Short answers (300 words) - Reading
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An Introduction to Software Architecture
David Garlan and Mary Shaw
January 1994
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Also published as “An Introduction to Software Architecture,” Advances in Software Engineering
and Knowledge Engineering, Volume I, edited by V.Ambriola and G.Tortora, World Scientific
Publishing Company, New Jersey, 1993.
Also appears as CMU Software Engineering Institute Technical Report
CMU/SEI-94-TR-21, ESC-TR-94-21.
©1994 by David Garlan and Mary Shaw
This work was funded in part by the Department of Defense Advanced Research Project Agency under grant
MDA972-92-J-1002, by National Science Foundation Grants CCR-9109469 and CCR-9112880, and by a grant
from Siemens Corporate Research. It was also funded in part by the Carnegie Mellon University School of
Computer Science and Software Engineering Institute (which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense).
The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted
as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government, the Department of
Defense, the National Science Foundation, Siemens Corporation, or Carnegie Mellon University.
Keywords: Software architecture, software design, software engineering
As the size of software systems increases, the algorithms and data structures of
the computation no longer constitute the major design problems. When
systems are constructed from many components, the organization of the
overall system—the software architecture—presents a new set of design
problems. This level of design has been addressed in a number of ways
including informal diagrams and descriptive terms, module interconnection
languages, templates and frameworks for systems that serve the needs of
specific domains, and formal models of component integration mechanisms.
In this paper we provide an introduction to the emerging field of software
architecture. We begin by considering a number of common architectural
styles upon which many systems are currently based and show how different
styles can be combined in a single design. Then we present six case studies to
illustrate how architectural representations can improve our understanding of
complex software systems. Finally, we survey some of the outstanding
problems in the field, and consider a few of the promising research directions.
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 2
2. From Programming Languages to Software Architecture ..................... 3
2.1. High-level Programming Languages ................................................................... 3
2.2. Abstract Data Types........................................................................................... 4
2.3. Software Architecture ........................................................................................ 4
3. Common Architectural Styles...................................................................... 5
3.1. Pipes and Filters ................................................................................................ 6
3.2. Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Organization ........................................... 8
3.3. Event-based, Implicit Invocation ........................................................................ 9
3.4. Layered Systems ................................................................................................ 11
3.5. Repositories ....................................................................................................... 12
3.6. Table Driven Interpreters ................................................................................... 13
3.7. Other Familiar Architectures............................................................................. 14
3.8. Heterogeneous Architectures............................................................................... 15
4. Case Studies ...................................................................................................... 16
4.1. Case Study 1: Key Word in Context ..................................................................... 16
4.2. Case Study 2: Instrumentation Software .............................................................. 22
4.3. Case 3: A Fresh View of Compilers ..................................................................... 26
4.4. Case 4: A Layered Design with Different Styles for the Layers ........................... 28
4.5. Case 5: An Interpreter Using Different Idioms for the Components ........................ 30
4.6. Case 6: A Blackboard Globally Recast as Interpreter ........................................... 33
5. Past, Present, and Future ............................................................................... 36
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... 37
Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 37
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 1
List of Figures
1 Pipes and Filters ....................................................................................................... 7
2 Abstract Data Types and Objects............................................................................ 8
3 Layered Systems ..................................................................................................... 11
4 The Blackboard ....................................................................................................... 13
5 Interpreter................................................................................................................ 14
6 KWIC - Shared Data Solution ............................................................................. 18
7 KWIC - Abstract Data Type Solution ................................................................. 19
8 KWIC - Implicit Invocation Solution ............................................................... 20
9 KWIC - Pipe and Filter Solution ........................................................................ 20
10 KWIC - Comparison of Solutions ...................................................................... 21
11 Oscilloscopes - An Object-oriented Model........................................................ 23
12 Oscilloscopes - A Layered Model ........................................................................ 24
13 Oscilloscopes - A Pipe and Filter Model............................................................ 24
14 Oscilloscopes - A Modified Pipe and Filter Model.......................................... 25
15 Traditional Compiler Model ............................................................................... 26
16 Traditional Compiler Model with Shared Symbol Table ............................. 26
17 Modern Canonical Compiler .............................................................................. 27
18 Canonical Compiler, Revisited........................................................................... 27
19 PROVOX - Hierarchical Top Level..................................................................... 28
20 PROVOX - Object-oriented Elaboration ............................................................ 29
21 Basic Rule-Based System ...................................................................................... 31
22 Sophistocated Rule-Based System...................................................................... 32
23 Simplified Rule-Based System............................................................................ 33
24 Hearsay-II ................................................................................................................. 34
25 Blackboard View of Hearsay-II ............................................................................ 35
26 Interpreter View of Hearsay-II ............................................................................ 36
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 2
1. Introduction
As the size and complexity of software systems increases, the design problem
goes beyond the algorithms and data structures of the computation: designing
and specifying the overall system structure emerges as a new kind of problem.
Structural issues include gross organization and global control structure;
protocols for communication, synchronization, and data access; assignment of
functionality to design elements; physical distribution; composition of design
elements; scaling and performance; and selection among design alternatives.
This is the software architecture level of design. There is a considerable
body of work on this topic, including module interconnection languages,
templates and frameworks for systems that serve the needs of specific domains,
and formal models of component integration mechanisms. In addition, an
implicit body of work exists in the form of descriptive terms used informally to
describe systems. And while there is not currently a well-defined terminology
or notation to characterize architectural structures, good software engineers
make common use of architectural principles when designing complex
software. Many of the principles represent rules of thumb or idiomatic
patterns that have emerged informally over time. Others are more carefully
documented as industry and scientific standards.
It is increasingly clear that effective software engineering requires facility in
architectural software design. First, it is important to be able to recognize
common paradigms so that high-level relationships among systems can be
understood and so that new systems can be built as variations on old systems.
