunities.
Building reputation for quality products and quality customer service:
· Raise organisational profile by 20%.
· Improve client satisfaction performance by 25%.
· Percentage of brand recognition in sought-after categories in periodic customer surveys.
· Percentage of customers with positive view of organisational responsiveness, innovation, quality, ethics, safety.
· Number of customer complaints.
· Delivery times.
· Number of returned items.
· Audit of supplier quality.
· Regular contact with suppliers.
· Investigate resourcing needs: people, products.
· Fulfil resourcing and distribution needs in accordance with policies and procedures.
· Maintenance of enterprise resource management (ERP), point of sale (POS) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
Supporting people to perform via training and performance management.
· Numbers of injuries
(Target = 0).
· Numbers of absentees
(Target = <3% of total hours).
· Anti-discrimination complaints (Target=0).
· Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (Target=2)
· Percentage completion of performance plans and performance management process.
· Numbers of coaching sessions completed.
· Numbers of operational-related training programs completed.
· Research effectiveness of possible incentives for: safe work achievement; healthy lifestyle.
· Engage workers with strategic goals of business and support professional development in line with strategic goals. (Targets to be set by individual managers).
· Management engagement with employees to achieve greater buy-in of organisational goals.
· Include explanation of how activities work with organisational strategic goals in all communications to internal personnel.
· Regular coaching.
· Training needs analysis and training (leadership, WHS, ethical/legal training).
· Strategic goals included in induction program.
· Employee incentives for performance in all areas relevant to operational and strategic goals.
Increasing sales revenue.
General ledger accounts; financial statements:
· Revenue target = $11 million
· Profit target = $1,792,286
· Marketing campaigns.
· Sales training for floor staff.
Reduce direct and indirect costs of operations.
· General ledger accounts; financial statements:
· wages
· cost of agent services
· consultancy fees
· wastage and associated expenses.
· Expense target = $5,004,714
· COGS target = $5,890,000
· Renegotiate with suppliers.
· Research potential new suppliers.
· Research new distribution possibilities, such as ecommerce/delivery.
· Management engagement with employees to achieve greater employee support of organisational goals.
· Greater use by managers of budgets to encourage restraint.
· Greater focus on budget restraint in management of projects/activities.
· Inventory management through ERM to reduce overstocking and risk associated with storage.
· Incentives (as part of manager/employee performance management and bonus system).
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Appendix 2 – Scenario BBQfun Documentation
Business plan excerpt
From BBQfun business plan FY 2020–2021
· To provide our customers with great value outdoor lifestyle products and second-to-none customer service.
· To be south-east Queensland's leading outdoor lifestyle retailer within five years.
· Quality.
· Customer value.
· People: Active encouragement of safety, teamwork, diversity, excellence, innovation and continuous improvement.
Strategic directions
The strategic context in which BBQfun will achieve its mission and vision is through:
· engaging with customers through marketing, research and personalised service
· building a reputation for quality products and quality customer service
· supporting people to perform via training and performance management
· increasing sales revenue
· controlling costs through operational efficiency.
BBQfun organisational chart
Performance management policy and procedures
BBQfun Performance Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure performance management is carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with organisational requirements.
The scope of this policy covers the performance management process by employees and contractors of BBQfun.
Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available below and on the company intranet.
Managers will:
· carry out formal performance review discussions twice annually
· monitor individual performance throughout the year, recording key events, observations of importance which relate to the performance, both positive and negative
· use the performance management documentation to record formal and informal performance reviews
· provide employees with the opportunity to participate and contribute to their professional and personal development
· provide employees access to training and development, as reflected in the individual's development plan
· provide underperforming employees with coaching and development throughout the review period, using the GROW model to help structure their planning for formal coaching sessions or informal, side-by-side sessions
· provide employees with opportunity to communicate their career development goals.
Relevant legislation, etc.
· Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
· Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
· Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)
· AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records management
10/2019 – Riz Mehra CFO
Procedure to conduct performance review
The employee's performance will be monitored and evaluated regularly throughout the year. The performance review encompasses three elements:
· an annual formal review discussion
· a six month follow-up discussion
· continuous monitoring of the employee's performance.
1. Annual discussion
The annual discussion is a key step in the performance review process. Essentially, this step involves compiling all the information collected and assessed throughout the year relating to the employee's performance.
The key elements of the annual discussion are to:
· reflect on performance during the year
· clarify key responsibilities of the role and review the job description
· discuss successes as well as areas for improvement
· set agreed targets and performance standards for the next six months
· agree on key areas of development for effective performance in the role.
2. Documentation
The performance review documentation provides an important guide to record the standards expected of an individual, their targets (according to the job role) and individual development plans. It is important to use the correct forms to maintain the integrity of the information, and to help the manager and employee ensure the review is completed correctly.
3. Timing
Employee performance is to be formally reviewed every 12 months with a follow-up review in six months. A new plan should be completed at each annual appraisal discussion.
4. Six-month follow-up discussion
The follow-up review provides an opportunity for managers and employees to revisit targets, standards and development plans to:
· establish that progress is on track
· identify changes impacting on the achievement of targets and standards set
· discuss development plan progress or establish development plan
· modify standards and targets, if required.
Implementation of performance review process
Performance management plan template
Review period:
Reference from operational plan
Key result area
Indicator of success/
By when
Status report
Manager's comments:
Staff member's comments:
Principles of coaching underperforming employees
What do we coach?
Generally, most performance problems can be resolved through effective communication between managers and employees. Most employees can benefit from coaching in some way. Coaching applies to any skill at any time. It is a simple way to set, discuss, and monitor goals in a collaborative way.
When do we coach?
Coaching is different to formal training. But how do you know when you should step in or let employees work through the problems for themselves?
· Observe the employee's work and be alert for certain triggers or signs. For example, you may notice an attitude or behaviour creeping in, or you discover a slump in the employee's KPIs.
· Coach when you want to focus attention on any specific aspect of the employee's performance.
· Don't hesitate – do it now. Coaching is a process that is most effective when it happens promptly.
How do we coach?
· Good coaches challenge employees and ask questions that help the employee to discover how to improve.
· Coach when you wish to focus attention on any specific aspect of the employee's performance.
· A coaching meeting should focus on just one or two aspects of performance. Any more than that and employees won't remember the main impact of your meeting.
· Keep coaching conversations brief and between 5 and 15 minutes long.
· Being an effective coach requires understanding of what motivates the members of your team. Remember that people are motivated in different ways. Be sensitive to the things that drive your people to perform.
· When things are performing well, take the time to understand what is working and why.
· Good coaching is guiding, not telling or doing.
· Allow the employee to own the problem and its solutions. Ask them: 'How do you think we should handle this?'
· Be sure you document any key elements that come out of your coaching sessions and store them in the employee's file.
The GROW model
GROW is a simple but effective model for running coaching sessions. GROW is an acronym that stands for: Goal – (current) Reality – Options – Will.
Things can change, and the employee's goals may need to be revisited and reviewed.
Current Reality
Getting to the root cause of problems means asking the team member about what is happening and how the problem is affecting them. Often managers can leap to a conclusion about solving a performance problem. Important information that can help to solve the problem is often missed.
Some useful coaching questions include:
· How is this change affecting your work?
· If things changed, do we need to revisit how we planned to approach this?
Once you and your team member have explored the current reality, it's time to start exploring the alternatives for solving the problem. It should be a two-way process, so encourage the team member for their ideas and views about what might be done.
Ask questions like:
· What other options have you considered for how we might handle this?
· What are the alternatives?
· How else could we approach this? What risks are involved?
· What are the possible risks involved in these other options?
· What constraints exist?
By this stage, you will have examined the current reality and canvassed the options for what could be done. The team member should now have a clear idea of how to deal with the situation. The final step for you as a coach is to get them to commit to taking action.
· How will you take this forward?
· How are you going to achieve this?