Second, getting the right architecture is often crucial to the success of a software
system design; the wrong one can lead to disastrous results. Third, detailed
understanding of software architectures allows the engineer to make
principled choices among design alternatives. Fourth, an architectural system
representation is often essential to the analysis and description of the high-
level properties of a complex system.
In this paper we provide an introduction to the field of software
architecture. The purpose is to illustrate the current state of the discipline and
examine the ways in which architectural design can impact software design.
The material presented here is selected from a semester course, Architectures
for Software Systems, taught at CMU by the authors [1]. Naturally, a short
paper such as this can only briefly highlight the main features of the terrain.
This selection emphasizes informal descriptions omitting much of the course’s
material on specification, evaluation, and selection among design alternatives.
We hope, nonetheless, that this will serve to illuminate the nature and
significance of this emerging field.
In the following section we outline a number of common architectural
styles upon which many systems are currently based, and show how
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 3
heterogeneous styles can be combined in a single design. Next we use six case
studies to illustrate how architectural representations of a software system can
improve our understanding of complex systems. Finally, we survey some of
the outstanding problems in the field, and consider a few of the promising
research directions.
The text that makes up the bulk of this article has been drawn from
numerous other publications by the authors. The taxonomy of architectural
styles and the case studies have incorporated parts of several published papers
[1, 2, 3, 4]. To a lesser extent material has been drawn from other articles by the
authors [5, 6, 7].
2. From Programming Languages to Software Architecture
One characterization of progress in programming languages and tools has been
regular increases in abstraction level—or the conceptual size of software
designers building blocks. To place the field of Software Architecture into
perspective let us begin by looking at the historical development of abstraction
techniques in computer science.
2.1. High-level Programming Languages
When digital computers emerged in the 1950s, software was written in
machine language; programmers placed instructions and data individually and
explicitly in the computer's memory. Insertion of a new instruction in a
program might require hand-checking of the entire program to update
references to data and instructions that moved as a result of the insertion.
Eventually it was recognized that the memory layout and update of references
could be automated, and also that symbolic names could be used for operation
codes, and memory addresses. Symbolic assemblers were the result. They were
soon followed by macro processors, which allowed a single symbol to stand for
a commonly-used sequence of instructions. The substitution of simple
symbols for machine operation codes, machine addresses yet to be defined, and
sequences of instructions was perhaps the earliest form of abstraction in
In the latter part of the 1950s, it became clear that certain patterns of
execution were commonly useful—indeed, they were so well understood that
it was possible to create them automatically from a notation more like
mathematics than machine language. The first of these patterns were for
evaluation of arithmetic expressions, for procedure invocation, and for loops
and conditional statements. These insights were captured in a series of early
high-level languages, of which Fortran was the main survivor.
Higher-level languages allowed more sophisticated programs to be
developed, and patterns in the use of data emerged. Whereas in Fortran data
types served primarily as cues for selecting the proper machine instructions,
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 4
data types in Algol and it successors serve to state the programmer’s intentions
about how data should be used. The compilers for these languages could build
on experience with Fortran and tackle more sophisticated compilation
problems. Among other things, they checked adherence to these intentions,
thereby providing incentives for the programmers to use the type mechanism.
Progress in language design continued with the introduction of modules to
provide protection for related procedures and data structures, with the
separation of a module’s specification from its implementation, and with the
introduction of abstract data types.
2.2. Abstract Data Types
In the late 1960s, good programmers shared an intuition about software
development: If you get the data structures right, the effort will make
development of the rest of the program much easier. The abstract data type
work of the 1970s can be viewed as a development effort that converted this
intuition into a real theory. The conversion from an intuition to a theory
involved understanding
• the software structure (which included a representation packaged with
its primitive operators),
• specifications (mathematically expressed as abstract models or algebraic
• language issues (modules, scope, user-defined types),
• integrity of the result (invariants of data structures and protection from
other manipulation),
• rules for combining types (declarations),
• information hiding (protection of properties not explicitly included in
The effect of this work was to raise the design level of certain elements of
software systems, namely abstract data types, above the level of programming
language statements or individual algorithms. This form of abstraction led to
an understanding of a good organization for an entire module that serves one
particular purpose. This involved combining representations, algorithms,
specifications, and functional interfaces in uniform ways. Certain support was
required from the programming language, of course, but the abstract data type
paradigm allowed some parts of systems to be developed from a vocabulary of
data types rather than from a vocabulary of programming-language constructs.
2.3. Software Architecture
Just as good programmers recognized useful data structures in the late 1960s,
good software system designers now recognize useful system organizations.
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 5
One of these is based on the theory of abstract data types. But this is not the
only way to organize a software system.
Many other organizations have developed informally over time, and are
now part of the vocabulary of software system designers. For example, typical
descriptions of software architectures include synopses such as (italics ours):
•“Camelot is based on the client-server model and uses remote procedure
calls both locally and remotely to provide communication among
applications and servers.”[8]
•“Abstraction layering and system decomposition provide the appearance
of system uniformity to clients, yet allow Helix to accommodate a
diversity of autonomous devices. The architecture encourages a client-
server model for the structuring of applications.”[9]
•“We have chosen a distributed, object-oriented approach to managing
information.” [10]
•“The easiest way to make the canonical sequential compiler into a
concurrent compiler is to pipeline the execution of the compiler phases
over a number of processors. . . . A more effective way [is to] split the
source code into many segments, which are concurrently processed
through the various phases of compilation [by multiple compiler
processes] before a final, merging pass recombines the object code into a
single program.”[11]
Other software architectures are carefully documented and often widely
disseminated. Examples include the International Standard Organization's
Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model (a layered network
architecture) [12], the NIST/ECMA Reference Model (a generic software
engineering environment architecture based on layered communication
substrates) [13, 14], and the X Window System (a distributed windowed user
interface architecture based on event triggering and callbacks) [15].
We are still far from having a well-accepted taxonomy of such architectural
paradigms, let alone a fully-developed theory of software architecture. But we
can now clearly identify a number of architectural patterns, or styles, that
currently form the basic repertoire of a software architect.
3. Common Architectural Styles
We now examine some of these representative, broadly-used architectural
styles. Our purpose is to illustrate the rich space of architectural choices, and
indicate what are some of the tradeoffs in choosing one style over another.
To make sense of the differences between styles, it helps to have a common
framework from which to view them. The framework we will adopt is to treat
an architecture of a specific system as a collection of computational
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 6
components—or simply components-—together with a description of the
interactions between these components—the connectors. Graphically speaking,
this leads to a view of an abstract architectural description as a graph in which
the nodes represent the components and the arcs represent the connectors. As
we will see, connectors can represent interactions as varied as procedure call,
event broadcast, database queries, and pipes.
An architectural style, then, defines a family of such systems in terms of a
pattern of structural organization. More specifically, an architectural style
determines the vocabulary of components and connectors that can be used in
instances of that style, together with a set of constraints on how they can be
combined. These can include topological constraints on architectural
descriptions (e.g., no cycles). Other constraints—say, having to do with
execution semantics—might also be part of the style definition.
Given this framework, we can understand what a style is by answering the
following questions: What is the structural pattern—the components,
connectors, and constraints? What is the underlying computational model?
What are the essential invariants of the style? What are some common
examples of its use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using that
style? What are some of the common specializations?
3.1. Pipes and Filters
In a pipe and filter style each component has a set of inputs and a set of
outputs. A component reads streams of data on its inputs and produces
streams of data on its outputs, delivering a complete instance of the result in a
standard order. This is usually accomplished by applying a local
transformation to the input streams and computing incrementally so output
begins before input is consumed. Hence components are termed “filters”. The
connectors of this style serve as conduits for the streams, transmitting outputs
of one filter to inputs of another. Hence the connectors are termed “pipes”.
Among the important invariants of the style, filters must be independent
entities: in particular, they should not share state with other filters. Another
important invariant is that filters do not know the identity of their upstream
and downstream filters. Their specifications might restrict what appears on the
input pipes or make guarantees about what appears on the output pipes, but
they may not identify the components at the ends of those pipes. Furthermore,
the correctness of the output of a pipe and filter network should not depend on
the order in which the filters perform their incremental processing—although
fair scheduling can be assumed. (See [5] for an in-depth discussion of this style
and its formal properties.) Figure 1 illustrates this style.
Common specializations of this style include pipelines, which restrict the
topologies to linear sequences of filters; bounded pipes, which restrict the
amount of data that can reside on a pipe; and typed pipes, which require that
the data passed between two filters have a well-defined type.
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 7
Data flowASCII stream
Figure 1: Pipes and Filters
A degenerate case of a pipeline architecture occurs when each filter
processes all of its input data as a single entity.1 In this case the architecture
becomes a “batch sequential” system. In these systems pipes no longer serve
the function of providing a stream of data, and therefore are largely vestigial.
Hence such systems are best treated as instances of a separate architectural style.
The best known examples of pipe and filter architectures are programs
written in the Unix shell [16]. Unix supports this style by providing a notation
for connecting components (represented as Unix processes) and by providing
run time mechanisms for implementing pipes. As another well-known
example, traditionally compilers have been viewed as a pipeline systems
(though the phases are often not incremental). The stages in the pipeline
include lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation. (We
return to this example in the case studies.) Other examples of pipes and filters
occur in signal processing domains [17], functional programming [18], and
distributed systems [19].
Pipe and filter systems have a number of nice properties. First, they allow
the designer to understand the overall input/output behavior of a system as a
simple composition of the behaviors of the individual filters. Second, they
support reuse: any two filters can be hooked together, provided they agree on
the data that is being transmitted between them. Third, systems can be easily
maintained and enhanced: new filters can be added to existing systems and old
filters can be replaced by improved ones. Fourth, they permit certain kinds of
specialized analysis, such as throughput and deadlock analysis. Finally, they
naturally support concurrent execution. Each filter can be implemented as a
separate task and potentially executed in parallel with other filters.
But these systems also have their disadvantages.2 First, pipe and filter
systems often lead to a batch organization of processing. Although filters can
1In general, we find that the boundaries of styles can overlap. This should not deter us from
identifying the main features of a style with its central examples of use.
2This is true in spite of the fact that pipes and filters, like every style, has a set of devout
religious followers—people who believe that all problems worth solving can best be solved using
that particular style.
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 8
process data incrementally, since filters are inherently independent, the
designer is forced to think of each filter as providing a complete
transformation of input data to output data. In particular, because of their
transformational character, pipe and filter systems are typically not good at
handling interactive applications. This problem is most severe when
incremental display updates are required, because the output pattern for
incremental updates is radically different from the pattern for filter output.
Second, they may be hampered by having to maintain correspondences
between two separate, but related streams. Third, depending on the
implementation, they may force a lowest com-
mon denominator on data transmission, resulting in added work for each
filter to parse and unparse its data. This, in turn, can lead both to loss of
performance and to increased complexity in writing the filters themselves.