· What obstacles could prevent this from happening?
· What else will you do?
Note: The coaching conversation does not need to rigidly follow the order above. Any genuinely two-way conversation will develop in unplanned ways. Nevertheless, each element of the GROW model should be addressed in any coaching session that is likely to be effective.
Procurement policy and procedures
BBQfun Procurement Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with organisational requirements.
The scope of this policy covers the purchasing and acquisition of resources by employees and contractors of BBQfun.
Specific principles for the implementation of this policy are available below.
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees and management of BBQfun with responsibility for purchasing resources.
Relevant legislation, etc.
· Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
· Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
· A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cwlth)
· Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth).
· AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records management
6/2019 – Riz Mehra, CFO
Principles governing the procurement process
1. Probity and ethical behaviour
The principle of probity and ethical behaviour governs the conduct of all procurement activities. Employees who have authority to procure goods and services must comply with the standards of integrity, probity, professional conduct and ethical behaviour. Employees or directors must not seek to benefit from supplier practices that may be dishonest or unethical.
2. Value for money
Value for money is the core principle underpinning procurement. Contracted organisations must be cost-effective and efficient in the use of resources while upholding the highest standards of probity and integrity. In general, a competitive process carried out in an open, objective and transparent manner can achieve best value for money in procurement.
3. Non-discrimination
This procurement policy is non-discriminatory. All potential contracted suppliers should have the same opportunities to compete for business and must be treated equitably based on their suitability for the intended purpose.
4. Risk management
Risk management involves the systematic identification, analysis, treatment and, where possible, the implementation of appropriate risk-mitigation strategies. It is integral to efficiency and effectiveness to proactively identify, evaluate, and manage risks arising out of procurement-related activities. The risks associated with procurement activity must be managed in accordance with the organisation's Risk Management Policy.
5. Responsible financial management
The principle of responsible financial management must be applied to all procurement activities. Factors that must be considered include:
· the availability of funds within an existing approved budget
· staff approving the expenditure of funds strictly within their delegations following the delegations table on page 36 and the completion of the Expenditure Payment Approval Form
· measures to contain costs of the procurement without compromising any procurement principles.
6. Procurement planning
To achieve value for money, each procurement process must be well planned and conducted following the principles contained in this document and comply with all of the organisation's policies and relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
When planning appropriate procurement processes, consideration should be given to adopting an approach that:
· encourages competition
· ensures that rules do not operate to limit competition by discriminating against particular suppliers
· recognises any industry regulation and licensing requirements
· secures and maintains contractual and related documentation for the procurement which best protects the organisation
· complies with the summary of procurement delegations (on page 36).
7. Buy Australian made/support for Australian industry
Employees involved in procurement activities must make a conscious effort to maximise opportunities for Australian manufacturers and suppliers to provide products where there is practicable and economic value. In making a value for money judgement between locally made and overseas-sourced goods, employees are to take into account:
· whole-of-life costs associated with the good or service
· that the initial purchase price may not be a reliable indicator of value
· the quality of locally made products
· the record of performance and delivery of local suppliers
· the flexibility, convenience and capacity of local suppliers for follow on orders
· the scope for improvements to the goods and 'add-ons' from local industry.
8. Pre-registered list of preferred suppliers
BBQfun shall maintain a pre-registered list of preferred suppliers, following a request for expressions of interest and an evaluation of the submissions. Suppliers can request to be evaluated for inclusion on the existing pre-register list at any time.
All purchases under $5,000 may be made from preferred suppliers without undertaking a competitive process. Purchases above $5,000 where a preferred supplier exists should include a competitive process if practicable.
This list is reviewed at regular intervals with the admission of interested parties on a rolling basis. Care should be taken to ensure that such lists are used in an open and non-discriminatory manner. BBQfun encourages new contractors to provide information on their experience, expertise, capabilities, pricing, fees, and current availability. It is in the organisation's interest that the pool of potential suppliers is actively maintained and updated. Employees should be encouraged to provide reports of their experiences in working with each contractor/consultant to assist future decisions concerning commissioning suitable contractors and consultants.