3.2. Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Organization
In this style data representations and their associated primitive operations are
encapsulated in an abstract data type or object. The components of this style are
the objects—or, if you will, instances of the abstract data types. Objects are
examples of a sort of component we call a manager because it is responsible for
preserving the integrity of a resource (here the representation). Objects interact
through function and procedure invocations. Two important aspects of this
style are (a) that an object is responsible for preserving the integrity of its
representation (usually by maintaining some invariant over it), and (b) that
the representation is hidden from other objects. Figure 2 illustrates this style.3
obj is a manager
op is an invocation
Proc call
Figure 2: Abstract Data Types and Objects
3We haven't mentioned inheritance in this description. While inheritance is an important
organizing principle for defining the types of objects in a system, it does not have a direct
architectural function. In particular, in our view, an inheritance relationship is not a connector,
since it does not define the interaction between components in a system. Also, in an architectural
setting inheritance of properities is not restricted to object types—but may include connectors and
even architectural styles.
Garlan & Shaw: An Introduction to Software Architecture 9
The use of abstract data types, and increasingly the use of object-oriented
systems, is, of course, widespread. There are many variations. For example,
some systems allow “objects” to be concurrent tasks; others allow objects to
have multiple interfaces [20, 21].
Object-oriented systems have many nice properties, most of which are well
known. Because an object hides its representation from its clients, it is possible
to change the implementation without affecting those clients. Additionally,
the bundling of a set of accessing routines with the data they manipulate
allows designers to decompose problems into collections of interacting agents.
But object-oriented systems also have some disadvantages. The most
significant is that in order for one object to interact with another (via
procedure call) it must know the identity of that other object. This is in
contrast, for example, to pipe and filter systems, where filters do need not
know what other filters are in the system in order to interact with them. The
significance of this is that whenever the identity of an object changes it is
necessary to modify all other objects that explicitly invoke it. In a module-
oriented language this manifests itself as the need to change the “import” list
of every module that uses the changed module. Further there can be side-
effect problems: if A uses object B and C also uses B, then C's effects on B look
like unexpected side effects to A, and vice versa.
3.3. Event-based, Implicit Invocation
Traditionally, in a system in which the component interfaces provide a
collection of procedures and functions, components interact with each other by
explicitly invoking those routines. However, recently there has been
considerable interest in an alternative integration technique, variously referred
to as implicit invocation, reactive integration, and selective broadcast. This
style has historical roots in systems based on actors [22], constraint satisfaction,
daemons, and packet-switched networks.
The idea behind implicit invocation is that instead of invoking a
procedure directly, a component can announce (or broadcast) one or more
events. Other components in the system can register an interest in …
Software architecture
We began last week by talking about definitions of quality, and now we are
going to begin discussing design and how design affects quality. Software
Architecture is a popular topic in software design, and having the right
architecture for the problem at hand can make a huge difference in product
quality. This week we will begin with an overview of software architecture,
which will frame a few design case studies we will examine this semester.
To read
• [required] David Garlan and Mary Shaw. Sections 1-3. An
Introduction to Software Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University,
Tech Report CMU-CS-94-166, 1994, pp. 1-15.
• [required] Nenad Medvidovic and Richard N. Taylor. Separating fact
from fiction in software architecture. In Proceedings of the Third
International Workshop on Software Architecture, ACM Press, 1998, pp.
• [optional] George H. Fairbanks. Chapter 1. Just Enough Software
Architecture [textbook]. Marshall & Brainerd, 2010, pp. 1-11.
To turn in
Prepare a brief (no more than one page) written answer to the following two
questions. Write up your answer using MS Word or LaTex. One well-
presented paragraph for each question is sufficient.
1. What are the important similarities and differences between an
"architectural style" and a "programming paradigm" (like functional
programming, logic programming, dataflow, etc.)?
2. How do you think "architectural style" affects software quality?
Software architecture
To read
To turn in
Nenad Medvidovic
Dept. of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California 92697
+l -949-824-3100
neno @I
Explicit focus on architecture has shown tremendous
potential to improve the current state-of-the-art in soft-
ware development. Relatively quickly, software architec-
ture research has produced credible results. However,
some of this initial success has also resulted in unrealistic
expectations and failure to recognize the limits of this line
of research, which can result in backlash when the unre-
alistic expectations are not met. One solution is to attempt
to clearly delineate the boundaries of applicability and
effectiveness of software architectures. This paper repre-
sents a step in that direction: it dispels some common mis-
conceptions about architectures and discusses problem
areas for which architecture is well suited and those for
which it is not.’
Software architecture has become an area of intense research
in the software engineering community. A number of
architecture modeling notations and support tools, as well as
new architectural styles, have emerged. Explicit focus on
architecture has shown tremendous potential to improve the
current state-of-the-art in software development and alleviate
many of its problems. Architecture addresses an essential
difficulty in software engineering-complexity-via
abstraction and its promise of supporting reuse. At the same
time, one fact should not be overlooked: software
architecture is not a “silver bullet” [3], and simply
introducing it into an existing development lifecycle will not
fully exploit this potential for improvement.
In a few short years, software architecture research has
’ Effort sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, and Rome Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, US-
AF, under agreement number F30602-97-2-0021. The U.S. Gov-
ernment is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for
Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation
thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of
the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily represent-
ing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or im-
plied, of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Rome
Laboratory or the U.S. Government.
Permission to make digital or hard copies ofall or part ofthis work for
prrsonal or classroom use ib granted without fee provided that copies
arc not made or dlstnhuted for prolit or commercial advantage and that
copies hear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
otherwise. to republish. to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
ISAW Orlando Florida USA
Copyright ACM 1998 l-581 13-OSI-3/98/11...$5.00
Separating Fact from Fiction in Software Architecture
Richard N. Taylor
Dept. of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California 92697
+l -949-824-6429
produced credible, if not impressive, results. However, some
of this initial success has also resulted in overblown claims
and “hype,” unrealistic expectations, and occasional failure to
recognize the shortcomings and limits of this line of research.
While such an attitude may be useful in gathering the initial
momentum needed to put a young discipline on the map, it
has the potential downside of resulting in backlash when the
unrealistic expectations are not met.