9. Avoid conflict of interest
Employees and directors are required to be free of interests or relationships in all aspects of the procurement process.
Employees and directors are not permitted to gain from any aspect of a procurement process personally.
Employees and directors shall ensure that to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, that at the date of engaging a contractor, no conflict of interest exists or is likely to arise in the performance of the contractor's obligations under their contract
Should employees or directors become aware of potential conflicts of interest during the contract period, they must immediately advise the CEO and Board of directors.
Before any situation arising with the potential for a conflict of interest, complete disclosure shall be made to the CEO and Board of Directors to allow sufficient time for a review.
10. Report collusive tendering
Employees should be aware of anti-competitive practices, such as collusive tendering. Any evidence of suspected collusion in tendering should be brought to the attention of the CEO and Board of Directors.
11. Competitive process
It is a basic principle of procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there are justifiable circumstances. For purchases under $5,000, the list of preferred suppliers may be used. The type of competitive process can vary depending on the size and characteristics of the contract to be awarded.
12. Direct invitation (selective or restricted tendering)
A process of direct sourcing to tender may be used. This may involve:
· an invitation to organisations deemed appropriately qualified for a particular product or service (this may be appropriate for specialised requirements in markets where there is a limited number of suppliers or service providers)
· an invitation to tender to organisations on BBQfun's pre-registered list of preferred suppliers, if applicable.
13. Evaluation and contract award
For projects being awarded, consideration will be given not only to the most economically advantageous tender but also to the track record of the tender respondent and the degree of confidence that the panel has in the quality of the bid. It will be the normal practice to evaluate tenders carried out by a team with the requisite competency.
14. Results of tendering process
All tender respondents should be informed in writing of the result of a tendering process immediately after a contract has been awarded.
Summary of procurement policy delegations
Purchase amount
Required number of quotes
CEO and one director
Authority to sign contracts for products and services over $75,000.
Two or more competitive quotes for contracts over $75,000.
Detailed services contract required.
Authority to sign contracts for products and services up to $75,000.
Two or more competitive quotes.
Detailed services contract required for contracts over $20,000.
General managers
Delegated authority only through CEO
Authority to sign contracts for products and services under $30,000.
One or more competitive quotes preferred.
Provided they are within the approved budget and consistent with business/operational and strategic planning.
Authority to sign contracts for products and services under $10,000.
One or more competitive quotes preferred.
Follow BBQfun purchasing procedures.
Contractors and external consultants
No authority
One or more competitive quotes preferred.
Must use preferred suppliers list.
Contractors and external consultants must follow BBQfun purchasing procedures and must seek approval for purchases from person holding relevant authority.
Recruitment and induction policy and procedures
BBQfun Recruitment and Induction Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the recruitment and selection of employees. BBQfun aims to attract and employ the most suitable person for the position who will support the organisation's values, culture, and goals to achieve its strategic directions. Recruitment and selection of employees will comply with all legal requirements and with relevant equal opportunity, affirmative action and human resource management principles, policies and guidelines adopted by the organisation.
The scope of this policy covers the recruitment and induction by employees and contractors of BBQfun.
Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available below and on the company intranet.
Responsibility for implementing this policy rests with employees and management of BBQfun with responsibility for participating in the recruitment and induction process.
Relevant legislation, etc.
· Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
· Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
· Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cwlth)
· Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth)
· Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld)
· AS ISO 15489: 2002 Records management
10/2019 – Riz Mehra CFO
The following principles guide decision-making in relation to recruitment and selection of employees:
· The recruitment and selection process aims to appoint the most suitable person to the position.
· Recruitment of new employees will only be undertaken after the capabilities of the existing workforce have been taken into account and training options sufficiently explored.
· Recruitment and selection will be informed by the organisation's strategic directions and priorities and will take place following an evaluation of the need for the role given the staffing requirements to achieve these directions and priorities.
· Recruitment and selection will be guided by requirements of relevant legislation and other relevant human resource management policies in use by the organisation, such as equal opportunity and anti-discrimination policies.
· Recruitment and selection processes will be conducted on the basis of fair, equitable and respectful treatment of all applicants.
· Positions will be advertised on a range of sites, including print and web media (where appropriate), which are most likely to maximise the field of suitably qualified applicants.
· All appointments will be made on the basis of careful and consistent application of the principle of merit and adherence to the key selection criteria and requirements of the position as outlined in the position description.
· Appointments will be made in open competition from the widest field of applicants attracted by both internal and external advertising.
· Recruitment and selection processes will be transparent, consistent, professional and timely. Accountability will be achieved by recruitment and selection processes being open and subject to appropriate scrutiny and review, having regard to the confidentiality of the applicants.
· All recruitment and selection processes will be conducted to ensure the confidentiality of the applicants and preserve the integrity of the process.
· Decision-making is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer or as delegated to the senior management team and/or nominee.
Procedure to recruit employees
1. New jobs and job vacancies
The occurrence of a vacancy is an opportunity to review the necessity for the post and its duties, responsibilities and grade. Where the duties of a post have changed significantly the manager must ensure that the job description is reviewed.
When a vacancy arises, consideration must be given, prior to open advertising, to any employee for whom redeployment is being sought on the grounds of redundancy or disability.
For vacancies of less than three months the manager may choose to fill the post by means other than advertising, for example, by word of mouth or the use of agency staff.
2. Job description
A job description is a key document in the recruitment process, and must be finalised prior to taking any other steps. It must include:
· the job title (which must be gender neutral)
· the location of the job
· wage or salary scale for the position
· the line manager to whom the incumbent is responsible
· any posts reporting to the incumbent
· main purpose of the job
· main duties and responsibilities
· any special working conditions (e.g. evening or weekend work).
Items that should be included in job descriptions are:
· a note that indicates that, as duties and responsibilities change, the job description will be reviewed and amended in consultation with the incumbent
· an indication that the incumbent will carry out any other duties – which are within the broad scope and purpose of the job – as requested by the line manager.
3. Person specification
The person specification is of crucial importance and informs the selection decision. The person specification details the knowledge (including necessary qualifications), skills and abilities, experience, aptitudes required to do the job. The person specification should be specific, related to the job, and not unnecessarily restrictive; for example, only qualifications strictly needed to do the job should be specified.
Great care must be taken if physical requirements are specified. Anti-discrimination legislation requires employers to make reasonable adjustments to jobs to make them suitable for people with a disability. It is therefore important that any physical requirement is stated in terms of the job that needs to be done. For example, a job may require that the appointee 'must be able to travel to a number of different locations'. In this instance, it will be necessary to consider if an ability to drive is required or whether or not reasonable adjustments can be made for non-drivers.
4. Publicising the vacancy
All posts must be advertised internally unless the position is under three months in duration or the manager has designated a particular post as potentially suitable for a person for whom the organisation is seeking redeployment.
The majority of posts will also be concurrently advertised externally to maximise attracting the best candidate. Consideration should also be given to advertising in locations/publications likely to increase diversity in the workforce.
5. The application pack
Applicants will be able to request a recruitment pack by phone or email. Packs should also be made available to be downloaded directly from the organisation's website. A log of the names and addresses of all individuals requesting an application pack will be taken for tracking and monitoring purposes.
The application pack will always include:
· applicant cover letter – includes closing date
· application form
· guidance notes for completing the application form
· equal opportunities monitoring form
· Equal Opportunities Policy statement
· criminal convictions declaration form
· job description
· person specification.
The pack may also include further information relevant to the particular post, e.g. annual report, organisational structure chart as appropriate.
6. Processing applications
Staff must be aware that when dealing with enquiries about vacancies that it is unlawful to state or imply that applications from one gender or from a particular racial group, age group, sexual orientation or religion/belief would be preferred, (unless a genuine occupational qualification or requirement applies) and to do so may lead to a complaint of unlawful discrimination.