We believe that, as the “first generation” of architecture
research projects has become mature enough to have its
actual impact evaluated, some backlash is indeed beginning
to emerge. The reasons are numerous. Some projects have
promised more than they have been able to deliver.
Architecture is still largely an academic notion, and little
resulting technology has been transitioned to industry. The
focus of the research itself is often misunderstood.
Architecture is sometimes incorrectly equated with
architecture description languages (ADLs) and with design.
As such misconceptions take hold, a danger emerges that
some real benefits and positive results of architecture
research will be dismissed.
It is up to software architecture researchers to alleviate this
problem. We must recognize that we have failed to exploit a
lot of the potential in those areas for which architecture is
best suited, while promising too much, too quickly in the
areas for which it is not. We must make clear that there are
certain problem areas that architecture research will not be
able to address and thus make explicit the boundaries of this
field. This paper attempts to do so. It is partly a result of our
experience with a specific project, C2 [15], and partly an
extrapolation of lessons learned from an extensive study of
the existing architecture work [6, 81. While this paper may
well not be the first place where some of the ideas will have
appeared, they seem to have been forgotten and we believe
that it is crucial to raise them again in the consciousness of
architecture researchers.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 3
addresses some common misconceptions about architectures.
Sections 4 and 5, respectively, discuss the types of tasks for
which architecture is well suited and those which are largely
outside its scope. Discussion and conclusions round out the
Architecture is often equated with architecture description
languages (ADLs), which are only an enabler to achieve its
benefits, and not the end product. Architecture is also equated
with design; though related, their foci are quite different.
Finally, existing research has focused to a large degree on
architecture-based analysis. This section discusses why these
are incomplete, if not incorrect, notions of architecture.
3.1 Architectures and ADLs
Software architecture is a high-level view of a system that
focuses on structure, communication protocols, assignment
of software components and connectors to hardware
components, and so forth. Every software system has an
architecture, although it may not be explicitly modeled.
An ADL, on the other hand, can be viewed as a notation that
helps architects model an aspect of the architecture.
Therefore, multiple ADLs may be used to model a single
architecture. ADLs may be formal, semi-formal, or informal.
Their purpose is not the same as that of programming
languages: they are meant to provide a basis for early
analysis of a system and for its design and implementation,
but also for communication and understanding among
stakeholders in a project. ADLs may be general-purpose or
special-purpose modeling languages.
3.2 Architecture and Design
Current literature leaves the issue of the relationship between
architecture and design ambiguous, allowing for several
. architecture and design are the same;
l architecture is at a level of abstraction above design, so it
is simply another step (artifact) in a software development
process; and
l architecture is something new and is somehow different
from design (but just how remains unspecified).
The second interpretation is closest to the truth. To some
extent, architecture serves the same purpose as design.
However, its explicit focus on system structure and
interconnections distinguishes it from traditional software
design, such as object-oriented (00) design, which focuses
more on modeling lower level abstractions, such as
algorithms and data types. As a (high level) architecture is
refined, its connectors may lose prominence by becoming
distributed across the (lower level) architecture’s elements,
eventually resulting in the transformation of the architecture
into a design.
3.3 Architecture and Analysis
A large fraction of architecture research to date has focused
on the architecture as a vehicle for early system analysis.
Early understanding of the properties of an application is
indeed invaluable. On the other hand, there are several
unresolved issues associated with architecture-level analysis.
Addressing these may require a shift in the current mentality.
In order to enable formal analysis, ADLs must supply
appropriate formal constructs. Performing meaningful
analyses may require introduction of constructs into an ADL
that are perhaps premature for the current abstraction level.
This is also likely to hamper the different stakeholders’
understanding of the architecture. A more balanced approach
for evaluating an architecture, which couples informal
“inspections” of the architecture with more powerful formal
analyses may be preferable: it would result in a less formal
architectural model that would focus attention on the
“quality,” elegance, and suitability of the architecture for the
given problem.
Another critical issue is that, once a property of an
architecture is established, one must also ensure that that
property will be preserved in the design and implementation.
Existing architecture research has mostly failed to address
this problem. Better and more practical refinement
techniques that would ensure consistency among the
architecture, design, and implementation are needed.
In this section we discuss the tasks that arise in the process of
software development for which architectures are well suited.
These are the strengths of architectures and should be the
primary focus of researchers and practitioners. In general,
architecture provides a solid basis for large-scale
development of distributed applications, using off-the-shelf
components and connectors, implemented in multiple
programming languages. It also has a number of additional
benefits. Several are discussed below.
Architectures are a good communication facilitator among
the different stakeholders in a project. They are at a
sufficiently high level of abstraction to enable understanding
by the non-technical stakeholders, such as managers or
customers. Architecture arises from an analysis of the
requirements and of application domain characteristics and is
the earliest model of a solution to the customer needs [16].
For this reason, it is important that architectural descriptions
be simple, understandable, and possibly graphical, with well
understood, but not necessarily formally defined, semantics.
Architectural models can also present multiple views of the
same architecture [4], e.g., a high level graphical view, a
lower level view with formal specifications of components
and connectors, a conceptual architecture, one or more
implementation architectures, the corresponding
development process, the data or control flow view, and so
on. Different stakeholders (e.g., architects, developers,
managers, customers) may require different views of the
architecture. The customer may be satisfied with a high-level,
“boxes and arrows” description, the developers may want
detailed component and connector models, while the
managers may require a view of the development process.
One of the greatest benefits of architectures is their
separation of computation from interaction in a system.
Software connectors are elevated to a first-class status, and
their benefits have been demonstrated by a number of
existing approaches [ 1, 13, 151. Explicit connectors remove
from components the responsibility of knowing how they are
interconnected and minimize component interdependencies.