Care must also be taken that all applicants are treated in the same way, for example, with regard to invitations to visit the department, informal meetings to discuss the vacancy, and provision of information. However, it is acceptable to respond to requests from individual candidates who demonstrate initiative in their preparation.
The confidentiality of applications must be respected by all of those involved in the selection process.
7. Shortlisting
After the closing date has passed, applications from candidates may be shortlisted. This decision should be based on evidence that the applicant has met the requirements of the person specification.
The original applications from all applicants, together with a written note of reasons for shortlisting or rejection, must be retained for a minimum of six months from the date that an appointment decision is notified, in case of complaint to an employment tribunal. All photocopies of application forms must be shredded.
8. Criminal conviction declaration forms
Criminal declaration forms belonging to candidates who have not been shortlisted for an interview will remain sealed and will be shredded. Shortlisted candidates' forms will be opened and checked for relevant convictions. If it is deemed that a conviction is relevant to the post, the candidate may be withdrawn from the list of interviewees. Further guidance on this can be found in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Policy (and the application pack guidance notes).
9. Arrangements for interviews
Letters or emails to shortlisted candidates should include:
· date, time and place of their interview
· travel directions to the interview venue
· request that they contact the author of the letter/message if they have any special requirements in relation to the interview (related to access to the venue or any other special need related to a disability)
· if appropriate, details of any test or presentation they will be required to do, or anything they should bring with them (e.g. examples of work or proof of qualifications essential to the post).
It is best practice to write to candidates who have not been shortlisted but if this is not possible due to limited resources, the application pack should make clear that if not notified after a certain date or period, applicants should consider themselves not to have been shortlisted.
10. Interviewing
Interviews should be scheduled as soon after the closing date as reasonably possible.
The structure of interviews should be decided in advance by determining whether the interview panel will be assembled and what areas of questioning are required to cover all of the elements of the person specification. Each panel member should agree on the question areas to be explored in advance to avoid overlap or repetition.
The same areas of questioning should be covered with all candidates. Interview questions should be phrased so that they do not favour any one candidate and should be designed to seek evidence of how the interviewee meets the criteria of the job role. Supplementary questions should be used to probe for further information or clarification where answers are incomplete or ambiguous. Care must be taken to avoid questions that could be construed as discriminatory (e.g. questions about personal circumstances that are unrelated to the job).
If used, the interviewer (or interview panel) is to act for the organisation in making selection decisions and is accountable for them. Interview notes must be taken to help make an informed decision based on the content of the interviews. Such notes must relate to how candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills, experience, and abilities in relation to the job role requirements. Applicants can request disclosure of such notes in the event of a complaint. Obviously, any inappropriate or personally derogatory comments contained within the notes could be considered discriminatory and are unacceptable.
Disabled applicants
Where the candidate being interviewed has a disability for which adjustments may need to be considered, the candidate's requirements should be discussed with them once the planned questioning is complete. The outcome of these discussions must not influence the consideration of the candidate's application. If the disabled candidate best meets the person specification, consideration must be made regarding what would be 'reasonable adjustments' to accommodate the needs of the person in question.
On considering these, if it is considered that the adaptations needed would not be deemed to be 'reasonable' under anti-discrimination legislation; the manager will draft a letter to the applicant explaining why the adaptations cannot be made.
Reasons for not making adjustments to the working environment must be both material and substantial and must be documented.
11. Making a decision after interview
The information obtained in the application, the interview, and in any selection tests will allow candidates to be assessed against the person specification and a selection decision to be made. The manager or panel chair must ensure that a written note of the reasons for selecting the successful candidate and rejecting others is made and placed on the recruitment file, together with the original applications and notes of all panel members, for a minimum of six months after the appointment decision has been notified to the candidates.
Interview proceedings are confidential and interviewers are free to divulge to others the decision reached only once the appointee has accepted the post.
The manager will make a provisional offer to the preferred candidate subject to satisfactory references and disclosures (if appropriate) being received.
12. Feedback
It is good practice to offer applicants feedback after interviews and it is our policy to respond if requested. Feedback should be specific and honest. Panel members giving feedback must ensure that any feedback they give relates to the selection criteria for the post and that the words that they use could not be taken to infer unlawful discrimination.
13. Pre-employment checks
A number of employment checks are required to be undertaken before a formal offer of employment can be made. It must be ensured that any offer of employment given is a 'provisional' one, subject to receipt of documentation as shown below.
References should only be used after interview to confirm, but not influence, a decision. Candidates' permission must be sought prior to seeking references.
Appropriate referees are those who have direct experience of a candidate's work, education or training, preferably in a supervisory capacity and a reference must be obtained from the current or previous employer.
References are confidential and must be sought 'in confidence'. Panel members must return all copies of any references with the application forms and their interview notes to the manager on completion of the recruitment process. References must only be kept in the personal file.
Asylum and immigration
It is a criminal offence to employ someone who does not have the permission to work in Australia. All external candidates at interview must therefore be asked to provide proof of citizenship, e.g. a passport or birth certificate. Note that it will be unlawful racial discrimination to carry out checks only on potential employees who, by their appearance or accent, seem to be other than Australian. Checks must be carried out on all external applicants.
Criminal conviction information
The organisation will seek a disclosure (police check) for all posts. It should be noted that this may delay the offer of a position until the disclosure process is complete.
Pre-employment health check
The organisation requires certain information prior to an individual commencing employment to ensure that they will be able to perform the job requirements and give reliable service and ensure compliance with relevant health and safety regulations. The information is also required in order to establish whether any reasonable adjustments may need to be made to assist them in performing their duties.
Proof of trade or academic qualifications and any others considered essential for the post must be verified.
14. Appointment
Only the manager issues letters of appointment and places individuals on the payroll.
15. Induction and probation
All new staff will undergo a probationary period during which they will be introduced to their post's main duties and responsibilities. An induction program will be set out, which covers information about the organisation and their post.
Induction checklist
Responsible officer
(Sign-off and date)
Hand out new employee folder, payroll documents and organisational policies
Store Manager
Introductions to all staff.
Store Manager
Role, responsibilities and performance expectations
Position description
Store Manager
Mission, values and relevant areas of business plan/objectives
Store Manager
Work plan/performance expectations
Store Manager
Performance evaluation
Store Manager
Reporting relationships
Store Manager
Organisational overview
History of the organisation
Store Manager
Organisational structure
Store Manager
Office facilities and equipment
Bathroom, kitchen, use of photocopier and phone system
Store Manager
Introduction to email, electronic filing, internet use, templates, hard copy filing procedures.
Store Manager
IT system set-up, username and password
Information Management Officer
16. Recordkeeping
All records relating to the recruitment and selection procedure will be retained only for as long as is necessary (generally six months) and will be securely destroyed after that.
Appendix 3 – Scenario BBQfun Resourcing
Background to scenario
The BBQ fun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company strategic directions.
You have been hired as an external consultant to manage operational planning activities for BBQ fun's e-commerce strategy.
Under the strategy, BBQ fun would offer all products in an online store. Stock could be stored at no extra cost at existing stores. Customers would cover delivery costs.
Currently, BBQ fun has a website, but this website lacks e-commerce functionality. The website would need to be redeveloped to incorporate this functionality in line with relevant technical specifications. Existing infrastructure, such as office and store configurations, would need to be adapted to the new strategy. Additionally, assets such as delivery vehicles would need to be acquired. New staff would need to be recruited and existing staff retrained or informed of the e-commerce strategy and associated operational and performance targets.
All resourcing must be acquired, and operations are undertaken in accordance with relevant internal and external standards – legislation and codes of practice, intellectual property (IP) rights and responsibilities, and organisational policies and procedures.
High-level planning has been completed, and approval has been given to implement the strategy.