Changes to a system’s functionality are thus limited to the
components. All decisions regarding communication,
mediation, and coordination in a system are isolated inside
connectors [ 121.
Architectures are an ideal platform for supporting course-
grain software evolution. This includes adding, removing,
and replacing components and connectors, while ensurin
f structural and behavioral properties of an application.
Architecture-based evolution can occur both at system
specification time [9] and at its execution time [lo]. Although
individual components and connectors can also evolve using
approaches such as subtyping or inheritance [5, 71,
architecture is generally not a good foundation for fine-grain
evolution that requires replacement of individual source code
Architecture affords software engineers a lot of flexibility
because of its separation from implementation. This allows
an architect to experiment with various configurations
(architectural plug-and-play) and enact “what if’ scenarios
rather inexpensively. Architectural analysis tools can then
indicate potential problems early enough in the lifecycle so as
to minimize the costs of correcting them. In order to fully
exploit this separation, a reliable mapping from the
architecture to the implementation is needed. This is related
to architectural refinement, discussed Section 3.3, and
remains an open area of research.
Finally, architecture is the appropriate level of abstraction at
which invariant properties of a problem domain or rules of a
compositional style (i.e., an architectural style) can be
exploited and should be elaborated. Doing so for domain-
specific architectures (DSSAs) results in a reference
architecture that is reused across applications in the domain.
Doing so for a style results in a set of heuristics that, if
followed, will guarantee a resulting system certain desirable
properties. DSSAs and styles also enable easier
communication among stakeholders. For example, just
saying that a system is in the “client-server” or “pipe and
filter” style implies a certain structure and a set of properties
without having to discuss its details. DSSAs and styles have
the potential to enable code generation for canonical
components and connectors, as well as the “glue” code to
compose them in a system. Substantial experience in a
particular domain and/or style can be used as a basis for
generalizing the given approach to other problem areas [ 141.
The previous section has outlined a set of benefits developers
can derive from an explicit architectural focus. However, all
of a project’s needs may not be addressible by architecture.
Architecture alone certainly cannot compensate for problems
in requirements acquisition, project scheduling and budgets,
organizational issues, such as poorly trained employees,
inefficient process, and so forth. There are also some
technical areas for which architecture is not well suited.
As already discussed, architecture cannot be effectively
employed to support @e-grain evolution. Architecture
assumes that applications are constructed from building
blocks that are above the level of a source statement. If the
evolution of a given system predominantly occurs at the
source code statement level, then architecture is not the
appropriate abstraction for supporting that evolution.
In general, architecture cannot guarantee the properties of the
implemented system. Properties like reliability or
’ Batory and O’Malley quite appropriately refer to this as the
“Lego paradigm” in software development [2].
performance cannot be fully assessed at the architectural
level, although the characteristics of the architecture and/or
the style can provide an indication of how the system will
behave. A system’s implementation can be modified
independently of its architecture; many modifications (e.g.,
evolution at the source code level) will not have any effect on
the underlying architecture, thus the architecture will not aid
developers in preventing errors. If we disallow the direct
modification of an implementation, we essentially reduce
architecture-based software development to a variant of
transformational programming [ 111, thus inheriting all of its
problems and limitations, with the added problem of scale.
Also, unless specific techniques are developed to support
architecture-based evolution, and particularly runtime
evolution, a system may have to be entirely regenerated every
time its architecture is modified. A related issue is source
code optimization. Architecture is not the correct abstraction
level for this task; the right place to do so is code itself.
Simply employing an explicit architecture does not guarantee
a development process that will ensure the quality of the
resulting system. “Architecting” is only a step in the software
engineering lifecycle. Certainly, architecture can be a guide
for the process in that it contains a conceptual, high level
view of the system. However, enacting an effective and
efficient process to transform that architecture into a running
system then becomes the responsibility of the management
and developers.
A problem that is actually exacerbated by architectures is
traceability across the different aspects (views) of a system
and different levels of abstraction. As discussed above, a
software architecture often consists of multiple views and
may be modeled at multiple levels of abstraction (Figure 1).
We call a particular view of the architecture at a given level of
abstraction (i.e., a single point in the two-dimensional space
of Figure 1) an “architectural cross-section.” It is critical for
changes in one cross-section to be correctly reflected in
others. A particular architectural cross-section can be
considered “dominant,” so that all changes to the architecture
implementation +
control Row
data flow
t cross-section
graphical - - - - - - n
I Level of
--- -
requirements high level detailed source
architecture architecture code
Figure 1: Two-dimensional space of architectural views and levels of
abstraction. The vertical axis is a set of discrete values with a nominal
ordering. The horizontal axis is a continuum with an ordinal ordering of
values, where system requirements are considered to be the highest
level of abstraction and source code the lowest. One possible dominant
cross-section (graphical view of the high level architecture) is shown.
are made to it and then reflected in others. More frequently,
changes will be made to the most appropriate or convenient
cross-section. Traceability support will hence need to exist
across all pertinent cross-sections.
However, the relationships among architectural views are not
always well understood. For example, while it is typically
straight forward to provide support for tracing changes
between textual and graphical views, it may be less clear how
the data flow view should affect the development process
view. In other cases, changes in one view (e.g., process)
should never affect another (e.g., control flow). An even
bigger hurdle is providing traceability support across both
architectural views and levels of abstraction simultaneously.
Finally, although much research has been directed at
methodologies for making the transition from requirements
to design (e.g., 00), this process is still an art form. Further
research is especially needed to understand the effects of
changing requirements on architectures and vice versa.
Finally, we revisit an issue discussed earlier: formalism.
Formalism has been extensively adopted and employed in
architecture research to date, resulting in a number of
benefits. However, too often this has been at the expense of
understanding, communication, and cognitive support for
developers. As a bridge between requirements and design,
architecture is the artifact that will need to be understandable
to a very diverse set of stakeholders. By removing ambiguity,
formalism can aid understandability. On the other hand, some
decisions will purposely be left unspecified at the
architectural level; formalism typically does not allow for
such incompleteness. Additionally, it is still unclear how
much formalism is adequate at the level of architecture and
what types of formal methods are best suited for the needs of
architecture modeling.
Software architectures show great potential for reducing
development costs while improving the quality of the
resulting software. However, this potential cannot be fulfilled
simply by explicitly focusing on architectures, just like a new
programming language cannot by itself solve the problems of
software engineering. A programming language is only a tool
that allows (but does not force) developers to put sound
software engineering principles and techniques into practice.
Similarly, one can think of software architectures as tools that
also must be supported with specific techniques to achieve
desired properties. As is typically the case with tools,
software architectures are much better suited to solving some
types of problems than others. Understanding the types of
problems to which architectures can be applied most
effectively will help practitioners maximize the benefits of an
architecture-centered approach to software engineering.
[I] R. Allen and D. Garlan. A Formal Basis for Architectural
Connection. ACM Transactions on Sofhvare Engineering
and Methodology, July 1997.
[2] D. Batory and S. O’Malley. The Design and
Implementation of Hierarchical Software Systems with
Reusable Components. ACM Transactions on Software
Engineering and Methodology, October 1992.
[3] F. P. Brooks, Jr. Essence and Accidents of Software
Engineering. IEEE Computer, April 1987.
[4] P. B. Kruchten. The 4+1 View Model of Architecture.
IEEE Software, November 1995.
[5] N. Medvidovic, P. Oreizy, J. E. Robbins, and R. N.
Taylor. Using Object-Oriented Typing to Support
Architectural Design in the C2 Style. In Proceedings of
the Fourth Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering, San Francisco, CA, October 1996.
[6] N. Medvidovic and D. S. Rosenblum. Domains of
Concern in Software Architectures and Architecture
Description Languages. In Proceedings of the USENZX
Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, Santa
Barbara, CA, October 1997.
[7] N. Medvidovic, D. S. Rosenblum, and R. N. Taylor. A
Type Theory for Software Architectures. Technical
Report, UCI-ICS-98-14, Department of Information and
Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, April
[8] N. Medvidovic and R. N. Taylor. A Framework for
Classifying and Comparing Architecture Description
Languages. In Proceedings of the Sixth European
Software Engineering Conference together with the Fifth
ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of
Software Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland, September
[9] N. Medvidovic, R. N. Taylor, and D. S. Rosenblum. An
Architecture-Based Approach to Software Evolution. In
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the
Principles of Sofiware Evolution, Kyoto, Japan, April
[lo] F? Oreizy, N. Medvidovic, and R. N. Taylor. Architecture-
Based Runtime Software Evolution. In Proceedings of
the 20th International Conference on Software
Engineeting (ICSE’98), Kyoto, Japan, April 1998.
[ 111 H. Partsch and R. Steinbruggen. Program Transformation
Systems. ACM Computing Surveys, September 1983.
[ 121 D. E. Perry. Software Architecture and its Relevance to
Software Engineering. Coord’97, September 1997.
[ 131 M. Shaw, R. DeLine, D. V. Klein, T. L. Ross, D. M.
Young, and G. Zelesnik. Abstractions for Software
Architecture and Tools to Support Them. ZEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, April 1995.
[ 141 R. N. Taylor. Generalization from domain experience:
The superior paradigm for software architecture
research? In Proceedings of the Second Internutional
Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW-2), San
Francisco, CA, October 1996.
[ 151 R. N. Taylor, N. Medvidovic, K. M. Anderson, E. J.
Whitehead, Jr., J. E. Robbins, K. A. Nies, I’, Oreizy, and
D. L. Dubrow. A Component- and Message-Based
Architectural Style for GUI Software. IEEE Transactions
on Software Engineering, June 1996.
[ 161 W. Tracz. DSSA (Domain-Specific Software
Architecture) Pedagogical Example. ACM SIGSOFT
Software Engineering Notes, July 1995.
Applied Sciences
Computer Science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
Operations Management
Business & Finance
Political Science
Financial markets
Architecture and Design
Social Science
World history
Business Finance
Telecommunications Engineering
e. Embedded Entrepreneurship
f. Three Social Entrepreneurship Models
g. Social-Founder Identity
h. Micros-enterprise Development
Subset 2. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Approaches (Outside of Canada)
a. Indigenous Australian Entrepreneurs Exami
(people influence of
others) processes that you perceived occurs in this specific Institution Select one of the forms of stratification highlighted (focus on inter the intersectionalities
of these three) to reflect and analyze the potential ways these (
American history
Ancient history
. Also
Numerical analysis
Environmental science
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronic Engineering
ness Horizons
Physical chemistry
When considering both O
Identify a specific consumer product that you or your family have used for quite some time. This might be a branded smartphone (if you have used several versions over the years)
or the court to consider in its deliberations. Locard’s exchange principle argues that during the commission of a crime
Chemical Engineering
aragraphs (meaning 25 sentences or more). Your assignment may be more than 5 paragraphs but not less.
To access the FNU Online Library for journals and articles you can go the FNU library link here:
In order to
n that draws upon the theoretical reading to explain and contextualize the design choices. Be sure to directly quote or paraphrase the reading
ce to the vaccine. Your campaign must educate and inform the audience on the benefits but also create for safe and open dialogue. A key metric of your campaign will be the direct increase in numbers.
Key outcomes: The approach that you take must be clear
Mechanical Engineering
Organic chemistry
You will need to pick one topic for your project (5 pts)
Literature search
You will need to perform a literature search for your topic
you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes
Communication on Customer Relations. Discuss how two-way communication on social media channels impacts businesses both positively and negatively. Provide any personal examples from your experience
od pressure and hypertension via a community-wide intervention that targets the problem across the lifespan (i.e. includes all ages).
Develop a community-wide intervention to reduce elevated blood pressure and hypertension in the State of Alabama that in
in body of the report
References (8 References Minimum)
*** Words count = 2000 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** In Task section I’ve chose (Economic issues in overseas contracting)"
w or quality improvement; it was just all part of good nursing care. The goal for quality improvement is to monitor patient outcomes using statistics for comparison to standards of care for different diseases
e a 1 to 2 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the different models of case management. Include speaker notes... .....Describe three different models of case management.
visual representations of information. They can include numbers
ame workbook for all 3 milestones. You do not need to download a new copy for Milestones 2 or 3. When you submit Milestone 3
Provide a description of an existing intervention in Canada
making the appropriate buying decisions in an ethical and professional manner.
Topic: Purchasing and Technology
You read about blockchain ledger technology. Now do some additional research out on the Internet and share your URL with the rest of the class
be aware of which features their competitors are opting to include so the product development teams can design similar or enhanced features to attract more of the market. The more unique
low (The Top Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2015) to assist you with this discussion.
Next year the $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare industry will finally begin to look and feel more like the rest of the business wo
evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program
Understanding Gender Fluidity
Providing Inclusive Quality Care
Affirming Clinical Encounters
Nurse Practitioner Knowledge
and word limit is unit as a guide only.
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-su
Article writing
5. June 29
After the components sending to the manufacturing house
1. In 1972 the Furman v. Georgia case resulted in a decision that would put action into motion. Furman was originally sentenced to death because of a murder he committed in Georgia but the court debated whether or not this was a violation of his 8th amend
One of the first conflicts that would need to be investigated would be whether the human service professional followed the responsibility to client ethical standard. While developing a relationship with client it is important to clarify that if danger or
Ethical behavior is a critical topic in the workplace because the impact of it can make or break a business
No matter which type of health care organization
With a direct sale
During the pandemic
Computers are being used to monitor the spread of outbreaks in different areas of the world and with this record
3. Furman v. Georgia is a U.S Supreme Court case that resolves around the Eighth Amendments ban on cruel and unsual punishment in death penalty cases. The Furman v. Georgia case was based on Furman being convicted of murder in Georgia. Furman was caught i
One major ethical conflict that may arise in my investigation is the Responsibility to Client in both Standard 3 and Standard 4 of the Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals (2015). Making sure we do not disclose information without consent ev
4. Identify two examples of real world problems that you have observed in your personal
Summary & Evaluation: Reference & 188. Academic Search Ultimate
We can mention at least one example of how the violation of ethical standards can be prevented. Many organizations promote ethical self-regulation by creating moral codes to help direct their business activities
*DDB is used for the first three years
For example
The inbound logistics for William Instrument refer to purchase components from various electronic firms. During the purchase process William need to consider the quality and price of the components. In this case
4. A U.S. Supreme Court case known as Furman v. Georgia (1972) is a landmark case that involved Eighth Amendment’s ban of unusual and cruel punishment in death penalty cases (Furman v. Georgia (1972)
With covid coming into place
In my opinion
Not necessarily all home buyers are the same! When you choose to work with we buy ugly houses Baltimore & nationwide USA
The ability to view ourselves from an unbiased perspective allows us to critically assess our personal strengths and weaknesses. This is an important step in the process of finding the right resources for our personal learning style. Ego and pride can be
· By Day 1 of this week
While you must form your answers to the questions below from our assigned reading material
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (2013)
5 The family dynamic is awkward at first since the most outgoing and straight forward person in the family in Linda
The most important benefit of my statistical analysis would be the accuracy with which I interpret the data. The greatest obstacle
From a similar but larger point of view
4 In order to get the entire family to come back for another session I would suggest coming in on a day the restaurant is not open
When seeking to identify a patient’s health condition
After viewing the you tube videos on prayer
Your paper must be at least two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages)
The word assimilate is negative to me. I believe everyone should learn about a country that they are going to live in. It doesnt mean that they have to believe that everything in America is better than where they came from. It means that they care enough
Data collection
Single Subject Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an
I would start off with Linda on repeating her options for the child and going over what she is feeling with each option. I would want to find out what she is afraid of. I would avoid asking her any “why” questions because I want her to be in the here an
Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psychological research (Comp 2.1) 25.0\% Summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of using an Internet site as means of collecting data for psych
Identify the type of research used in a chosen study
Compose a 1
effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended inte
I think knowing more about you will allow you to be able to choose the right resources
Be 4 pages in length
soft MB-920 dumps review and documentation and high-quality listing pdf MB-920 braindumps also recommended and approved by Microsoft experts. The practical test
One thing you will need to do in college is learn how to find and use references. References support your ideas. College-level work must be supported by research. You are expected to do that for this paper. You will research
Elaborate on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study 20.0\% Elaboration on any potential confounds or ethical concerns while participating in the psychological study is missing. Elaboration on any potenti
3 The first thing I would do in the family’s first session is develop a genogram of the family to get an idea of all the individuals who play a major role in Linda’s life. After establishing where each member is in relation to the family
A Health in All Policies approach
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. At a minimum
Read Connecting Communities and Complexity: A Case Study in Creating the Conditions for Transformational Change
Read Reflections on Cultural Humility
Read A Basic Guide to ABCD Community Organizing
Use the bolded black section and sub-section titles below to organize your paper. For each section
Losinski forwarded the article on a priority basis to Mary Scott
Losinksi wanted details on use of the ED at CGH. He asked the administrative resident