According to your plans, you are now at the stage where you must plan and then implement the resourcing required to enable the strategy. Physical resourcing and human resourcing are about to commence. Remember, e-commerce operations are expected to be underway by 1 October 2021.
Scenario task
You will need to plan physical and human resourcing at a detailed level in accordance with all organisational requirements. You are expected to deploy resourcing strategies to plan and implement:
· physical resourcing of redeveloped website (plan entire process as per organisational requirements)
· recruitment of four customer service representatives (plan entire recruitment process as per organisational requirements; you will need to demonstrate implementation through interviewing and assessing two students).
Note: You may consider the management team of BBQ fun, including warehouse team leaders to be human resources for the acquisition of physical resources. Use description of their roles in operational planning when assigning responsibilities.
Physical resourcing
Consultation with the management team at BBQ fun has provided you with the following information:
· Three website developers will bid for the contract to redevelop the existing website:
Ace developers
Premier Tech
Innovative Technologies
· The budget for the redevelopment is $100,000.
· Bids have been analysed as follows.
Ace Developers
Premier Tech
Innovative Technologies
Score (S)
Weighted score
(W x S)
Score (S)
Weighted score
(W x S)
Score (S)
Weighted score
(W x S)
Range of features:
· payment options
· integration with existing systems
· ability to be upgraded as technology improves
· usability for customers
Price (% of budget)
Total score/price (final assessment of bid quality)
Further information:
· Ace Developers is a company from India
· The CFO is the cousin of the CEO at Innovative technologies
· Innovative technologies had some bad reviews from clients about meeting deadlines
· Premier Tech was established only one year ago
Human resourcing
Consultation with the management team at BBQ fun has provided you with the following information:
· The budget for the recruitment of four online customer service and sales representatives is $30,000. The breakdown of costs is as follows:
Recruitment consultant
Your time
· You now have three suitable online customer service and sales representatives.
· You have one more potential customer service and sales representative to interview. If the interview is not successful, you will engage the services of a temp agency.
· The representative is required to have the following skills and attributes:
· enthusiastic and motivated
· attention to detail
· compliance with organisational requirements
· takes initiative
· problem solver
· two years' experience in online sales
· telephone and keyboarding skills
· ability to learn features and benefits of products to discuss with customers.
· The following skills and attributes are not strictly required, but desired:
· marketing and sales formal training
· knowledge of BBQ fun's product line
· familiarity with CRM systems.
BSBOPS502 - Manage business operational plans V3 2021
Page 3
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Applied Sciences
Computer Science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Business & Finance
Political Science
Financial markets
Architecture and Design
Social Science
World history
Business Finance
Telecommunications Engineering
e. Embedded Entrepreneurship
f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models
g. Social-Founder Identity
h. Micros-enterprise Development
Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada)
a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami
(people influence of
others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities
of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these (
American history
Ancient history
. Also
Numerical analysis
Environmental science
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
ness Horizons
Physical chemistry
When considering both O
Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years)
or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime
Chemical Engineering
aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less.
To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here:
In order to
n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading
ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.
Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
You will need to perform a literature search for your topic
you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes
Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience
od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in
in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care. The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases
e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada
making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
Topic: Purchasing and Technology
You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class
be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique
low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo
evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program
Understanding Gender Fluidity
Providing Inclusive Quality Care
Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
After the components sending to the manufacturing house
1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend
One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard. While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or
Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business
No matter which type of health care organization
With a direct sale
During the pandemic
Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record
3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i
One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015). Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev
4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal
Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate
We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities
*DDB is used for the first three years
For example
The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case
4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972)
With covid coming into place
In my opinion
Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA
The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be
· By Day 1 of this week
While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013)
5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda
The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle
From a similar but larger point of view
4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition
After viewing the you tube videos on prayer
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)
The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough
Data collection
Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an
I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option. I would want to find out what she is afraid of. I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych
Identify the type of research used in a chosen study
Compose a 1
effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte
I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources
Be 4 pages in length
soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test
One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research
Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti
3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family
A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott
Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident